Dear community,

if I am not mistaking my analysis, it turned out that the memory loss is 
caused by this call:

BiCG.solve (this->system_matrix, distributed_incremental_displacement, 
this->system_rhs, preconditioner);

because if I turn it off the top command shows no change in the RES at all.

Maybe this is of use. Thanks in advance.


Il giorno venerdì 24 luglio 2020 alle 11:32:13 UTC+2 Alberto Salvadori ha 

> Dear community
> I have written the simple code below for solving a system using PETSc,
> having defined 
> Vector<double> incremental_displacement;
> Vector<double> accumulated_displacement;
> in the class LargeStrainMechanicalProblem_OneField<dim>.
> It turns out that this code produces a memory loss, quite significant 
> since I am solving my system thousands of times, eventually inducing the 
> run to fail. I am not sure what is causing this issue and how to solve it, 
> maybe more experienced users than myself can catch the problem with a snap 
> of fingers. 
> I have verified the issue on my mac (Catalina) as well as on linux ubuntu 
> (4.15.0), using deal.ii 9.1.1.
> Apparently the issue reveals only when mpi is invoked with more than one 
> processor, whereas it does not emerge when running in serial or by mpirun 
> -np 1.
> Thanks in advance
> Alberto
> =========
> template <int dim> 
> unsigned int LargeStrainMechanicalProblem_OneField<dim> 
> :: 
> solve ( 
> const unsigned penaltyAmplification 
> ) 
> // 
> // this simplified version of solve has been written to find out 
> // the source of memory leak in parallel 
> // 
> { 
> PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector distributed_incremental_displacement 
> (this>locally_owned_dofs,this->mpi_communicator); 
> distributed_incremental_displacement = incremental_displacement; 
> size_t 
> bicgstab_max_iterations = 20000 ; 
> double 
> tolerance = 1e-10 * this->system_rhs.l2_norm() ; 
> unsigned solver_control_last_step; 
> SolverControl bicgstab_solver_control ( bicgstab_max_iterations , 
> tolerance ); 
> PETScWrappers::PreconditionJacobi preconditioner( this->system_matrix ); 
> this->pcout << " Bicgstab " << std::flush ; 
> PETScWrappers::SolverBicgstab BiCG (bicgstab_solver_control, 
> this->mpi_communicator); 
> BiCG.solve (this->system_matrix, distributed_incremental_displacement, 
> this->system_rhs, preconditioner); 
> solver_control_last_step = bicgstab_solver_control.last_step(); 
> incremental_displacement = distributed_incremental_displacement; 
> accumulated_displacement += incremental_displacement; 
> this->hanging_node_constraints.distribute (accumulated_displacement); 
> return solver_control_last_step; 
> }


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