Hi Alex,

I can only give you a very brief answer right now: Using the AffineConstraints::set_inhomgeneity() <https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classAffineConstraints.html#a4f7cb22b3c971599a839fddc988ef92a> method, you can add the inhomogeneity after constructing the homogeneous periodic constraints. If you're stuck trying to figure out which global DoF index you're wanting to set the inhomogeneity for, then there are some other posts on the group and information in the Wiki that describe some ways that you can get that information. If you're still stuck, then let us know and I (or someone else) can try to give you some more details.


On 25.02.21 16:45, Alex Cumberworth wrote:
I need to implement periodic boundary constraints with inhomogeneities. From reading through the documentation and source code of the library, it seems that to do this I will need to modify the set_periodicity_constraints function in the dof_tools_constraints.cc file to also add an inhomogeneity. Is there a simpler way to do this that I missed that allows me to use the make_periodicity_constraints() function and then add the inhomogeneity after calling it?

To give some context, I am solving an elasticity problem that involves taking a beam, deforming it, and "glueing" together some of the faces (e.g. to form a ring -- I included an image of this in a previous post <https://groups.google.com/g/dealii/c/kkYfnir8QVQ/m/Q6G30LFuCAAJ>).

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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