- From Amnesty International USA

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UA 113/12
Issue Date: 26 April 2012
Country: Iran

A man with dual Iranian-Canadian nationality, Hamid Ghassemi-Shall, appear to 
be at imminent risk of
execution. His family was told on 15 April that his death sentence had been 
passed to the body
within the Judiciary that carries out executions.

Hamid Ghassemi-Shall was arrested on 24 May 2008 while visiting his elderly 
mother in Iran. His
older brother, Alborz Ghassemi-Shall, have been arrested about two weeks 
earlier. Both brothers were
held in solitary confinement without legal representation, in Tehran's Evin 
prison for 18 months; in
November 2009 the brothers were transferred to a section of the prison holding 
other prisoners.

On 29 December 2008 both men were sentenced to death following an unfair trial 
by a Revolutionary
Court. They were convicted of moharebeh (enmity against God) for espionage and 
cooperation with the
proscribed People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). Amnesty 
International understands that
the evidence used against the brothers during trial included a "confession" and 
an email the
authorities alleged Hamid Ghassemi-Shall had sent to his brother Alborz 
Ghassemi-Shall, who had
previously worked as a mechanical engineer in the Iranian army, which he denied 
sending. On 7
November 2009, the Supreme Court upheld the sentence. In January 2010 Alborz 
Ghassemi-Shall, who was
suffering from stomach cancer, died in prison.

Hamid Ghassemi-Shall have said that while in Evin Prison, before he had access 
to legal
representation, he was under "extreme pressure" to "confess". "Confessions" 
made under torture are
frequently accepted as evidence in Iranian courts, violating the right to a 
fair trial. The Iranian
authorities had previously threatened to arrest the brothers' sister Mahin 
Ghassemi-Shall, who has
since died, for speaking out on behalf of her brother.

Please write immediately in Persian, English or your own language:
- Urging the Iranian authorities to stop the execution of Hamid Ghassemi-Shall;
- Urging them to retry him in proceedings which fully comply with international 
fair trial standards
and without recourse to the death penalty;
- Calling on them to ensure that Hamid Ghassemi-Shall is given immediate and 
regular access to his
family, his lawyer and any necessary medical treatment.

Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed 'Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Email: info_lea...@leader.ir
Twitter: "Call on #Iran leader @khamenei_ir to halt the execution of Hamid 
Salutation: Your Excellency

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani
[Care of] Public Relations Office
Number 4, 2 Azizi Street intersection
Email: bia.j...@yahoo.com (Subject
Line: FAO Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani)
Salutation: Your Excellency

And copies to:
Secretary General, High Council for Human Rights
Mohammad Javad Larijani
High Council for Human Rights
[Care of] Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave. south of Serah-e Jomhouri
Tehran 1316814737
Email: i...@humanrights-iran.ir (subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani

**Iran does not presently have an embassy in the United States. Instead, please 
send copies to:
Iranian Interests Section
c/o Embassy of Pakistan
2209 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington DC 20007
Tel: 1 202 965 4990 -OR- 1 202 965-4991
Fax: 1 202 965 1073
Email: reque...@daftar.org

Please check with AIUSA Urgent Action Office if sending appeals after the above 

Hamid Ghassemi-Shall's wife, Antonella Mega, who lives in Canada, told Amnesty 
International on 20
April 2012 that her husband had called her on 15 April, and told her that his 
mother and his sister,
Parvin Ghassemi-Shall, had been allowed to visit him at Evin Prison earlier 
that day. They had met
in the office of a judge from the Office for the Implementation of Sentences. 
His mother and sister
told him that another sister, Mahin Ghassemi-Shall, had died following an 
illness. The judge, who
was present, immediately told the grieving family that Hamid Ghassemi-Shall's death 
sentence was "on
his table" and that he was awaiting orders from Tehran Province's Chief 
Prosecutor to carry out
Hamid Ghassemi-Shall's execution.

There were serious flaws in the fairness of the brothers' trial. They were held 
for months
undergoing interrogation but without access to legal representation. Access to 
a lawyer from the
outset of detention is essential to ensuring a fair trial. International fair 
trial standards
require that anyone accused of a serious crime has access to a lawyer not only 
during the trial
itself, but also immediately on arrest and throughout all subsequent 
proceedings, in particular in
cases of offences carrying the death penalty. At the beginning of their 
interrogation and in court,
the brothers denied the charges and the only evidence produced in the trial 
appears to have been the
disputed email and a "confession" made by Hamid Ghassemi-Shall, apparently 
under duress, that he had
obtained confidential military information from his brother. Under 
international law, no one should
be forced to confess guilt; international law also prohibits the use of 
confessions extracted under
torture as evidence except against those who carry out such torture.

The brothers were sentenced to death on the basis of Article 186 of Iran's 
Penal Code. It states
that members and supporters of a group which has "waged armed struggle against 
the Islamic State are
regarded to be moharebs provided they know the position of that group; are in 
active pursuit of
their aims while the central [structure] of that organization or group exists." 
The article applies
to all members and supporters of such groups even though they may not have 
taken up arms.

The PMOI is a banned opposition group based in Iraq which advocates the 
overthrow of the Iranian
government. The PMOI has previously engaged in armed action against the Iranian 

The Iranian authorities resort extensively to the imposition of the death 
penalty, with over 600
executions reported in the country from official and unofficial sources in 
2011. So far this year,
the Iranian authorities have acknowledged the execution of at least 85 people, 
19 of them put to
death in public. Amnesty International has received credible reports of 41 
other executions which
were not officially acknowledged, mostly of people convicted of drugs offences. 
Among others in Iran
feared to be facing imminent execution are Habibollah Golparipour, Zaniar 
Moradi, Loghman Moradi
(all members of Iran's Kurdish minority) Abd al-Rahman Heidari, Taha Heidari, 
Jamshid Heidari,
Mansour Heidari, and Amir Muawi (or Mo’avi), Aref Hamidian (all members of 
Iran's Ahwazi Arab
minority), Abdolreza Ghanbari and Saeed Malekpour. For further information 
regarding the use of the
death penalty in Iran in 2011, see Amnesty International: Death Sentences and 
Executions in 2011,
(MDE ACT 50/001/2012), 27 March 2012, 

The UN Human Rights Committee, which oversees implementation of the 
International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights (ICCPR), expressing concern at the large numbers of death 
sentences and
executions, has called on the Iranian authorities to "consider abolishing the 
death penalty or at
least revise the Penal Code to restrict the imposition of the death penalty to 
only the 'most
serious crimes'" which it has interpreted to mean intentional crimes with 
lethal consequences. The
UN Human Rights Committee also stated its concern about the use of solitary 
confinement in Iran.

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception 
as the ultimate
cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and as a violation of the right to 
life, and is calling for
all death sentences in Iran to be overturned or commuted.

Name: Hamid Ghassemi-Shall (m)
Issue(s): Risk of imminent execution, Legal concern, Torture

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Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots movement that promotes and 
defends human rights.

This Urgent Action may be reposted if kept intact, including contact 
information and stop action
date (if applicable). Thank you for your help with this appeal.

Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
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Washington DC 20003
Email: u...@aiusa.org
Phone: 202.509.8193
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