July 10


HC confirms death for auto driver in rape-murder case

3 years after a 58-year-old auto driver from Goregaon, Babasaheb Kamble, was arrested for raping and strangling a 7-year-old girl, the Bombay high court onThursday confirmed the death sentence awarded to him.

A division bench of Justice Vijaya Kapse Tahilramani and Justice Ajay Gadkari referred to his criminal antecedents while agreeing with the trial court's order that Kamble's crime qualified as 'rarest of rare' and he deserved the death penalty.

The victim was the daughter of Kamble's neighbour. On November 28, 2011 Kamble, had asked the girl to run an errand for him. When she returned, Kamble pulled her inside the house, raped and then strangled her.

When the victim's mother went in search of her daughter, she found the girl's footwear outside the house.The mother banged open the the door and found Kamble on the bed while her daughter lay on the floor in a pool of blood.

Kamble's neighbours testified against him during trial. In September 2013, a sessions court sentenced the accused to death. The trial court said that Kamble was a menace to society adding that if he was only sentenced to life imprisonment, no one would fear the law. The HC heard both applications: confirmation of the death sentence and Kamble's appeal against his conviction. Public prosecutor Sandeep Shinde pointed to Kamble's criminal antecedents - he was booked in a murder case in 2000, and was also named as an accused in theft and burglary cases in the past. The HC upheld the death sentence.

(source: The Times of India)

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