Professor Bangerth -

Thank you very much for your very helpful reply! I was thinking that the 
addition of large vector of numbers at or below machine precision would 
accumulate a lot of numerical roundoff error but I see what you mean. The 
Eisenstat Walker algorithm looks like exactly what I want. Thank you very 
much again.


On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 12:25:15 AM UTC-4, Wolfgang Bangerth 
> Jonathan, 
> > I have a simple question I was hoping to get advice on related to 
> setting the 
> > linear solver tolerance for an iterative solver. In the tutorial 
> examples (and 
> > in most of the codes I have seen and written) the solver tolerance is 
> some 
> > fraction of the initial right hand side 2-norm (e.g. tol = 1.0e-8 * 
> > rhs.l2_norm() ). However, I'm questioning this strategy for a nonlinear 
> > problem using Newton's method to solve the nonlinear system. As the 
> iterations 
> > progress, the initial norm of the right hand side (i.e. the norm of the 
> > residual) is decreasing substantially. For a number of problems that I 
> am 
> > trying to solve, this causes my tolerance to drop below machine 
> precision at 
> > some point (if this happens I take 1e-15 to be the tolerance). 
> This isn't quite the right way to see it. I believe you are thinking that 
> 1e-16 is the machine precision, but that doesn't mean that 1e-16 is the 
> *smallest number a machine can represent*. It's not an *absolute* 
> precision, 
> but a *relative* precision. A different way to see this is to say that in 
> double precision, the processor stores numbers with approximately 16 
> decimal 
> digits. 
> So if the norm of your right hand side (the residual of your nonlinear 
> problem) is already at 1e-10, then there is nothing wrong with requiring 
> that 
> the linear solver gets the residual down to 1e-18=1e-8*1e-10. All you're 
> requiring is that the individual entries of the (linear) residual b-Ax 
> are, on 
> average, 10^8 times smaller than the individual entries of the right hand 
> side 
> b. That's fine. 
> > I would like to have a tolerance setting strategy that allows me to have 
> a 
> > reasonable and consistent number of iterations for each linear solve 
> required 
> > in a Newton increment. 
> No, that's not actually what you want. What you really want (or *should* 
> want 
> ;-) ) is a strategy in which you solve the first few Newton steps 
> inexactly 
> (you're still far from the solution, so who cares whether you compute the 
> Newton update with great accuracy!) and gradually tighten the tolerance of 
> the 
> linear solver as your Newton iteration gets you closer and closer to the 
> solution. The key word to search for in the literature is 
> "Eisenstat-Walker 
> algorithm". The canonical reference for this method is this: 
> @article{eiwa96, 
> author = {Stanley C. Eisenstat and Homer F. Walker}, 
> title = {Choosing the Forcing Terms in an Inexact {N}ewton Method}, 
> journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, 
> volume = {17}, 
> number = {1}, 
> pages = {16-32}, 
> year = {1996}, 
> doi = {10.1137/0917003}, 
> URL = {}, 
> eprint = {} 
> } 
> The price you will pay is that the number of linear iterations goes up as 
> you 
> get closer to the solution. But the way you should really see this is that 
> you 
> are saving yourself iterations in the early Newton steps. 
> Best 
>   Wolfgang 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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