Hi John,

Maybe I can give some hints of how I would approach this problem (these are 
just some quick thoughts):
Write this problem as a vector Laplace problem

curl(nu*curl(A)) - grad(div(A)) = J

which you then have to write as a system of PDEs. Note, this can only be 
the same as

curl(nu*curl(A)) = J

if J is a curl itself.

If you do not want to impose conditions on the divergence then you have two 

1.) You use sigma = div(A) as an auxiliary variable and impose natural 
boundary conditions (i.e., the ones that you get through integration by 
parts) on A*n and nu*curl(A)xn, where n is the outward unit normal. This 
means that sigma is a 0-form and A is a 1-form -> sigma is then discretized 
(for example) by FE_Q(n+1) and A by FE_Nedelec(n)


(A1) sigma + div(A) = 0
(B1) grad(sigma) + curl(nu*curl(A)) = J

For the weak form you multiply (A1) with a FE_Q test function and integrate 
the second summand by parts. Secondly, you multiply (B1) with a Nedelec 
test function and also integrate the second summand by parts. You will see 
your natural boundary conditions pop up.

2.) You use sigma = nu*curl(A) as an auxiliary variable and impose 
essential boundary conditions on A*n and nu*curl(A)xn, where n is the 
outward unit normal. This means that sigma is interpreted as a 1-form and A 
is a 2-form -> sigma is then discretized (for example) by FE_Nedelec(n) and 
A by FE_RaviartThomas(n)


(A2) (1/nu)*sigma - curl(A) = 0
(B2) curl(sigma) -  grad(div(A)) = J

For the weak form you multiply (A2) with a Nedelec test function and 
integrate the second summand by parts. Secondly, you multiply (B2)
with a Raviart-Thomas test function and also integrate the second summand 
by parts. You will NOT see your natural boundary conditions pop up since 
conditions on A*n and nu*curl(A)xn are essential in this case. You need to 
enforce them on the function spaces directly. In deal.ii you do so by using 
or project_boundary_values_div_conforming 

Note that the additional boundary conditions make the system invertible and 
if J is a curl it will turn out that div(A)=0.

There is a field in mathematics that is called finite element exterior 
calculus (FEEC) that answers the question of stability when solving such 
problems. See this book 
<https://epubs.siam.org/doi/book/10.1137/1.9781611975543>. I guess Chapters 
4, 5 and 6 are most interesting for you.

> I do not understand when a geometry gets complicated. Is a toroid inside a 
> sphere, both centred at the origin, a complicated geometry? To start with, 
> I will use a relatively simple mesh. I will not use local refinement, only 
> global. I can do without refinement as well, i.e. making the mesh in gmsh.
> Yes, I would like to know more about orientations issues on complicated 
> geometries. Could please tell me about it? I would very much prefer to use 
> FE_Nedelec without hierarchical shape functions. The first order 3D 
> FE_Nedelec will do nicely provided the orientation issues will be 
> irrelevant to the mesh.
 Lowest order Nedelec and all other elements I mentioned are fine on the 
meshes you need I guess.

Hope that helps.

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