
I'm fine tuning a simulation in the frequency domain (similar to 
https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/6747). Because it is in the frequency 
domain I can parallelize:

   1. Using MPI
   2. Running several simulations in parallel for different independent 
   frequency ranges.
   3. A combination of the previous options (MPI + independent frequency 

I found a curious behavior, that I can not explain.

If I run the command below I obtain:
Note that./membrane is a deal.II simulation and the HDF5 file has the 
simulation parameters

./membrane membrane_step_0.h5

| Total wallclock time elapsed since start    |      12.3s |            |
|                                             |            |            |
| Section                         | no. calls |  wall time | % of total |
| assembly                        |         1 |      11.7s |        95% |
| output                          |         1 |  2.03e-06s |         0% |
| setup                           |         1 |     0.263s |       2.1% |
| solve                           |         1 |     0.303s |       2.5% |

If I run the command below, as expected I obtain a similar result:

mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_0.h5

| Total wallclock time elapsed since start    |      12.3s |            |
|                                             |            |            |
| Section                         | no. calls |  wall time | % of total |
| assembly                        |         1 |      11.7s |        95% |
| output                          |         1 |  1.95e-06s |         0% |
| setup                           |         1 |     0.259s |       2.1% |
| solve                           |         1 |     0.282s |       2.3% |

If I run 16 independent processes in parallel in a 16 core machine, I 
obtain a similar result, slightly slower, but I think that it is probably 

./membrane membrane_step_0.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_1.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_2.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_3.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_4.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_5.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_6.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_7.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_8.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_9.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_10.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_11.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_12.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_13.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_14.h5 & ./membrane membrane_step_15.h5 & ./membrane 
membrane_step_16.h5 &

| Total wallclock time elapsed since start    |      15.1s |            |
|                                             |            |            |
| Section                         | no. calls |  wall time | % of total |
| assembly                        |         1 |      14.5s |        96% |
| output                          |         1 |  2.24e-06s |         0% |
| setup                           |         1 |      0.25s |       1.7% |
| solve                           |         1 |     0.341s |       2.3% |

But it is striking that If I run 16 MPI jobs of one process per MPI job in 
the same machine, then I get an important decrease in performance. Is there 
an MPI overhead per MPI job? I thought that a single MPI process takes only 
one single core. Am I missing something?

mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_0.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane 
membrane_step_1.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_2.h5 & mpiexec 
-n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_3.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane 
membrane_step_4.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_5.h5 & mpiexec 
-n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_6.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane 
membrane_step_7.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_8.h5 & mpiexec 
-n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_9.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane 
membrane_step_10.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_11.h5 & mpiexec 
-n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_12.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane 
membrane_step_13.h5 & mpiexec -n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_14.h5 & mpiexec 
-n 1 ./membrane membrane_step_15.h5 &

| Total wallclock time elapsed since start    |      25.8s |            | 
|                                             |            |            | 
| Section                         | no. calls |  wall time | % of total |  
| assembly                        |         1 |      24.9s |        96% | 
| output                          |         1 |  3.14e-06s |         0% |  
| setup                           |         1 |     0.343s |       1.3% | 
| solve                           |         1 |     0.539s |       2.1% |


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