Dear Bruno,

Thank you  for your response.

On Friday, February 14, 2020 at 2:34:41 PM UTC+1, Bruno Turcksin wrote:
> Paras,
> You could try to use SuperLU_MT (see 
> but we don't have 
> wrapper for it. The Krylov solver in deal.II are multithreaded but the 
> preconditioners are not. What you can try is to use deal.II solvers and 
> STRUMPACK ( for the preconditioner 
> but again we don't have wrapper for it. 
> Best,
> Bruno

A bit more search let to the fact that the SuperLu-MT solver is also 
available in Trilinos-Ameso2 package (see

The current code uses dealii::SparseMatrix<double> and 
dealii::Vector<double> objects to store the system matrix and, the solution 
and rhs vectors respectively.

In order to test it out, my idea was to use a 
dealii::TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix (which would be reinit from the 
already assembled dealii::SparseMatrix) and then extract the underlying 
matrix (using the TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::trilinos_matrix() 
function) for use with the Superlu-MT solver. This works fine.

For the vectors (solution & rhs), the idea was to copy the values from the 
dealii::Vector to dealii::LinearAlgebra::EpetraWrappers::Vector. As an 
intermediate step I first copy the dealii::Vector to 
dealii::LinearAlgebra::Vector<doule> using the constructor :
This works fine. However, when I try to call 
the following error occurs:

An error occurred in line <85> of file 
in function
    virtual void 
dealii::LinearAlgebra::VectorSpaceVector<double>&, bool)
The violated condition was: 
    dynamic_cast<const Vector *>(&V)!=nullptr
Additional information: 

const&, bool)
std::pair<unsigned int, double> mncfrac::Solve_linearEquationSystem<2u, 
mncfrac::buildingblocks::inputreader::LinearSolverParameters const&, 
#2  ./variants/homogenization: mncfrac::homogenization::RVE<2u, 
double>::Solve_timeStep(dealii::Tensor<2, 2, double> const&, 
mncfrac::utilities::BoundaryConditionType const&, dealii::Vector<double>&)
#3  ./variants/homogenization: mncfrac::homogenization::RVE<2u, 
double>::Homogenize(dealii::Tensor<2, 2, double> const&, 
#4  ./variants/homogenization: main

I could not understand why does the conversion fails? Could you please help 
me understand where am I doing wrong. Any better alternatives you would 

It is clear that copying matrices and vectors for each solver call is 
probably not very efficient, but this is just for trying out the solver.

Best regards,

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