
On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 2:34:05 PM UTC-5 acdaig...@gmail.com 

> Hi everyone!
> I'm working on post-processing velocities with Trilinos solution vectors 
> during the simulation on Lethe. 
> Calculating average velocities and pressures (<u>, <v>, <w> and <p>) works 
> well using Trilinos vectors with no ghost cells and .equ(...) function.
> The calculation of average Reynolds stress (<u'u'>, <v'v'> and <w'w'> and 
> average shear stress (<u'v'>), where u' = u - <u>, is quite not easy. 
> It seems that I can't do what I want in parallel without working with loop.
> The problem is that loops seem to take way too much time on Trilinos 
> vectors and the local_range() function doesn't work with BlockVector. (Am I 
> wrong?)
True local_range() does not work on a BlockVector but you can get  the 
local_range of each block in the block vector. Just do 

I have tried some ways to do it. 
>   1. Trying working with Deal.ii vectors : did not work in parallel
What does that mean? Did you use the dealii::Vector or the 
Only the second one supports MPI

  2. Doing summations and/or multiplications of the vectors 
> local_evaluation_point to get u'u', v'v' and w'w' and replacing the fourth 
> element of the evaluation point with a loop for u'v' : too much time.
>   3. Doing loops on the Trilinos vectors : too much time
What does that mean it takes too much time? Did you profile the code? 
What's the bottleneck? 

Does anyone can give me an advice to find a way to get one or two vectors 
> with my precious time-averaged Reynolds stress and time-averaged shear 
> stress?
> I did not mention the exact way I'm trying to calculate the average of all 
> of that, but I'm posting my code where I'm trying to do a loop on the 
> solution vector.
> The variables average_velocities, total_time and inv_range_time are 
> calculated in an other function is my class AverageVelocities.
> template <int dim, typename VectorType, typename DofsType>
> VectorType
> AverageVelocities<dim, VectorType, DofsType>::calculate_reynolds_stress(
>   const VectorType &                        local_evaluation_point,
>   const std::shared_ptr<SimulationControl> &simulation_control,
>   const DofsType &                          locally_owned_dofs,
>   const MPI_Comm &                          mpi_communicator)
> {
>   if (simulation_control->get_step_number() == 0)
>   {
>     // Reinitializing vectors with zeros at t = 0
>     sum_reynolds_stress_dt.reinit(locally_owned_dofs,
>                                   mpi_communicator);
>     reynolds_stress.reinit(locally_owned_dofs,
>                            mpi_communicator);
>   }
>   else if (abs(total_time) < 1e-6 || total_time > 1e-6)
>   {
>     VectorType reynolds_stress_dt(locally_owned_dofs,
>                                   mpi_communicator);
>     // ***Won't work with BlockVectors
>     if constexpr (std::is_same_v<VectorType, 
> TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector>)
>     {
>       for (unsigned int i = local_evaluation_point.local_range().first;
>            i < local_evaluation_point.local_range().second; i++)
>       {
>         if ((i + 4) % 4 == 0)
>         {
>           // Calculating (u'u')*dt, (v'v')*dt (w'w')*dt and (u'v')*dt
>           reynolds_stress_dt[i] =
>             (local_evaluation_point[i] - average_velocities[i]) *
>             (local_evaluation_point[i] - average_velocities[i]) * dt;
>           reynolds_stress_dt[i + 1] =
>             (local_evaluation_point[i + 1] - average_velocities[i + 1]) *
>             (local_evaluation_point[i + 1] - average_velocities[i + 1]) * 
> dt;
>           reynolds_stress_dt[i + 2] =
>             (local_evaluation_point[i + 2] - average_velocities[i + 2]) *
>             (local_evaluation_point[i + 2] - average_velocities[i + 2]) * 
> dt;
>           reynolds_stress_dt[i + 3] =
>             (local_evaluation_point[i] - average_velocities[i]) *
>             (local_evaluation_point[i + 1] - average_velocities[i + 1]) * 
> dt;
>           // Summation of all reynolds stress during simulation
>           sum_reynolds_stress_dt += reynolds_stress_dt;
>           // Calculating time-averaged reynolds stress if output needed
>           if (simulation_control->is_output_iteration())
>             reynolds_stress.equ(inv_range_time, sum_reynolds_stress_dt);
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   return reynolds_stress;
> }
Your for loop is a little bit strange. I would think that the compiler can 
optimize this code but it would be easier for the compiler to optimize the 
following code
const unsigned int begin_index = local_evaluation_point.local_range().first; 
// You do this because otherwise the compiler will call local_range() at 
each evaluation of the for loop condition
const unsigned int end_index = local_evaluation_point.local_range().second;
      for (unsigned int i = begin_index;  i < end_index; i += 4)
       // Remove this if ((i + 4) % 4 == 0)



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