On 1/24/20 9:45 AM, amir kiani wrote:
> I am trying to find an FEM library that helps me to model a fully 
> coupled THM modeling.
> I want to implement a THM formulation exactly the same as the attached file.
> Can I use deal.ii for this purpose?

Yes, but there is no code freely available to the best of my knowledge 
that already does what you want to do. But people have implemented the 
kind of coupled problem you are looking at many times over. For example, 
I have had at least two students in my classes who as a class project 
implemented a poroelastic solver -- essentially your hydromechanical 
component. Adding a temperature solver is not going to make the problem 
conceptually more difficult, it's just a bit of extra work.

So yes, you can use deal.II!


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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