Hello everyone,
I'm writing this post to ask some help for a CUDA code. I have implemented 
a matrix-based CUDA coda for the so-called solid body rotation, namely a 
time dependent advection problem. In my first implementation, I encapulased 
the computation of the matrix and of the right-hand side of the resulting 
linear system in the same routine ('assemble_system'). Then, I tried to 
separate the assembling of the matrix ('assemble_matrix') and of the rhs 
('assemble_rhs'). Since the matrix does not change (I am using an explicit 
time integration scheme and, therefore, the resulting matrix is a mass 
matrix), I compute it at the beginning and then I just update the 
right-hand side. Everything works until I save the results, after which I 
obtain this error ("On entry to cusparseSpMV() parameter number 1 (handle) 
had an illegal value: invalid pointer mode"). 
I also tried to create an auxiliary vector just for saving, but nothing 
Everything runs with 1 GPU. Have anyone ever obtained this kind of issue? 
If it can help, I can share the two versions of the code.

Thanks in advance



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