Jan. 22


Ohio Leaders Call for Changes in Execution Law

In the wake of the controversial execution of Dennis McGuire, there are new efforts to halt the death penalty in Ohio.

State Senator Edna Brown (D-Toledo) said she plans to introduce legislation to abolished the death penalty in Ohio. State Representative Bob Hagan (D-Youngstown) is introducing a bill that would require the governor and state prison chief to be personally present during future executions.

The American Civil Liberties Union asked the governor to immediately stop executions with a moratorium.

Gov. John Kasich's spokesperson suggested that complying with the request would be unlikely.

"The governor supports the death penalty and the procedure is under review just as it is reviewed after every execution," Kasich's spokesperson stated.

The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction confirmed a review of the execution process would be conducted, as is protocol.

A spokesperson said there is no timetable for the completion of this review, and that it would be premature to make a comment about it before that time.

The recent execution was the first in the country to be performed using an experimental cocktail of lethal drugs. McGuire's death reportedly took about 20 minutes, during which the convicted rapist and murderer showed an obvious struggle.

Critics said the execution was unconstitutional in that it was "cruel and unusual." McGuire's family members have said they plan to file a federal lawsuit against the state.

(source: Fox news)


Drugs used in botched Ohio execution came from unregulated manufacturers

In the face of numerous manufacturers' refusal to produce drugs used in executions, many US states, in efforts to continue the grisly ordeal of capital punishment, have begun relying on chemicals formulated in unregulated compounding facilities.

The botched execution of 53-year old Ohio death row inmate Dennis McGuire last week allowed many to see the results of using such drugs. The prisoner, given a dose of the sedative midazolam and the painkiller hydromorphone - 2 drugs previously involved only in the euthanizing of animals - writhed in agony for nearly 25 minutes before being pronounced dead. In the aftermath of this spectacle, many questioned the constitutionality of the methods that are being increasingly used in state executions.

"They're engaging basically in acts of desperation," stated Deborah Denno, a law professor at Fordham University, adding, "The states are under enormous pressure to continue with the death penalty." Denno further explained that the compounding facilities, which nominally fall under the regulation of states, have been able to skirt oversight by presenting themselves as minor hubs, rather than major drug-production facilities. "They act like large-scale pharmaceutical companies while hiding behind small-scale pharmacy licenses," she stated.

The 2-drug combination tried on McGuire was an experimental mixture purchased from an unnamed compounding facility specializing in the creation of customized drugs intended for the specialized needs of patients. The danger of these unregulated facilities was demonstrated in 2012 when a massive meningitis outbreak was traced to unsafe conditions at a compounding facility in Massachusetts. That outbreak killed 64 people and infected several hundred others, many of whom had only sought relief for neck pains and other mild conditions. (See "The meningitis outbreak and health care for profit ").

Prior to its administration of the 2-drug dosage, the state of Ohio had engaged in a single-drug procedure involving pentobarbital, a sedative. That drug was used on Michael Lee Wilson 2 weeks ago. Wilson was quoted as saying "I feel my whole body burning" when given the drug.

Traditionally, states have relied on a 3-drug combination in lethal injection procedures, preferring the mixture of potassium chloride, pancuronium bromide and pentobarbital. However, as pharmaceutical companies have increasingly attempted to distance themselves from the barbaric procedure, states still carrying out the death penalty have faced increasing difficulty in obtaining reliable drugs for executions.

Missouri, which is set to execute inmate Herbert Smulls on January 29th, has been asked by the inmate's attorneys to delay the state killing on the grounds that the drugs involved, distributed by an unlicensed Oklahoma-based compounding plant, were believed to be "expired [and] unsafe." Smulls would be the 3rd prisoner executed in the state in as many months, as well as the 2nd to die through the administration of an untested drug combination produced at such a facility. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, 6 states have turned to the unregulated facilities in recent years.

As a means of shielding themselves from political fallout, states have taken to enforcing secrecy laws, protecting the identity of the firms that produce their lethal chemicals. "Once that compounding pharmacy's identity is revealed, how will the Department of Corrections ever get another compounding pharmacy to sell to us?" said Missouri Assistant Attorney General Sabrina Graham in a statement to National Public Radio last summer.

Tony Rothert of the American Civil Liberties Union, which has launched a lawsuit in the state of Missouri in order to obtain the identity of the drug manufacturer, said, "The state has gone to great lengths to hide what it is doing and to be secretive about what it is doing. So it's not surprising that there's something there that the state was trying to cover up." He added, "When you violate Missouri law to carry out Missouri law, that seems contradictory."

The dangers of untested mixtures on prisoners are many. In Missouri alone, the state's Board of Pharmacy has found 20 percent of all the drugs produced at compounding plants to be substandard. According to Meagan McCracken of the Death Penalty Clinic at University of California, Berkeley, "If the 1st drug does not in fact deeply anesthetize the prisoner...then he or she could be conscious and aware of being both paralyzed and able to experience pain and the experience of cardiac arrest."

This danger is increased in the case of the drug midazolam, which has increasingly been turned to in medical practices as a safe alternative to barbiturates, making its application in lethal injections dubious. Joel Zivot, an assistant professor of anesthesiology at Emory University in Florida, criticized his home state in an article in USA Today last month, saying, "How Florida granted itself expertise in the use of midazolam, now repurposed as a chemical used to kill, is known only to Florida."

(source: World Socialist WebSite)


Death Penalty Brings More Costs than Benefits

Ohio is one of 32 states that allow the death penalty, and the United States is the only Western country where the practice is legal. One would think that, under those circumstances, U.S. and Ohio officials would act rather carefully about how the state kills people.

Think again.

On Jan. 16, Ohio took 26 minutes to kill convicted killer and rapist Dennis McGuire with a new cocktail of drugs that had never been tried before in the United States. It remains unclear whether the drugs were to blame for what appeared to be a slow, agonizing death for McGuire - who clearly struggled, snorting and gasping during the process - but it's somewhat troubling that the state was so willing to try out the new drugs when the results are still so unclear.

Of course, no one - at least, no one I know - feels sorry for McGuire. In fact, it really shouldn't need to be said that my heart does not go out to the man who killed and raped a pregnant woman. But getting dragged down into such personal issues is where the conversation typically goes with the death penalty, which makes it difficult to hold a serious conversation about how the government executes criminals.

The real issue at play is much larger. It's about the entire criminal justice system. Should the state and public use the criminal justice system - a tool meant for rehabilitation and public safety - for vengeance and retribution as well? Is that really the most efficient use of tax dollars?

Or as Martin Luther King Jr. put it when asked about the death penalty, "Since the purpose of jailing a criminal is that of reformation rather than retribution - improving him rather than paying him back for some crime that he has done - it is highly inconsistent to take the life of a criminal. How can he improve if his life is taken?"

The sentiment is backed by the experiences of other countries: By focusing more on rehabilitation and treatment - sometimes in institutions that look like 4-star hotels - Nordic countries manage to hold down prison re-entry and crime rates and save money on imprisonment.

Meanwhile, the United States keeps more prisoners per capita than any other country and holds one of the highest prison re-entry rates in the world, costing taxpayers billions of dollars each year.

But even if one disagrees with King's take and simply supports the death penalty for the legitimate public safety cause - to forever keep a criminal away from the greater public - then life imprisonment without parole is clearly a better option.

For one, numerous studies found it's actually more expensive for the state to kill someone than keep them locked up for life.

It might seem counterintuitive, but just consider the extensive jury selections and lengthy appeals death penalty cases require.

Those costly checks aren't really up for debate, either. Even within a society that accepts capital punishment, most Americans understand the state can't afford to kill innocent people. Doing so would violate the entire premise of the criminal justice system; it would actually turn the system into the criminal elements it seeks to fight.

The saved money from simply imprisoning people for life could go a long way to actually stopping abhorrent crimes like McGuire's. If the criminal justice system can save money by not killing people, those funds can be redirected to actual crime fighting. That would, presumably, prevent more crime than spending so many resources just to kill a handful of criminals each year.

It's understandable for Ohioans to morally wrestle with the death penalty. After someone rapes and kills a pregnant woman, it's difficult not to feel some sort of anger or even hatred toward his crimes. It's hard to imagine such a terrible person sitting in a cell for the rest of his life on the public dollar.

In that sense, it's easy and emotionally satisfying to talk about strapping dynamite on convicted killers or bringing back firing squads to hand out executions, as some talk-radio hosts and commenters did following McGuire's execution.

But Americans should be more careful with assuming guilt and allowing their governments to kill people. In a world where the federal government is looking more and more like an incompetent version of Big Brother, it's important to note the potential for abuses and miscalculations before society allows the grueling, torturous execution of any person, regardless of the obscenity of his or her crimes.

And if the philosophical arguments don't hit home, it's still significant that in many cases repealing the death penalty could actually save the taxpayer money.

(source: citybeat.com)


Death Penalty Hearings Continued At Statehouse

The Kansas Senate Judiciary Committee continued its hearing on a proposal to do away with the state's death penalty.

They began hearing testimony last week on the bill which would replace capital punishment with a sentence of life in prison with no parole.

Proponents of abolishing the Kansas death penalty point to its inconsistencies and the high number of minorities facing death.

"Give deep thought to the fact that number one, if there is a person put to death there is no recourse for that person. So Senator King and others I pray you get it right," Rev. Ben Scott.

Kansas hasn't put a person to death since 1965. No one has been executed since the sentence.

(source: WIBW News)


As questions linger about Missouri's shadowy lethal-injection protocol, the state is days away from killing another inmate

At 10:52 p.m. December 11, the Missouri Department of Corrections executed Allen Nicklasson with a single, lethal drug dripped into the convicted murderer's veins.

Just before the dose was administered, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster issued a statement to the media saying that "the highest court in the nation has removed the last restriction to carrying out the lawfully imposed punishment of Allen Nicklasson."

Except, for the 2nd time last year, that wasn't quite the case.

"Missouri put Nicklasson to death before the federal courts had a final say on whether doing so violated the federal constitution," said Judge Kermit Bye, of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a December 20 opinion.

Bye, a federal appellate-court judge since 1999, said the 11 judges on the 8th Circuit had not yet voted on Nicklasson's request for a stay of his execution.

Missouri put Nicklasson to death before his due process had been fully resolved.

A death-row inmate's gauntlet of appeals often takes years, and Nicklasson's run through the courts was no exception. He was sentenced to death in 1996. Death-penalty proponents say the appeals process is expensive and drags out the suffering of victims' families. But that process is designed to safeguard against the possibility of an innocent person suffering an irreversible fate - and to ensure that the death penalty is administered properly.

There was no question of innocence in Nicklasson's case. He had admitted to shooting Excelsior Springs businessman Richard Drummond in the middle of a 1994 crime spree, after Drummond offered to help Nicklasson and Dennis Skillicorn with their broken-down car. Rather, Nicklasson's attorneys were trying to figure out where Missouri would obtain the drug it intended to use on him. Is that drug, they wanted to know, suitable to kill a prisoner with a right to avoid a painful death? Nicklasson died before he got those answers.

So did serial killer Joseph Franklin. When Franklin was executed November 20, he, too, was still awaiting a final ruling from a judge on whether his attorneys could learn more about Missouri's death-penalty protocol.

"I think that because they didn't let the courts do what they were supposed to do, it undermines the authority of the court," says Rita Linhardt, board chairwoman for Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. "It's setting Missouri above the law that the court isn't allowed to do what it's allowed to do."

Bye's opinion has attracted newfound skepticism of Missouri's whack-a-mole execution methods.

State Rep. Jay Barnes, a Republican from Jefferson City, called for a hearing before the Missouri House committee on Government Oversight and Accountability over whether the state is affording condemned prisoners their due process before their executions. "Regardless of what anyone thinks of the death penalty, everyone should agree that it must be carried out according to the requirements of the Constitution and the laws of our state," he said in a January 13 statement.

That hearing was canceled when George Lombardi, director of the Missouri Department of Corrections, declined to testify.

Rep. John Rizzo, a House Democrat from Kansas City, has called for a 1-year moratorium on Missouri's death penalty while the Legislature studies the Department of Corrections' actions.

But that scrutiny hasn't slowed the Department of Corrections. Herbert Smulls is the next death-row prisoner set to die. His execution is scheduled for January 29.

"The trend nationwide is away from executions, and Missouri is jumping into this full force," Linhardt says.

Missouri officials are staying quiet publicly. The Department of Corrections, Koster's office and Gov. Jay Nixon's office have all either declined or ignored The Pitch's requests for comment on Bye's decision and other questions about Missouri's death-penalty practices.

Ahead of Smulls' execution, though, a lawsuit is under way in the U.S. District Court in Kansas City, as well as in the 8th Circuit in St. Louis. Attorneys for several condemned prisoners are asking those courts to cast light on Missouri's shadowy death-penalty methods.

So far, lawyers suing the state believe that Missouri has purchased its lethal-injection drug from a compounding pharmacy in Oklahoma that is not licensed to do business in Missouri.

The state of Missouri, responding to an open-records request, disclosed a heavily redacted copy of a license from the pharmacy from which it obtained pentobarbital. 2 things not redacted were the date upon which the license was issued (November 16, 2012) and the fee paid for the license ($255).

The Pitch obtained from the Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy a list of licenses processed on that date.

Three Oklahoma pharmacies on that day received the type of license and the specific combination of permits shown on the redacted license released by Missouri, and made the $255 payments. One was Pharmcare in Hydro; another was Economy Pharmacy in Muskogee; the third was the Apothecary Shoppe in Tulsa.

The Pitch called pharmacy technicians at all three businesses and asked if they performed sterile injectable compounding, a method through which compounding pharmacies make drugs suitable for injections. Technicians at Pharmcare and at Economy Pharmacy said they did not; a pharmacy clerk at Apothecary Shoppe said the company did.

The Pitch reached Apothecary Shoppe CEO Deril Lees on January 20. When asked if the pharmacy had ever supplied Missouri with pentobarbital or had a contract with Missouri, Lees said no.

"There are serious questions about the integrity of the pharmacy," says Tony Rothert, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri. "If you wanted to buy a drug from an [unlicensed] out-of-state pharmacy for a controlled substance, you'd be put in jail."

Compounding pharmacies, unlike conventional drug makers, exist outside the reach of the stringent federal regulatory framework. They operate in the murky "gray market" of the pharmaceutical industry ??? theirs is not an illegal black market but one in which a product's origins are untraceable and beyond the watch of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It's often difficult to determine in advance the potency of a compounding pharmacy's product or whether it's contaminated or impure.

In 2011, the Missouri Board of Pharmacy tested 158 compounded drugs from various pharmacies. It found that 17 % failed its potency test.

Why does anyone care where the Department of Corrections gets its drugs? The primary concern is whether condemned inmates suffer painful and unconstitutional deaths by lethal injection - something that has almost surely happened in Missouri.


Missouri's 1st lethal-injection machine was designed by a Nazi sympathizer.

Fred Leuchter was the only bidder in 1990, after Missouri resumed the death penalty in 1989 and needed a device to administer fatal drugs. He had no formal training in medicine or engineering, but that didn't stop him from advertising his invention as an effective means of capital punishment at a time when previous methods were falling out of favor.

The Constitution protects Americans from cruel and unusual punishment, and by the 1970s and 1980s, electrocuting or gassing inmates to death was widely considered problematic. In 1928, photojournalist Tom Howard sneaked a camera into New York's Sing Sing Prison and snapped a photo of Ruth Snyder at the moment she received a fatal jolt of electricity. Howard's grotesque document of Snyder - hooded and strapped to the electric chair - ran on the front page of the next day's New York Daily News and gave the world a glimpse of state-sanctioned death.

After that came consistent reports of inmates screaming as currents ran through their bodies and of the odor of burning flesh. Florida dispensed with its electric chair after the 1999 execution of Allen Lee Davis, who witnesses said convulsed and bled while being electrocuted. The Florida Supreme Court later released troubling photos of Davis that showed what was under his hood when prison officials lifted it: a bloodied face mashed against the leather strap meant to keep his head still.

The gas chamber didn't make a suitable replacement; inhaling cyanide gas proved to be a painful way for some inmates to die.

Lethal injection, first used by Texas in 1982, was proposed as humane and painless. An inmate would receive a drug and drift off into a medically induced slumber, as though waiting to have a molar pulled. Some death-penalty critics opposed lethal injection because they didn't want Americans to have the illusion that state-sanctioned death was a clean procedure.

The lethal-injection machine that Missouri bought from Leuchter was designed to pump 3 drugs into an inmate: one to knock him out, another to paralyze him, and the last to end his life.

Everybody but the Missouri Department of Corrections had written off Leuchter, whose credibility was shredded when he offered his testimony in support of anti-Semite Ernst Z???ndel in 1988. Z???ndel was on trial that year in Canada, where it is illegal to antagonize ethnic and racial groups with bogus information. He had published Richard Verrall's pamphlet "Did Six Million Really Die?" that questioned whether Jews were exterminated by Nazi Germany before and during World War II.

Leuchter was one of the chief experts testifying on Zundel's behalf, presenting so-called evidence denying the Holocaust. The minimal scientific veneer of his testimony was undercut when his phony engineering credentials were exposed, and Leuchter was charged in Massachusetts in 1990 for running an unlicensed engineering practice. A New York Times article about Leuchter's legal troubles reported that an anesthesiologist in Illinois had testified that Leuchter's lethal-injection protocol would "paralyze inmates and cause them intense pain before they died."

Missouri ultimately canceled its contract with Leuchter but pushed on with a similar 3-drug protocol, despite experts' misgivings about whether a method that presented itself as antiseptic and painless was actually an excruciating way to die.

The 1st drug to enter an inmate's veins was sodium thiopental, a fast-acting anesthetic commonly used in outpatient surgeries to induce unconsciousness. It's not as strong as general anesthesia, though, and is prone to wearing off. The next drug was Pavulon, which paralyzes muscles. Finally, potassium chloride was used to stop the inmate's heart.

But questions persisted about inmates receiving enough of the sodium thiopental. Without an adequate dose, death would be painful, and expression of that pain would be impossible because of the paralyzing Pavulon.

Carol Weihrer, a Virginia resident, became the spokeswoman for what is now called anesthetic awareness when the sodium thiopental she was given for an eye surgery in 1998 wore off before her doctors completed the procedure. She sent written testimony to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2005 that described her experience.

"I remember the intense pulling on my eye, the spine-chilling instructions of the surgeon to the resident to 'cut deeper here, pull harder, no pull harder, you really have to pull.' I remember fighting with every ounce of energy and thought process I had to let the surgical team know I was awake," she recalled.

Sean O'Brien, a University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law professor and frequent legal counsel to death-penalty inmates, says he first became interested in the potentially painful effects of lethal injection when Missouri executed Emmitt Foster in 1995.

In those days, Department of Corrections personnel involved in the execution would shout "foxfire one" when the 1st drug began its flow to the inmate, "foxfire 2" when the next drug was pushed, and "foxfire three" when the fatal drug began its course. "Checkmate" was the word when the inmate was pronounced dead.

O'Brien says when the first drug reached Foster, the inmate started coughing and twitching. Something seemed amiss. Prison officials closed the curtain to the window that allowed witnesses to observe the execution.

A prison official realized that a strap was restricting the flow of drugs to the rest of Foster's body. The band was removed, and Foster took 30 minutes to die.

The April 16, 2005, edition of the weekly medical journal The Lancet analyzed autopsy and toxicology reports of 49 executed inmates. It found that 43 of them had received doses of sodium thiopental lower than the standard for surgery, and that 21 had received such a low dose that they could have been aware of what was happening to them.

"That is: those being executed may have been awake," the report's abstract reads. "Of course, because they were paralyzed, no one could tell. It would be a cruel way to die: awake, paralyzed, unable to move, to breathe, while potassium burned through your veins."

The same report pointed out that the American Veterinary Medical Association and 19 states ban the use of drugs such as sodium thiopental in the killing of animals. In other words, the drugs that can be used in a state-sanctioned execution of a human are in some places deemed unsuitable to put down a dog with an untreatable case of heartworm.

The Lancet article came out a month ahead of Vernon Brown's scheduled execution in Missouri. His lawyers used the journal's findings as the basis to ask the state how much sodium thiopental it planned to use in Brown's execution. But Missouri fought Brown's attorneys in court, ultimately killing Brown without having to tell him how much of a drug they were going to give him.

The concern was well-founded. The following year, it was discovered that a doctor who had assisted in 54 Missouri executions was dyslexic and, according to his testimony, had improvised the dosages.

Missouri corrections officials couldn't keep the doctor from testifying in front of a federal judge, but they succeeded in obscuring his name from the public record.

A federal judge in Kansas City was furious about the doctor's testimony and lamented that Missouri lacked a written protocol for its lethal injections. He ruled that the state needed to come up with a better lethal-injection method and to stop using the doctor in question.

Despite the state's secrecy, reporters with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch figured out that the dyslexic doctor was Alan Doerhoff, a physician who had been reprimanded by the Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts for trying to hide the fact that he had been sued for malpractice.

Missouri's embarrassment over the Doerhoff affair slowed the state's death-penalty pipeline. The state didn't execute another prisoner until Dennis Skillicorn, in 2009.

Missouri's capital-punishment methods returned to the international limelight in 2013, when the state prepared to execute Joseph Franklin. He was an admitted mass murderer, but his case attracted attention from someone he didn't kill.

Larry Flynt, the pornography magnate who doubles as a free-speech proponent and anti-death-penalty activist, has been in a wheelchair since 1978. That was when Franklin, a white supremacist who took exception to Flynt's Hustler magazine showing photo spreads of interracial sex, shot Flynt and a lawyer in Georgia. Flynt and the American Civil Liberties Union sued to find out which medical personnel were participating in executing Missouri's condemned.

Doctors are supposed to save lives and are thus prohibited by virtually all professional codes of conduct from helping with an execution.

Flynt's lawsuit didn't stop Franklin's execution. But it was the European Union that temporarily stalled Missouri's death penalty.

Missouri had dispensed with the old three-drug method and was planning to kill Franklin with a drug called propofol.

Propofol, used as a relaxant and an anesthetic, is coveted by hospitals and doctors in the United States. It's manufactured mostly in Germany, where capital punishment is illegal. When the Germans caught wind of Missouri's plans to use propofol, the European Union threatened to stop exporting the drug to the United States.

Several medical associations expressed annoyance at the prospect of a propofol shortage if the state pressed on with the drug for Franklin's execution. That got Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon's attention. He delayed the execution until the state could figure out another way to kill Nicklasson.

Some states' use of federally approved drugs against the wishes of their manufacturers has resulted in something of a shortage of drugs that have other legitimate medical functions.

Joel Zivot, a medical director and an anesthesiologist at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, wrote in a December 16 editorial published in Ohio's Lancaster Eagle-Gazette that drug maker Hospira stopped producing sodium thiopental in protest of states using the drug in executions. This left him without access to the medicine: "States may choose to execute their citizens, but when they employ lethal injection, they are not practicing medicine. They are usurping the tools and arts of the medical trade and propagating a fiction."

With propofol out of the picture, the Missouri Department of Corrections changed its execution protocol several times in the weeks leading up to Franklin's execution, a move that frustrated attorneys representing Franklin and other inmates.

On October 18, the state proposed using pentobarbital. On November 15, it changed the execution recipe again, five days before Franklin was scheduled to die. That left little time for lawyers to investigate what the drug was and where Missouri was getting it. Franklin's attorneys made a motion before the U.S. District Court in Kansas City to stay his execution, but he died November 20, before a judge could get to that motion.

The shell game that preceded Franklin's execution, coupled with Missouri's secrecy over how it plans to carry out future executions, is the subject of intense litigation in the U.S. District Court in Kansas City ??? just days before Herbert Smulls is scheduled to die.


Modern capital-punishment laws have typically kept the identity of the executioner secret. The stigma attached to ending someone else's life, even in a state-sanctioned execution, has enabled governments to justify obscuring an executioner's name from public view.

Until 2010, Utah used a firing squad for some of its executions. The custom called for five rifle shooters to aim at the prisoner. One of the five guns was loaded with the rough equivalent of a blank cartridge to ease each shooter's conscience; each man could doubt whether he had fired one of the lethal shots.

Missouri laws also keep secret the names of members of the state's execution team, which includes not only the person who administers the fatal dose but also those who assist that person. Missouri officials have tried to expand that cloak to include the pharmacy that makes the execution drug and the pharmacist who writes a prescription for the fatal dose. Attempts by attorneys for death-row prisoners to learn the whereabouts of the state's drug supplier were met throughout 2013 by resistance from the Missouri Attorney General's Office and the Department of Corrections, which insisted that Missouri law allowed corrections officials to keep the drug supplier secret as part of the execution team.

Toward the end of 2013, state officials deployed the "state secret" privilege to convince federal judges to affirm the shield around the death team. It's a legal concept normally used in matters of national security, intelligence gathering, and budgets for federal organizations such as the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.

That led to a December 12 teleconference among U.S. District Judge Nanette Laughery and attorneys for both prisoners and Missouri officials. Joseph Luby, a lawyer with Kansas City's Death Penalty Litigation Clinic, reminded Laughery of his legal team's Catch-22.

"The only scientific expert that is present in this case says that we actually do have a need to know who it is that is supplying these drugs, who has compounded them, so that we have an idea of what it is that the state is administering and seeking to administer in the future," Luby said, according to a transcript of the conversation. "Otherwise, we don't know where the active pharmaceutical ingredient comes from, how it was manufactured, the circumstances under which it was compounded, what impurities might exist and what hazards are involved in administering it."

The scientific expert whom Luby referenced was Larry Sasich, chairman of the pharmacy practice at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Pennsylvania and adviser to the Food and Drug Administration commissioner. Sasich offered a lengthy affidavit outlining the potential hazards of compounded drugs: "The potential harm associated with the use of such contaminated or sub-potent drugs is extremely high. Consumers who use compounded drugs do so at their own risk."

Andrew Bailey, a lawyer representing the Missouri Department of Corrections, reiterated the need for secrecy to protect the safety of those involved with an execution. He cited the slaying of a former Missouri Department of Corrections official a year ago.

He didn't name the victim, but he was likely talking about Tom Clements, the longtime Department of Corrections director who took the same position in Colorado in 2011. He was killed at his home in March 2013 by a man who investigators believe was a white supremacist and may have been carrying out an assassination.

But Clements' identity and responsibilities were widely known. The issue of secrecy wasn't a factor in his death.

Bailey pressed on, saying that disclosing the identity of the drug supplier would have no effect on whether the state could carry out an appropriate execution.

"The director [Lombardi] has stated that he will not use chemicals that aren't pure, potent and sterile and the director's administered two successful executions at this point," Bailey said.

Laughery didn't find the state's position persuasive. She rejected both the state-secrets argument and the notion that Missouri law required that the pharmacy remain secret.

"The balance clearly weighs in favor of revealing the information to the plaintiffs [prisoners] because it's impossible for the plaintiffs to meet the burden of proof established by the courts in the absence of those elements," Laughery said. She ordered the Missouri Department of Corrections to hand over information about its drug supplier, the pharmacist writing the prescription, and the lab reports about the drug to Luby and to Cheryl Pilate, a Kansas City lawyer who is part of the death-row-inmate legal team.

The information was supposed to go to Luby and Pilate and no one else.

Missouri officials tried to get Laughery to change her mind on December 16, but she didn't and instead reiterated that Missouri must release its drug-supplier records.

Pilate on December 16 sent several e-mails to Department of Corrections lawyers, asking for the information she was expecting. She sat before her computer until midnight, waiting for information that never came.

Attorneys for Missouri kept resisting disclosure while trying to get the 8th Circuit to reverse Laughery's decision.

In an odd twist, Missouri officials did send their information to Laughery's office. And in an odder twist, Laughery sent the information to Pilate and Luby on December 28, not knowing that, the day before, the 8th Circuit had said to hold off.

Once Laughery realized that a higher court had intervened, she told Pilate and Luby to sit tight with any knowledge they had gleaned from her disclosure. On December 30, she held another teleconference with all of the lawyers involved. She told Pilate and Luby not to act on anything they had learned from the Department of Corrections' file and to scrub any record of it from their files and computers.

That left attorneys representing condemned prisoners with knowledge of a key piece of information - the identity of a pharmacy they fought in court for more than a year to discover - but unable to investigate it further.

Laughery recused herself from the case on December 30.

"We have a pharmacy in Oklahoma that is manufacturing chemicals and importing them into Missouri in violation of Missouri and federal law and possibly in violation of the intellectual rights of pentobarbital's manufacturer," says UMKC's O'Brien.

Meanwhile, the tortured legal proceedings over whether prisoners are allowed to know where Missouri's death-penalty drugs comes from is in limbo while a new judge, former Kansas City U.S. Attorney Beth Phillips, gets up to speed. A trial is scheduled for June 16.

That leaves unresolved the fate of Herbert Smulls. Will his attorneys persuade the state or federal judges to delay his January 29 execution while the peculiarities surrounding Missouri's death penalty get sorted out? Will Missouri give federal judges enough time to figure it out?

At least one appellate judge may stand in Missouri's way.

Judge Kermit Bye wrote in a biting December 20 opinion: "Missouri's ... current practice of using shadow pharmacies hidden behind the hangman's hood, copycat pharmaceuticals, numerous last-minute changes to its execution protocol and finally, its act of proceeding with an execution before the federal courts had completed their review of an active request for a stay has committed this judge to subjecting the state's future implementation of the penalty of death to intense judicial scrutiny, for the sake of death-row inmates involved as well as adversaries and advocates for capital punishment alike."

(source: The Pitch)


Department of Corrections will not testify Tuesday about executions

There will be no revelations in a legislative committee hearing today about how Missouri carries out executions.

Representative Jay Barnes (R-Jefferson City) says the Department of Corrections' Director George Lombardi is not going to testify before the House Committee on Government Oversight and Accountability, which Barnes chairs. The Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing to take testimony regarding the death penalty from the Department today.

House Speaker Tim Jones (R-Eureka) asked Barnes to hold hearings on the issue in light of questions regarding the Department's procurement of execution drugs and how it determines whether a condemned man has exhausted all of his appeals.

Barnes says he had a lengthy telephone discussion Monday with someone "above Corrections," who informed him that Lombardi would not testify on Tuesday. The reason for the refusal is not being stated publicly.

Without Lombardi, Barnes says he won't take testimony.

"Every investigation this committee has done has involved testimony from both sides of an issue or occurrence. I want to keep it that way and want to ensure that when there's a hearing that the Department of Corrections testifies as well as, potentially, people on the other side of the issue."

Barnes says he has been assured that Lombardi will testify to the Committee at another time, but says it's disappointing that it won't be happening today.

"Regardless of where you stand on the death penalty, everyone should agree that it ought to be carried out with respect for our Constitution and the rule of law. These issues are not going away and the Committee is looking forward to exploring them at a future date."

Barnes says as long as he believes an agreement can be reached to have Lombardi testify at a later date he won't attempt to use a subpoena to make that happen, but says if the director continues to refuse to appear it would be appropriate to consider a subpoena.

He says the Committee will still meet Tuesday but it will be an organizational meeting only. No testimony will be taken.

(source: Missourinet)


Mo. death-row inmate: State improperly stored drug

Missouri's prison system is improperly storing expired doses of a new lethal injection drug provided by an Oklahoma pharmacy not licensed to do business in Missouri, attorneys for a death row inmate facing execution this month said in a complaint filed Friday.

Attorneys for Herbert Smulls have asked the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy to recall an "expired, unsafe" batch of the sedative pentobarbital provided to Missouri by an unidentified Oklahoma compounding pharmacy. The complaint says the pharmacy gave erroneous instructions to store the drug at room temperature, a violation of accepted pharmaceutical standards.

Defense attorney Cheryl Pilate said David Dormire, a top Missouri Department of Corrections official who oversees its 21 prisons, testified in a Wednesday deposition that he is keeping the compounded pentobarbital in his office until Smull's scheduled Jan. 29 execution. Industry standards say such drugs should only be used within 24 to 48 hours when kept at room temperature, Pilate said. Smulls was convicted of killing a St. Louis County jeweler in 1991.

"They are dangerously indifferent to widely recognized and accepted standards for the proper storage of compounded drugs," Pilate said.

Department director George Lombardi and a spokesman for the Missouri Department Corrections did not immediately respond to interview requests. Calls to the Oklahoma regulatory agency were directed to a compliance officer who is out of the office until next week.

Missouri switched to its 1-drug execution method late last year and has since killed 2 inmates. The complaint filed Friday includes Missouri state records showing the pentobarbital given to both inmates had expired 8 to 10 days earlier.

The compounding pharmacy's identity is blacked out of the documents obtained by Smulls' attorney under state public records laws and through legal proceedings. Missouri says the pharmacy is a member of the execution team protected under state privacy laws. Other states have taken similar positions, in part because of backlash against the drug makers by anti-death penalty advocates.

Missouri and other states had used a 3-drug execution method for decades, but pharmaceutical companies recently stopped selling those drugs to prisons. Several states now get their execution drugs from compounding pharmacies, which custom mix drugs for individual clients. Unlike typical pharmaceutical firms, compounding pharmacies are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, though they are subject to state regulations.

Missouri's rocky efforts to renew capital punishment continue to be scrutinized. A Democratic state lawmaker says he plans to file legislation to place a 1-year moratorium on executions and create an oversight commission to further study the state's use of capital punishment. The Republican state auditor last week announced a new review of the Missouri Department of Corrections, though officials emphasized it was not triggered by recent developments.

In Ohio, the Thursday execution of Dennis McGuire took nearly 30 minutes as he gasped and struggled for breath during a 10-minute stretch. That execution also relied on a new drug protocol - intravenous doses of the sedative midazolam and the painkiller hydromorphone - being used for the 1st time after the state's supply of pentobarbital ran out.

(source: Associated Press)

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