Hello everyone.
Is there a way to increase precision of floating point values in deal.ii? I
am modifying step3 and checking my solution against a linear exact
solution. I am getting machine precision (around 10^-16 ) for 4,16...4096
elements. However, when I refine further, I am getting an error of 10^-6
and 10^-5 for 16384 and 65536 elements. What I realized is that deal.ii
outputs the solution vector values upto 7 decimal places only and hence the
error begins to show up for very fine meshes.
Is there a way to increase my precision to say upto 14 decimal places?
I tried using long double instead of double for my various variables but it
gives the following error:
error: no matching function for call to
‘interpolate_boundary_values(dealii::DoFHandler<2, 2>&, int,
dealii::Functions::ConstantFunction<2>, std::map<unsigned int, long
  296 |                                            boundary_values);

Thank You!

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