Dear Franco, 

what type of triangulation are you using? If you look at the code that is run 
with `update_cached_numbers`

you will see that the numbers are updated (just as you are doing manually) for 
parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects, and otherwise the triangulation 
is treated as if it was a serial one. 

I suspect you are using a parallel::shared::Triangulation object. 

The ParticleHandler class was built with parallel::shared::Triangulation 
objects in mind, and only recently was made to work with serial triangulations.

You have spotted a bug in the library, in the sense that ParticleHandler should 
throw an exception when the Triangulation is paralell::shared, but not 
parallel::distributed. Since all triangulation are derived from the serial one, 
ParticleHandler thinks your triangulation is serial, and therefore gets 
incosistent numbers across the processors. 

I think there are only a few places that we would need to change to make the 
code run also in your case, but to be on the safe side, I’d switch to 
parallel::distributed::Triangulation (if you can), otherwise I can assist you 
in opening a pull request with the required changes. 


> On 20 Jul 2020, at 17:48, <> 
> wrote:
> Dear Luca,
> thanks for your answer, I've moved along but I am still encountering problems 
> in the interpolation. This seems to be a problem with the way I use PETSc.
> So, as far as I understand, I need to initialize a PETSc vector of length 
> n_global_particles * components (in my case, 2, the space dimension), and 
> locally each process should handle n_locally_owned_particles * components. 
> First, just a simple question: is n_global_particles working correctly on 
> processes without any? It seems that it returns zero when no particles are 
> locally owned, but the documentation, as I understand, says it should yield 
> the same value on all processes.
> The code I am using is this:
> void Step3::setup_system()
> {
>     GridTools::partition_triangulation(n_mpi_processes, triangulation);
>     dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
>     DoFRenumbering::subdomain_wise(dof_handler);
>     const std::vector<IndexSet> locally_owned_dofs_per_proc = 
> DoFTools::locally_owned_dofs_per_subdomain(dof_handler);
>     const IndexSet locally_owned_dofs = 
> locally_owned_dofs_per_proc[this_mpi_process];
>     field.reinit(locally_owned_dofs, mpi_communicator);
>     VectorTools::interpolate(dof_handler, initial_function, field);
>     // Particles
>     particle_handler.initialize(triangulation, StaticMappingQ1<2>::mapping);
>     std::vector<Point<2>> particles_to_insert;
>     for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
>     {
>         if (cell->subdomain_id() == this_mpi_process)
>         {
>             if(cell->center()(1) < 0.03)
>             {
>                 particles_to_insert.emplace_back(cell->center());
>                 std::cout << "MPI_rank: "<< this_mpi_process  << "   
> cell_center: " << cell->center() << std::endl;
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     particle_handler.insert_particles(particles_to_insert);
>     particle_handler.update_cached_numbers();
>     // n_global_particles returns zero when no particles are locally owned: 
> compute the real number
>     int total_particles = 
> Utilities::MPI::sum(particle_handler.n_global_particles(), mpi_communicator);
>     for(int i = 0; i < n_mpi_processes; i++)
>     {
>         if(this_mpi_process == i)
>             std::cout << "MPI_process: " << i
>                       << "     locally_owned_particles: " << 
> particle_handler.n_locally_owned_particles()
>                       << "     total_particles: " << total_particles
>                       << "     n_global_particles: " << 
> particle_handler.n_global_particles()
>                       << std::endl;
>     }
>     field_on_particles.reinit(mpi_communicator, total_particles*2 , 
> particle_handler.n_locally_owned_particles()*2);
>     field_on_particles.compress(VectorOperation::add); // unnecessary?
>     for(int i = 0; i < n_mpi_processes; i++)
>     {
>         if(this_mpi_process == i)
>                 std::cout   << "VECTOR"
>                             << "MPI_process: " << i
>                             << "     vec.size: " << field_on_particles.size()
>                             << "     vec.local_size: " << 
> field_on_particles.local_size()
>                             << std::endl;
>     }
>     Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles(dof_handler, 
> particle_handler, field, field_on_particles);
> }
> As you can see, I am following the 
> Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles, by initializing a PETSc 
> vector with "the size of the vector must be n_locally_owned_particles times 
> the n_components", the total size I guess it should be the n_global_particles 
> * components. I might be completely wrong, though.
> The output I am getting is this, followed by the MPI abort:
> /usr/bin/mpirun -np 4 cmake-build-debug/step-3
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.015625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.046875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.078125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.109375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.140625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.171875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.203125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.234375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.265625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.296875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.328125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 0   cell_center: 0.359375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.390625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.421875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.453125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.484375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.515625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.546875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.578125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.609375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.640625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.671875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.703125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.734375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.765625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.796875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.828125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.859375 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.890625 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.921875 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.953125 0.015625
> MPI_rank: 2   cell_center: 0.984375 0.015625
> MPI_process: 1     locally_owned_particles: 0     total_particles: 32     
> n_global_particles: 0
> MPI_process: 0     locally_owned_particles: 12     total_particles: 32     
> n_global_particles: 12
> MPI_process: 3     locally_owned_particles: 0     total_particles: 32     
> n_global_particles: 0
> MPI_process: 2     locally_owned_particles: 20     total_particles: 32     
> n_global_particles: 20
> VECTORMPI_process: 3     vec.size: 64     vec.local_size: 0
> VECTORMPI_process: 1     vec.size: 64     vec.local_size: 0
> VECTORMPI_process: 0     vec.size: 64     vec.local_size: 24
> VECTORMPI_process: 2     vec.size: 64     vec.local_size: 40
> The error is the following:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <220> of file 
> </media/murer/murer/Programmi/dealii_9.2.0_MPI_P4est/include/deal.II/particles/utilities.h>
>  in function
>     void dealii::Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles(const 
> dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const 
> dealii::Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const InputVectorType&, 
> OutputVectorType&, const dealii::ComponentMask&) [with int dim = 2; int 
> spacedim = 2; InputVectorType = dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector; 
> OutputVectorType = dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector]
> The violated condition was:
>     static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( typename 
> std::common_type<decltype(interpolated_field.size()), 
> decltype(particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() * 
> n_comps)>::type)>::type>(interpolated_field.size()) == static_cast<typename 
> ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( typename 
> std::common_type<decltype(interpolated_field.size()), 
> decltype(particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() * 
> n_comps)>::type)>::type>(particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() * 
> n_comps)
> Additional information:
>     Dimension 64 not equal to 24.
> Stacktrace:
> -----------
> #0  cmake-build-debug/step-3: void 
> dealii::Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles<2, 2, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector>(dealii::DoFHandler<2, 2> const&, 
> dealii::Particles::ParticleHandler<2, 2> const&, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector const&, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector&, dealii::ComponentMask const&)
> #1  cmake-build-debug/step-3: Step3::setup_system()
> #2  cmake-build-debug/step-3: Step3::run()
> #3  cmake-build-debug/step-3: main
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Calling MPI_Abort now.
> To break execution in a GDB session, execute 'break MPI_Abort' before 
> running. You can also put the following into your ~/.gdbinit:
>   set breakpoint pending on
>   break MPI_Abort
>   set breakpoint pending auto
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
> with errorcode 255.
> NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
> You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
> exactly when Open MPI kills them.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <220> of file 
> </media/murer/murer/Programmi/dealii_9.2.0_MPI_P4est/include/deal.II/particles/utilities.h>
>  in function
>     void dealii::Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles(const 
> dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const 
> dealii::Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const InputVectorType&, 
> OutputVectorType&, const dealii::ComponentMask&) [with int dim = 2; int 
> spacedim = 2; InputVectorType = dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector; 
> OutputVectorType = dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector]
> The violated condition was:
>     static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( typename 
> std::common_type<decltype(interpolated_field.size()), 
> decltype(particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() * 
> n_comps)>::type)>::type>(interpolated_field.size()) == static_cast<typename 
> ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( typename 
> std::common_type<decltype(interpolated_field.size()), 
> decltype(particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() * 
> n_comps)>::type)>::type>(particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() * 
> n_comps)
> Additional information:
>     Dimension 64 not equal to 40.
> Stacktrace:
> -----------
> #0  cmake-build-debug/step-3: void 
> dealii::Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles<2, 2, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector>(dealii::DoFHandler<2, 2> const&, 
> dealii::Particles::ParticleHandler<2, 2> const&, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector const&, 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector&, dealii::ComponentMask const&)
> #1  cmake-build-debug/step-3: Step3::setup_system()
> #2  cmake-build-debug/step-3: Step3::run()
> #3  cmake-build-debug/step-3: main
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Calling MPI_Abort now.
> To break execution in a GDB session, execute 'break MPI_Abort' before 
> running. You can also put the following into your ~/.gdbinit:
>   set breakpoint pending on
>   break MPI_Abort
>   set breakpoint pending auto
> [murerpc:11716] 1 more process has sent help message help-mpi-api.txt / 
> mpi-abort
> [murerpc:11716] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all 
> help / error messages
> Process finished with exit code 255
> I have tried many solutions, even initializing the vector as the filed 
> solution, so I have excess space, but to no avail.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks for any help you can provide!
>    Franco
> On Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 8:39:00 PM UTC+2 wrote:
> Ciao Franco, 
> ParticleHandler was built with the intention of “losing” particles whenever 
> they fall out of the domain. This is the default behaviour of the 
> ParticleHandler, and unless you store a pointer to an existing particle 
> somewhere, you should not be in trouble. 
> If you iterate over the particles using the ParticleHandler, you should be 
> safe. The Utilities::interpolate_on_field cannot know how many particles are 
> actually there, so it asks the ParticleHandler for the 
> next_available_particle_index(), which should not change, even if you drop 
> some particles. 
> The way the interpolator works, is by looping *through* the ParticleHandler 
> (again, on the safe side), and deciding what to store where based on the 
> current particle id. Unless you renumber and reset all particle ids between 
> the removal and the interpolation, this will remain consistent. 
> Luca. 
> > On 16 Jul 2020, at 13:47, <> 
> > wrote: 
> > 
> > Thanks, Luca. 
> > 
> > I have read the documentation, that's why I was skeptic of my own code: I 
> > still think I am doing it wrong. 
> > 
> > As far as I understand from the documentation, particles should be removed 
> > from the handler after updating the cache, and thus the interpolated field 
> > should not contain the old removed one. Unfortunately I don't see any 
> > mention of "removal" in Particles::Utilities, but I could overlooking 
> > something here. 
> > 
> > Another question relative to the removal part is more of a worry. If I 
> > remove a particle, will any iterator be invalidated? If so, and say I need 
> > to remove a lot of particles, what is the best way to do this without too 
> > much overhead? As I understand, I have to remove (just one?) a particle and 
> > call a cache update at the end of the removal process. 
> > 
> > Thanks! 
> > Franco 
> > On Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 7:47:58 PM UTC+2 wrote: 
> > Franco, 
> > 
> > The interpolated field says that the field value is zero (on the line above 
> > your arrow). This is how it is documented: if a particle is removed, its 
> > interpolated value is left unchanged in the target vector. Zero in your 
> > case. 
> > 
> > Luca 
> > 
> >> Il giorno 15 lug 2020, alle ore 18:18, Franco Milicchio 
> >> <> ha scritto: 
> >> 
> >>  
> >> Dear all, 
> >> 
> >> I am playing with 9.2 and particles, but I've encountered a weird problem. 
> >> If I remove a particle, the interpolated field on particle locations 
> >> yields a wrong answer. 
> >> 
> >> My code does (now) everything by hand: 
> >> 
> >> // Here be drangons... 
> >> 
> >> Point<2> p_0(0.1,0.5); 
> >> auto ref_cell_0 = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point(dof_handler, 
> >> p_0); 
> >> Point<2> ref_p_0 = 
> >> StaticMappingQ1<2>::mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(ref_cell_0, p_0); 
> >> 
> >> Point<2> p_1(0.5,0.5); 
> >> auto ref_cell_1 = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point(dof_handler, 
> >> p_1); 
> >> Point<2> ref_p_1 = 
> >> StaticMappingQ1<2>::mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(ref_cell_1, p_1); 
> >> 
> >> Point<2> p_2(0.9,0.5); 
> >> auto ref_cell_2 = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point(dof_handler, 
> >> p_2); 
> >> Point<2> ref_p_2 = 
> >> StaticMappingQ1<2>::mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(ref_cell_2, p_2); 
> >> 
> >> particle_handler.insert_particle(Particles::Particle<2>(p_0, ref_p_0, 0), 
> >> ref_cell_0); 
> >> particle_handler.insert_particle(Particles::Particle<2>(p_1, ref_p_1, 1), 
> >> ref_cell_1); 
> >> particle_handler.insert_particle(Particles::Particle<2>(p_2, ref_p_2, 2), 
> >> ref_cell_2); 
> >> 
> >> particle_handler.update_cached_numbers(); 
> >> 
> >> std::cout << "Printing particle id, location and reference location" << 
> >> std::endl; 
> >> for(auto &p:particle_handler) 
> >> { 
> >> std::cout << "id: " << p.get_id() << " loc: " << p.get_location() << " 
> >> ref_loc: " << p.get_reference_location() << std::endl; 
> >> } 
> >> 
> >> field_on_particles.reinit(particle_handler.n_global_particles()); 
> >> Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles(dof_handler, 
> >> particle_handler, field, field_on_particles); 
> >> 
> >> std::cout << "Printing field value on particle location" << std::endl; 
> >> for(int pp = 0; pp< particle_handler.n_global_particles(); pp++) 
> >> { 
> >> std::cout << "fluid id: " << pp << " value: " << field_on_particles[pp] << 
> >> std::endl; 
> >> } 
> >> 
> >> // ************************ 
> >> // ************************ 
> >> 
> >> for(auto itr=particle_handler.begin(); itr != particle_handler.end(); 
> >> itr++) 
> >> { 
> >> if(itr->get_id()==1) particle_handler.remove_particle(itr); 
> >> } 
> >> 
> >> particle_handler.update_cached_numbers(); 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> // *********************** 
> >> // *********************** 
> >> 
> >> std::cout << "Printing particle id, location and reference location after 
> >> removing particle" << std::endl; 
> >> 
> >> for(auto itr_2=particle_handler.begin(); itr_2 != particle_handler.end(); 
> >> itr_2++) 
> >> { 
> >> std::cout << "id: " << itr_2->get_id() << " loc: " << 
> >> itr_2->get_location() << " ref_loc: " << itr_2->get_reference_location() 
> >> << std::endl; 
> >> } 
> >> 
> >> field_on_particles.reinit(particle_handler.n_global_particles()); 
> >> Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles(dof_handler, 
> >> particle_handler, field, field_on_particles); 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> std::cout << "Printing field value on particles location after removing 
> >> particle" << std::endl; 
> >> 
> >> for(int ppp = 0; ppp < particle_handler.n_global_particles(); ppp++) 
> >> { 
> >> std::cout << "fluid id: " << ppp << " value: " << field_on_particles[ppp] 
> >> << std::endl; 
> >> } 
> >> 
> >> The scalar field is generated with the X component, so its range is [0-1], 
> >> and as you can see before the removal the field is perfect. After, though, 
> >> I have weird numbers (forgive the ugly code and the useless reinit): 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Number of active cells: 1024 
> >> Number of degrees of freedom: 1089 
> >> Printing particle id, location and reference location 
> >> id: 0 loc: 0.1 0.5 ref_loc: 0.2 1 
> >> id: 1 loc: 0.5 0.5 ref_loc: 1 1 
> >> id: 2 loc: 0.9 0.5 ref_loc: 0.8 1 
> >> Printing field value on particles location 
> >> fluid id: 0 value: 0.1 <--------------- OK! 
> >> fluid id: 1 value: 0.5 <--------------- OK! 
> >> fluid id: 2 value: 0.9 <--------------- OK! 
> >> Printing particle id, location and reference location after removing 
> >> particle 
> >> id: 0 loc: 0.1 0.5 ref_loc: 0.2 1 
> >> id: 2 loc: 0.9 0.5 ref_loc: 0.8 1 
> >> Printing field value on particles location after removing particle 
> >> fluid id: 0 value: 0.1 <---------------------- STILL OK, I HOPE IT IS 
> >> fluid id: 1 value: 0. <---------------------- ???? 
> >> 
> >> Am I using the particles the way they're not intended? Any hints are 
> >> really welcome! 
> >> 
> >> Thanks! 
> >> Franco 
> >> 
> >> PS. I am attaching a ZIP file with a minimal working code adapting the 
> >> step 3 of the tutorial. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> The deal.II project is located at 
> >> For mailing list/forum options, see 
> >> 
> >> --- 
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> >> "deal.II User Group" group. 
> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> >> email to 
> >> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> >>
> >>  
> >> <> 
> > 
> > -- 
> > The deal.II project is located at 
> > For mailing list/forum options, see 
> > 
> > --- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "deal.II User Group" group. 
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> > email to 
> > To view this discussion on the web visit 
> >
> >  
> -- 
> The deal.II project is located at
> For mailing list/forum options, see 
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "deal.II User Group" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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