Dear Professor Bangerth,

thank you very much for your reply and please excuse my late answer. 
Unfortunately I didn't have the time the last couple of days to work on 
this problem or further investigate it.
I have edited the pack_callback() function in a little 
bit myself before your reply and made further progress on this problem (and 
in return created some other problems...). I will do some more research the 
next couple of days on this topic and report back here.

Thanks for your help,


Am Dienstag, 20. August 2019 01:07:04 UTC+2 schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth:
> Mathias, 
> > thanks again for your reply, I will start answering your questions and 
> > give you more insight into what I try to do at the moment: 
> > 
> >     That's exactly the question you have to answer first. What do you 
> >     *want* to 
> >     happen on these cells? If you know what you want to happen, we can 
> >     talk about 
> >     implementing it :-) 
> > 
> > 
> > In my current Cut FEM approach I'm interested in the solution on the 
> > "physical domain", in my case that's the solution on the (moving) flow 
> > domain including all the boundaries (also on the solid moving ball). 
> > Since I don't adjust the grid to the problem I have also a kind of "flow 
> > domain" inside the solid, which is nonphysically. I don't want to see 
> > any effect of these "nonphysical cells" on my "physical cells", so the 
> > natural approach to me was using FE_Nothing - and this is perfect for 
> > the static case and does the job very well (I don't have a fluid domain 
> > inside the solid and additionally I save some DoFs inside the solid, 
> > which is a nice side effect, but not crucial to me). Therefore I would 
> > like to also use this possibility in the dynamic case, so I would like 
> > to go for the 1.) approach in my first post. 
> What I meant to say is this: Say your domain moves and a cell that used 
> to be in the solid (=nonphysical) now becomes part of the fluid 
> (=physical). If you have a time-dependent problem (or a nonlinear 
> problem), your current solution will have degrees of freedom on this 
> cell, but the previous solution does not. But you need to compute a time 
> derivative, or a Newton update on this cell -- you will somehow have to 
> define what the *previous* solution should be on the cell in question 
> when there were no previous degrees of freedom there. 
> You answered that question here: 
> > That's indeed the crucial point that I have to answer. What I definitely 
> > need, are more DoFs, when the solid moves outside a FE_Nothing cell. The 
> > question is what the value of my old solution on these cells shall be. I 
> > guess there are several possibilities e.g. a "fancy one" like 
> > extrapolating the solution from the physical domain from the step before 
> > to the now activated cell. But this is not what I want to do in this 
> > first step now. I just want to set the solution on these cell to "0" 
> > (knowing that probably an extrapolation would be better as a first 
> > guess, but since it is just a starting value for my solver, I guess the 
> > "0"-approach is good enough). 
> > 
> > This behavior is of course not implemented in deal.ii at the moment. 
> > What I did to reflect the above answer is that I improved my naive 
> > approach, which I described in my first post here, a little bit and do 
> > the following now: 
> > 
> >  1. initialize a parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer object and add 
> >     my old (ghosted) solution vectors via 
> >     prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement 
> >  2. check if we have a cell that get's "activated"(change from 
> >     FE_Nothing  to my FE_System for my flow problem) or "deactivated" 
> >     (other way around). If this is the case, I do: 
> >      1. update the fe_indices 
> >      2. call execute_coarsening_and_refinement() on the triangulation 
> >      3. distribute the new DoFs 
> >      4. create a new sparsity pattern and reinitialize my system matrix 
> >         with it 
> >      5. create a new solution vector with the new (locally owned) DoFs 
> >      6. interpolate the solution to this new solution vector using 
> >         SolutionTransfer::interpolate() 
> That seems like a reasonable workflow. 
> > This works again in the static case, also if I omit the check in step 2 
> > and do the whole process even if it's not necessary. In the dynamic case 
> > step 6 fails: 
> > 
> > SolutionTransfer::interpolate() leads to the 
> > SolutionTransfer::unpack_callback() function called by the tria, which 
> > calls set_dof_values_by_interpolation() on the cell. 
> > This calls set_dof_values() and the following assertion fails: 
> > 
> >        Assert(values.size() == this->get_dof_handler().n_dofs(), 
> >               typename DoFCellAccessor::ExcVectorDoesNotMatch()); 
> > 
> > 
> > which is of course understandable. At the moment I'm trying to 
> > understand the internals of the unpack process and look for a nice way 
> > to implement what I described above - so any help or advice is greatly 
> > welcomed :) 
> I don't understand how we arrive at this exact place, but I can think of 
> many scenarios where the class is simply not prepared to interpolate 
> from an FE_Q to an FE_Nothing or the other way around. Do you think you 
> can create an artificial testcase that shows exactly the kind of problem 
> you have? I.e., a situation where you create a mesh with just a few 
> cells (as few as possible), distribute DoFs on it, create a vector, and 
> then change the active_fe_index pattern before you call 
> SolutionTransfer? The test doesn't need to compute anything -- just 
> leave the vectors you have at zero, or initialize them with random data. 
> The point is simply to come up with as simple a testcase that shows the 
> assertion you mention above. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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