
> I am currently looking into the implementation FEValues. Here is my 
> understanding
>  1. FEValues takes some Mapping, FiniteElement, and Quadrature to evaluate and
>     store the values with the required UpdateFlags.
>  2. FEValues::initialize through the FiniteElement::get_data will then
>     pre-compute all the required data that are possibly computable on the
>     reference cell.
>  3. FEValues::reinit will then compute/fetch the data on a physical cell,
>     using the Jacobian information by calling the various fill_fe_values()
>     functions.
> I see that most of the examples use implicit methods to solve the various 
> problems. Therefore, the cost of initialize() and reinit() on each cell is 
> quite low compared to solving the actual system at every step. However, for 
> explicit methods such as RK, we wouldn't want to re-compute the Jacobian or 
> reference gradients (\nabla_{physical} \phi = J^{-T} \nabla _{reference} 
> \phi) 
> at every time step. Therefore, the FEValues declaration would be outside the 
> "assemble_system()" seen in most tutorials, and passed as an argument as 
> "assemble_system(FEValues fe_v)". Unfortunately, I am getting lost in the 
> code 
> where things values are pre-computed versus fetching them.

I think that's not necessary. The creation of an FEValues object is expensive, 
but on meshes with a non-trivial number of cells, the creation of the FEValues 
object is still cheap compared to what you're going to do with the object on 
the cells. (I.e., it is expensive compared to the operations on one cell; but 
the creation is cheap compared to the operations on *all* cells.)

> My question is: What is being re-computed every time I call 
> FEValues::reinit(cell)?

initialize() computes everything that can be computed on the reference cell. 
This includes the values and gradients of the shape functions with regard to 
the reference coordinates.

reinit() then only computes everything that depends on the actual cell. This 
means for example computing the Jacobian of the mapping on a given cell, and 
multiplying it by the (precomputed) gradients of the shape functions on the 
reference cell to obtain the gradient on the real cell.

> I am mainly worried about it re-computing Jacobians (its determinant and its 
> inverse) and evaluating its product with the reference gradients 
> (\nabla_{reference} phi) every time reinit(cell) is called. Otherwise, the 
> solution will be to pre-compute and store those outside in some other 
> container and avoid using FEValues.

Yes. This (the Jacobian of the mapping and its determinant) is a quantity that 
changes from each cell to the next, and so it is computed in reinit() because 
it simply can't be precomputed without knowledge of the actual cell.

In explicit methods, you will likely visit the same mesh over and over, and so 
it does make sense to compute things such as the gradient of the shape 
functions on each cell (rather than the Jacobian or its determinant, which 
goes into the computation) once at the beginning of the program and then 
re-use it where necessary. You can of course do this pre-computation using 
FEValues :-)

An alternative is the matrix-free framework that can do some of these things 
as well. You may want to look at the corresponding example programs.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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