July 11


Alleged drug kingpin nabbed during CNB

5 suspected drug offenders, including the alleged leader of a drug syndicate, were arrested yesterday in an operation by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). CNB officers also seized 2.31kg of heroin with an estimated street value of more than $160,000.

Early yesterday morning, 2 Singaporean men, aged 45 and 51, were arrested after they retrieved a plastic bag containing the drugs from a trash bin in Queen Street.

The bag was placed there by a suspected drug courier, a 43-year-old Malaysian man who rode a motorcycle. The man was later arrested at his workplace in Penjuru Road.

Following investigations, the suspected syndicate leader, a 44-year-old Singaporean man, was arrested in North Bridge Road.Another alleged accomplice was nabbed at the Woodlands Checkpoint while he was trying to leave Singapore in a lorry.

Investigations are ongoing. If convicted, the 5 men could face the death penalty.

(source: asiaone.com)


Indonesia's President Joko Widodo losing political support after 9 months

Joko Widodo's supporters took to the streets this time last year to celebrate his victory in Indonesia's presidential election. Hailed as the people's president, his win in the polls was seen to signal a new chapter for Indonesian democracy. The former furniture salesman and small-town mayor who insisted on being called by his nickname, "Jokowi", represented a break from the stronghold of elite and military circles over the nation's highest position of power.

One year on, and the president has developed a very different reputation, both at home in Indonesia and internationally. Social media users in the world's most active Twitter-using country have in recent weeks adopted the trending hashtag #SudahlahJokowi (Enough already, Jokowi) to express their disillusionment with their president. Relations with Australia have hit a new low, with an Australian ambassador being recalled from Indonesia for the 1st time. Meanwhile the Australian public's feelings toward Indonesia have cooled to the lowest point in 8 years, according to the latest Lowy Institute Poll.

Jokowi's honeymoon period is well and truly over. As he was officially inaugurated in October last year, the president is now only nine months in to a five-year term. He may have outstripped elite and military figures during election season, but Jokowi is now struggling to take control of the presidency without the full support of his party and coalition. His attempts to regain the people's support, such as by showing decisiveness on pursuing the death penalty for drug smugglers, have cost the president credibility among human rights supporters and international observers.

So what went wrong for Jokowi since this time last year? And what will it mean moving forward for Indonesia, and for Australia-Indonesia relations?

Domestically, Jokowi's biggest challenge is getting out from under the thumb of Megawati Sukarnoputri, his party leader. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), founded by Megawati, is the political machine that picked out Jokowi as the popular mayor of his hometown in Central Java and supported his rise to become governor of the capital - and then president of the country. At a party congress in Bali in April, Megawati gave a speech that indirectly reminded Jokowi of his origins, and advised that he toe the party line. Jokowi himself was not invited to speak at the congress.

The Indonesian public is well aware of this dynamic. As the incoming president, Jokowi made a show of filling his cabinet based on the new ministers' credentials rather than political affiliations - though a few appointments were still criticised as being politically motivated, including the appointment of Megawati's daughter Puan Maharani as minister for human resource development and cultural affairs.

Meanwhile, when it came to nominating a new National Police chief in January, Jokowi chose Budi Gunawan, a close friend of Megawati's. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) advised against the appointment due to outstanding graft allegations while the parliament, and the president's party, backed it. Jokowi was caught between toeing the party line and siding with the KPK, backed by the volunteer support base that carried his presidential campaign.

Instead, Jokowi took a back seat as the drama unfolded. The police retaliated against the KPK by levelling charges against its top investigators. The country's most trusted anti-corruption body appeared on the brink of collapse. The military moved to secure the KPK, reigniting tension between the police and the armed forces. Finally, Jokowi dropped Gunawan's nomination for police chief - only to see him quietly inaugurated as deputy police chief in April.

By the end of January, a poll by the Indonesia Survey Circle (LSI) showed that 54 % of respondents were dissatisfied with Jokowi's performance as president. A poll by Puspol Indonesia in February showed dissatisfaction as high as 74.6 %.

No direct link can be made between Jokowi's weakening position and his decision to go ahead with the execution of death row drug smugglers in January and in April. The president had already signed the execution papers last December, a time when he was still enjoying relatively high popularity ratings. From the beginning his public statements showed no sign that he would change his mind on the issue. However, the timing of the executions does suggest a political motivation to show his strength and decisiveness as a leader, and to recover public support.

Haris Azhar, coordinator of the non-governmental Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS), says that anti-death penalty activists in Indonesia are fighting an uphill battle. He says that those who campaign against capital punishment are labelled as "friends of drug dealers" and are bullied by online commentators. He is disappointed by what he sees as Jokowi's departure from a stated commitment to human rights.

"For me, it's very clear that he [Jokowi] does not care and does not understand human rights," he commented via email in February. "Politically, the executions would show that he has commitment [to] law enforcement, and silently he believes it will improve his popularity," he added.

Capital punishment has strong mainstream support in Indonesia. In a legal system where convicted criminals routinely "buy" their way into better cells or out of imprisonment altogether, the death penalty is seen as a strong deterrent and final punishment. The decision by former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to grant clemency to Australian drug smuggler Schapelle Corby was highly unpopular in Indonesia, seen as a case of special treatment given on the basis of nationality. By enforcing the death penalty for drug smugglers, and particularly for foreign drug smugglers, it is likely that Jokowi sought to distinguish himself from his predecessor and show his commitment to firm and fair law enforcement.

Unfortunately for Jokowi, this attempt to appeal for public support lost him a great deal of international support. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed regret over the executions, and urged a return to the moratorium introduced by Yudhoyono. Brazil and the Netherlands both withdrew ambassadors following the first round of executions in January. France and the Philippines objected to their citizens' scheduled executions in April, which did not eventuate due to ongoing investigations and appeals. In response to the executions of Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in April, Australia for the 1st time withdrew its ambassador from Jakarta, the country's biggest overseas diplomatic post.

These developments signal a very different Australia-Indonesia relationship under Jokowi to the one experienced under Yudhoyono for the past 10 years. While all sides of Australian politics agree on the importance of a strong relationship with Indonesia, and in fact argue over which side is doing a better job of maintaining the relationship, the same cannot be said of the various factions in Indonesian politics. Despite some rocky moments with Australia during his term, Yudhoyono was an outward-looking statesman with a sincere interest in developing stronger ties with Australia. By contrast, Jokowi is inward-looking and reluctant to participate in international affairs.

"Jokowi is not particularly interested in Australia," says Ken Ward, a former government Indonesia analyst who is due to launch a book via the Lowy Institute this month on the Australia-Indonesia relationship. "He's not hostile towards Australia, but he does appear indifferent."

In a telephone interview, Ward pointed out that in public speeches Jokowi tends to mention an ambition for Indonesia to be seen as a world power on par with China and the United States. A role for Australia as a powerful regional neighbour does not feature in this worldview, Ward noted.

On Australia's part, a hardline approach to asylum seekers and frequent diplomatic gaffes have harmed the stated goal of a stronger relationship with Indonesia. Lasting damage was done by Prime Minister Tony Abbott's comments linking Australia's contribution to the 2004 Aceh tsunami recovery efforts and the government's request for clemency for Chan and Sukumaran. The implication of a diplomatic debt seen as equating the lives of 130,000 Acehnese with those of two Australians sparked public outrage and a viral campaign in Indonesia to return the debt in the form of "Coins for Australia".

Australia's refusal to resettle Rohingya refugees has also had a poor reception in Indonesia, as the country that took the lead in Southeast Asia for handling the boat crisis in May. An aggressive border protection policy by Australia continues to rankle Indonesia, particularly in relation to border incursions into Indonesian waters and allegations of bribery by Australian authorities for people-smugglers to return to Indonesia.

It's early stages yet for Jokowi to forge stronger ties with Australia and fulfil domestic expectations of strengthening Indonesia's democratic institutions and improving the country's human rights record. However, the president's performance in the first year since he was elected shows that the bulk of this work still lies ahead.

(source: Catriona Croft-Cusworth is a Jakarta-based correspondent for the Lowy Interpreter, lowyinterpreter.org.----Brisbane times)


WFAD Is Against Death Penalty For Drugs Offences, Says General Secretary

The Word Federation Against Drugs (WFAD), Stockholm, Sweden, General Secretary, Linda Nilsson has said that WFAD is against death penalty for drug related offences, but big countries are using their power to make it difficult to get the resolution against death penalty to scale through in the United Nations (UN).

Speaking in Lagos during the 1st West African Forum On Dugs (WAFOD) themed: Mainstreaming Health and Child-Right Concerns in Substance Abuse Policy, Planning and Programming in West Africa,??? organised by People Against Drug Dependence and Ignorance (PADDI Foundation) with the support of WAFD, Nilsson said that every tribe should be open and fair to people with drug related offences.

"Death penalty should be out of it. The Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) all agree, that countries should try to put an end to death penalty. We always put in strong recommendations for those countries to stop death penalty."

She said that one of the ways out of death penalty is to galvanize public opinions against death penalty in those countries practicing it.

"Instead of death penalty they could sentence those found guilty to prisons which is much better than killing them in my own opinion."

She said that CSOs should do their own part and the government should play their own roles against drug.

"We need a holistic balance approach. One person can't do everything. We need to cooperate. Cooperation is the best way to move forward. Educating teachers and the youths and parents to put an end to drug abuse."

Director Drugs Demand Reduction Department of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Baba Hussaini said that the CSOs should not wait for the government to do everything for them.

"People should support the effort of the government without necessarily asking for financial support from them," he said.

An Assistant Comptroller of Nigerian Immigration Service, Mannir Yari who represented the Comptroller of Immigration, Lagos State Command said that there is the need for more sensitising and advocacy on drug abuse.

"There is the need to sensitise the youths. If we can catch them young like many of the speakers had spoken. We can prevent drug abuse in Nigeria."

Professor of Radiology, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Ifeoma Okoye said that death penalty ought not to have been meted out to the vulrerable and innocent ones that drug barons usually take advantage of. "Sometimes they don???t know they are carrying drugs. Atimes they made them to swallow it. Addict should be treated as those who have diseases."

(source: The Guardian)


UP number 1 in awarding death penaltie

Bihar stood 2nd at 178, followed by MP at 162 and Maharashtra at 160.

That Maharashtra was among the top four states that included some of the country's most economically deprived states with poor governance records is a bit of a surprise, says Venkatesh Nayak of CHRI. "The death penalty is in stark contrast with the philosophy of human rights. The state cannot give itself the power to take away a person's life. That amounts to legitimising murder," says Nayak.

The report points to the fact that India is amongst the few countries that has retained capital punishment.

Between 1998 and 2013, 2,052 people were awarded capital punishment in India, an average of 128 a year. However, during this 16-year period, only three people were actually executed, one each in Maharashtra, West Bengal and Delhi.

"Those who have been executed are dead and gone, whereas the suffering is far worse for those who are on the death row and have not been pardoned. They live with a Damocles sword hanging over their heads. Every moment is uncertain for them; the order for their execution could come any moment, while they're asleep or awake. It is not fair for any human being to be put through such torture. Is the purpose of punishment retribution or reform? Is it society's collective desire for revenge?" asks Nayak.

He points out that the system of jurisprudence itself is uneven on such matters. "In some cases, the circumstances of the murderer and the crime are looked into. At other times, only the circumstances of the crime are looked into," he adds.

The highest number of death sentences in a given year, 186, were handed down in 2007. The least number of death sentences, 55, were awarded in 1998. Over 1,600 death penalties were awarded in the first 13 years of the new millennium. Interestingly, 4,497 death sentences were commuted to life imprisonment during these 13 years.

The North-East accounts for the least number of death sentences. Assam accounted for the largest proportion of death penalties awarded by the North-Eastern states.

"It is also interesting to note that the states which have a long history of conflict between government forces and militant groups have not seen any kind of spurt in the number of death sentences being awarded," says the report.

(source: The Times of India)

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