Here is a simple example:  In your case, try
something like

auto my_lambda = [&polar](Vector<double> a, Vector<double>b) {return
opt.solve ( my_lambda, X );


Le lun. 28 oct. 2019 à 06:30, Juan Carlos Araujo Cabarcas
<> a écrit :
> Thanks Bruno for your prompt reply,
> I got the important part of the code compiling, however since I am new to 
> this lambda (functional) functions, I do not know how to pass the new 
> definitions to SolverBFGS.
> Looking at your suggestion I do the following:
> class Shape_compute {
>     public:
>         Parameters par;
>         Shape_compute (Parameters epar):par(epar) {
>             Register([=]( Vector<double> ex, Vector<double> dx ){ return 
> objective_fun (ex,dx); });
>         }
>     void Register(std::function<double(Vector<double>, Vector<double>)> 
> Callback) {} //fun = objective_fun;
>     double objective_fun ( Vector<double> ex, Vector<double> dx) {
>         vector<double> x (par.design_N), grad (par.design_N);
>         for (unsigned int i=0; i < x.size (); i++) {
>                 x [i] = ex(i);
>             }
>         Adaptive::DtN_Helmholtz<2> fem (par, x, true);
>    ();
>             double objective_function = fem.objective_function;
>             for (unsigned int i=0; i < par.design_N; i++) {
>                 if (i < par.design_N) {
>                     vector<double> aux = x; aux [i] += h;
>                     Adaptive::DtN_Helmholtz<2> fem (par, aux, false);
>            ();
>                     grad [i] = (fem.objective_function - objective_function 
> )/h;
>                 }
>                 dx(i) = grad [i];
>             }
>             iteration++;
>             return objective_function;
>         }
> };
> Then, when calling the optimization routine:
>       Vector<double> X (N);
>       SolverControl                residual_control (N, 1e-7);
>       //SolverBFGS::AdditionalData   data (10, true);
>       SolverBFGS<Vector<double> > opt (residual_control);//, data);
>       Shape_compute  polar(par);
>       opt.solve ( polar.Callback, X );     // If this line is commented, it 
> compiles fine!
> I would appreciate guidance on how to achieve this,
> Thanks in advance,
>   Juan Carlos Araújo

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