
Unless you have measured that this is a bottleneck in you code, you should 
use what's the more readable. If there is a difference between these two 
codes, it would need to be in a hot loop to matter. My advice is to write 
easy to understand code and once you have made sure that the code works, 
then use a profiler to find the bottleneck and optimize the code.



On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 11:38:11 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> Dear dealii group,
> I have a question regarding the computational efficiency of two styles of 
> codes. For example, when computing the residual of momentum balance, one 
> can realize d_epsilon \cdot sigma (the dot production between the test 
> function of strain and stress) by
> 1.  compute multiplications one by one and sum them up
> for (const unsigned int i : fe_values_u_p.dof_indices())
> {
> for (unsigned int m=0; m<dim; ++m)
> { 
> for (unsigned int n=0; n<dim; ++n)
> {
> cell_rhs(i) += 
> fe_values_u_p.shape_grad_component(i,q,index_u.first_vector_component+m)[n] 
>  * stress[m][n] * fe_values_u_p.JxW(q); //solid stress
> }
> }
>       }
> 2.  extract the tensor and compute the dot product directly
> const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> bfem_i = 
> ShapeTools::elastic_strain_shape(fe_values,i,q);
> for (const unsigned int i : fe_values_u_p.dof_indices())
> {
> cell_rhs(i) = contract2(bfem_i, stress) * fe_values_u_p.JxW(q);
> }
> Do both perform the same? or I should prevent the loop style in dealii to 
> speed up the computation?
> Best,
> Chenyi

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