
The block version of MGTransferGlobalCoarsening is 
MGTransferBlockGlobalCoarsening (see  

I don't know the details of step-29. But what I would recommend you to do 
is to take a look 
Here, I am solving a complex-valued Helmholtz operator (in my case a sum of 
mass and Laplace matrix, which arises from complex implicit Runge-Kutta 
formulation; see https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.06700). This complex code was 
the motivation for writing MGTransferBlockGlobalCoarsening in the fist 

I think the code should answer most of your questions.

> FEEvaluation<...,1> real(matrix_free_data, 0) and FEEvaluation<...,1> 
real(matrix_free_data, 1)

I guess you have to replace the "1" by a "0" in the second FEEval.

Hope this helps,

On Wednesday, 2 November 2022 at 17:55:44 UTC+1 yy.wayne wrote:

> Well a sad thing I notice is a function used for p-multigrid in step-75: 
> reinit() in MGTwoLevelTransfer, is imlpemented only for 
> LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector, not  
> LinearAlgebra::distributed::BlockVector.
> [image: 202211-3.png]
> I'm fine with writing some unimplemented functions myself, but a guidence 
> is really helpful. While going through this problem I found different 
> choices and not sure what's the best way having this done. (For example, 
> LinearAlgebraTrilinos::MPI::BlockVector or 
> LinearAlgebra::distributed::BlockVector? Whether we need 
> locally_relevant_dofs when reinit solution vector?(It's not used here 
> stokes_computation 
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/2376c62a4b89953b74801852983eb8556930d54d/tests/matrix_free/stokes_computation.cc>)
> Or is the non-specialized MGTransferLevel Class works as well for p 
> coarsening?)
> In short, I'm solving step-29(2 components) with matrix-free and 
> p-multigrid technique. Is current dealii capable of solving it? If not 
> what's the fastest way to implement it? Thanks!
> 在2022年11月2日星期三 UTC+8 21:40:36<yy.wayne> 写道:
>> I tried to modify my code that FEEvaluation is constructed without 
>> matrix_free_data as in the above .cc in dealii/test, but get following 
>> error information:
>>         "FEEvaluation was initialized without a matrix-free object. 
>> Integer indexing is not possible".
>> Guess the only method to do MatrixFree problem with multi-components now 
>> is through BlockVector in matrix_vector_Stokes test 
>> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_stokes_noflux.cc>?
>> Since I never write dealii prokect with blocked dofs before I'm affraid 
>> codes besides MatrixFree parts should be changed as well... Should I try 
>> rearrange step-29 like problem with block vector? 
>> 在2022年11月2日星期三 UTC+8 17:24:23<yy.wayne> 写道:
>>> In test/matrix-free/assemble_matrix_02.cc 
>>> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/d2d20fe3ca3a1390420c51420307a3ef680c503c/tests/matrix_free/assemble_matrix_02.cc>
>>>  a 
>>> Stokes matrix is assembled in MatrixFree form, and DoFs correspond to 
>>> velocity and pressure are called by FEEvaluation<...,dim> velocity(..., 0) 
>>> and  FEEvaluation<...,1> velocity(..., dim), respectively.
>>> I have a multi-comp system two as in step-29 with real and imaginary 
>>> parts. But initializing the 2 FEEvaluations by FEEvaluation<...,1> 
>>> real(matrix_free_data, 0) and FEEvaluation<...,1> real(matrix_free_data, 1) 
>>> gives error, because matrix_free_data.n_components() is 1 not 2. Maybe it's 
>>> because I'm using fe_collection, not just FESystem in the 
>>> assemble_matrix_02 test.
>>> If I have a FEEvaluation<...,dim=2> integrator including real and 
>>> imaginary parts, is there a way to decouple them like in FEValues (for 
>>> example, fe.system_to_component_index, or fe_values_real = 
>>> fe_values[FEValuesExtractors])?
>>> Best,
>>> Wayne

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