July 26


Pak court stays hanging of 'mentally-ill' prisoner

A Pakistani court has stayed the execution of a former policeman, convicted for killing his colleague, as it sought a report from jail authorities over his family's claims that he is "mentally-ill".

The district and sessions judge here had earlier issued death warrant for the convict, Khizar Hayat, for July 28.

However, the prisoner's mother filed a stay application through Justice Project Pakistan (JPP), a non-government organisation working for prisoners' rights, in the district court, which yesterday stayed the hanging.

JPP's counsel Sara Belal had told the judge that the jail authorities in 2008 diagnosed that Hayat, 41, had been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

Arguing that national and international laws did not permit hanging of insane persons, the lawyer requested the court to set aside death warrant and stop the execution of Hayat.

Hayat, who was a police constable, was arrested in 2001 for killing a fellow policeman. A trial court awarded him death sentence in 2003.

The Lahore High Court division had earlier decided the matter of Hayat's mental health and allowed the execution after the jail officials told the court that at the time of filing mercy petition before the President, the medical examination of the condemned prisoner was conducted and he was found fit.

The medical officer concerned had also told the court that the prisoner was having symptoms of depression for which anti-psychotic medication was provided to him and he was a fit person.

Executions in Pakistan resumed in December last year, ending a 6-year moratorium, after Taliban fighters gunned down 154 people, most of them children, at a school at Peshawar.

Hangings were initially reinstated only for those convicted of terrorism offences, but in March they were extended to all capital offences.

More than 8,000 prisoners are on death row in Pakistan and about 160 convicts have been executed since the Nawaz Sharif government lifted moratorium on death penalty.

The Pakistani government had halted the executions during the month of Ramadan that ended last week.

(source: Business Standard)


Islamist "Justice": Slow Painful Death for Christian Mother in Pakistan

While working as a farm laborer on a hot day, Asia Bibi was told to fetch water. When she returned, Muslim coworkers refused to drink from the water, saying it was unclean because a Christian had touched it.

6 years later, Asia Bibi still has not been executed. Instead, sick, isolated, and regularly beaten by both prison guards and Muslim inmates, she has evidently been left to rot to death.

Every time any Western organization calls for her release, Pakistani Muslims threaten to take Sharia law into their own hands. One mosque prayer leader has even offered $6000 to anyone who kills her -- a strong incentive, since many in Pakistan would probably kill her for free.

According to Islamic law, the word of a Christian is not valid against the word of a Muslim. Accusations of blasphemy against Christians by Muslims routinely result in the Christians being imprisoned, beaten, and sometimes killed -- in some cases even without evidence. Pakistan does not require proof of a crime, only allegations -- often made for extraneous reasons, and totally unfounded.

Pakistan's authorities appear to have found a solution to at least one of their problems in the international arena: Aasiya Noreen -- or "Asia Bibi" -- a 50-year-old Christian woman and mother of 5, who has been on death row for 6 years for allegedly insulting Muhammad.

Instead of executing Asia Bibi and further advertising to the international community that theirs is a savage and backwards nation -- and instead of releasing her and provoking millions of angry Muslims to turn on the government and accuse it of supporting "apostasy" -- Pakistan's authorities appear to be letting time, wretched conditions, severe maltreatment, and beatings slowly kill her.

Asia Bibi and 2 of her 5 children, pictured prior to her imprisonment.

Recent reports state that she is deathly ill and "so weak she could hardly walk." Mission Network News says that Asia Bibi has "internal bleeding, abdominal pain, and is vomiting blood. If she does not receive immediate medical care, she could die."

According to Bruce Allen of Forgotten Missionaries International, "She suffers terrible pain, and she can hardly eat. ... Here's this woman, languishing in a prison under this death sentence for a crime that she vehemently denies."

In June 2009, while working as a farm laborer on a hot day, Asia Bibi was told to fetch water. Because she had drunk some of the water, the Muslim workers refused it: both the cup and the water were, they said, unclean because a Christian had touched them.

Before the "cup" incident, it seems, a feud between Asia and one of her Muslim neighbors concerning property damage had existed.

After the "cup" incident, her enemies and some of the Muslim workers complained to a Muslim cleric. They accused Asia Bibi of making insulting statements about the Muslim prophet, Muhammad. Her official "crime," therefore, which she vehemently denies, is "insulting" the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

Shortly after the complaint was registered, a mob stormed her home and severely beat her and her family, including her children. They put a noose around her neck and dragged her through the streets. She was then arrested; and in November 2010, a Punjabi court fined her and sentenced her to death by hanging, in accordance to Section 295-C, which prohibits on pain of death any insult against the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

Because her case attracted attention and condemnation from the international community, 6 years later, she still, mercifully, has not been executed. Instead, however, sick, isolated and regularly beaten by prison guards and Muslim inmates, she has evidently been left to rot to death.

In late 2011, a female prison-officer -- assigned to provide security for Asia -- was discovered beating her, "allegedly because of the Muslim officer's anti-Christian bias, while other staff members deployed for her security looked on in silence."

In late December 2013, Asia Bibi, a Catholic, sent a message to Pope Francis, saying that, "only God will be able to free me. ... I also hope that every Christian has been able to celebrate the Christmas just past with joy. Like many other prisoners, I also celebrated the birth of the Lord in prison in Multan, here in Pakistan... I would have liked to be in St. Peter's for Christmas to pray with you, but I trust in God's plan for me and hopefully it will be achieved next year."

It was not. In 2014, a Pakistani court upheld her death penalty. Recently, Pope Francis called for clemency for Asia Bibi while the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom pressed the Obama administration to designate Pakistan a "country of particular concern."

Last year, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, citing Asia Bibi in particular, as well others, called for the use of the $900 million in U.S. aid to Pakistan as leverage to help persecuted religious minorities. If these funds are not used as leverage, nearly $1 billion in U.S. aid can be seen as "rewarding" Pakistan for being openly unjust to its minorities.

Christian minorities are still arrested for "defaming Muhammad" -- that is, if a Muslim mob does not get to them first and burn them alive, as happened to a Christian couple last year, and as was recently attempted against a mentally disabled Christian man.

According to Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association:

Asia Bibi is by no means the only Christian on death row for blasphemy in Pakistan. There are a number of others, and there are also other Christians who are in there for crimes they did not commit, and are in effect in there because they are Christians.

People have to contact leaders of their nations and ask them to engage on dialogue with the Pakistani government for humanitarian rights alone renew the primary place of human rights when they engage in dialogue with foreign governments which habitually violate them. We see what happens when someone tries to challenge the blasphemy laws in Pakistan, it got 2 key politicians killed.

In a country with such animosity against Christians, I don't believe a Supreme Court judge will be brave enough to exonerate her.

A report from 2012 found that "Since 1990 alone, 52 people have been extra-judicially murdered on charges of blasphemy" in Pakistan.

Yet every time any Western entity calls for her release, Pakistani Muslims threaten to take Sharia law into their own hands and murder her. 5 years ago, a mosque prayer leader announced that anyone who manages to kill her would be rewarded with $6,000. It is a strong incentive, considering that many in Pakistan would probably kill her for free.

As Asia Bibi's husband, Ashiq Masih, puts it:

"The Maulvis [clerics] want her dead. They have announced a prize of Rs 10,000 to Rs 500,000 for anyone who kills Asia. They have even declared that if the court acquits her they will ensure the death sentence stands.

"I am planning our protection. If she is set free I hope we are moved to a safer country, as Pakistan cannot protect her.

"She has not made any mistake. We all know she has not committed any crime. We all know how Pakistan treats Christians. She was framed, she never committed any crime."

Even some of those who have stood up for Asia Bibi have been murdered: two of her most prominent advocates, Governor Salmaan Taseer and Minority Affairs Minister Shabaz Bhatti, were both slaughtered. Taseer was shot 27 times by Mumtaz Qadri -- his own bodyguard -- as he left his mother's home. The bodyguard cited as his motive that the governor was supportive of a Christian woman accused of blasphemy.

After the murder, more than 500 Muslim clerics voiced support for the crime, and further pushed for a general boycott of Taseer's funeral. Supporters of Mumtaz Qadri blocked police who were attempting to arrest him, and some supporters showered him with rose petals.

As for Bhatti, a Christian, Taliban-linked Muslims murdered him for his outspoken position against Pakistan's blasphemy law and his support for Asia Bibi. His car was ambushed and sprayed with bullets. A letter left at the scene said that anyone who tried to tamper with Pakistan's blasphemy law would suffer the same fate.

Bhatti, who received innumerable death threats, predicted his own murder. In a prerecorded video released after his death, he said, "I believe in Jesus Christ who has given his own life for us ... and I am ready to die for a cause ... I am living for my community ... and I will die to defend their rights."

The investigation into his murder was so lax (a series of suspects were freed) that it has been suggested that the Pakistani government may have been involved in -- or at least sympathetic to -- his assassination, for being a Christian and opposed to the blasphemy law.

Pakistan does not require proof of a crime, only allegations -- often made for extraneous reasons, and totally unfounded.

Pakistanis' extreme sensitivity to any potential insult to Muhammad is reflected in several laws in the nation's penal code. Section 295-C reads:

Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.

Because non-Muslims -- particularly Christians, who by definition are known to reject Muhammad's prophecy -- are more likely to be suspected of blasphemy, and because, according to Islamic law, the word of a Christian is not valid against the word of a Muslim, blasphemy accusations by Muslims against Christians routinely result in the Christians being imprisoned, beaten and killed. Sometimes the accused is killed even when there is no evidence.

In Pakistan, this scenario plays itself out over and over again. Christians, who reportedly make up less than one percent of the population in Pakistan, are especially vulnerable to charges of blasphemy.

Years before Asia Bibi was falsely accused, in 1994, Amnesty International reported:

Several dozen people have been charged with blasphemy in Pakistan over the last few years; in all the cases known to Amnesty International, the charges of blasphemy appear to have been arbitrarily brought, founded solely on the individuals' minority religious beliefs. . . . The available evidence in all these cases suggests that charges were brought as a measure to intimidate and punish members of minority religious communities . . . hostility towards religious minority groups appeared in many cases to be compounded by personal enmity, professional or economic rivalry or a desire to gain political advantage. As a consequence, Amnesty International has concluded that most of the individuals now facing charges of blasphemy, or convicted on such charges, are prisoners of conscience, detained solely for their real or imputed religious beliefs in violation of their right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

The British Pakistani Christian Association has started a petition calling for Bibi's release, and offers more ways to help Asia's case and help her husband Ashiq with legal fees.

In a recent interview, Asia Bibi's husband said:

"I really love her and miss her presence. I cannot sleep at night as I miss her. I miss her smile; I miss everything about her. She is my soulmate. I cannot see her in prison. It breaks my heart. Life has been non-existent without her. ... My children cry for their mother, they are broken. But I try to give them hope where I can."

Raymond Ibrahim is author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in Christians; gatestoneinstitute.org)


Gambian leader grants pardons but coup plotters remain on death row

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh pardoned several death-row inmates on Wednesday, the 21st anniversary of his arrival to power, but notably excluded those accused of launching a failed coup in December.

Days after warning that prisoners on death row should expect to have their sentences implemented, Jammeh announced that "all those convicted of treason from 2013 to 1994 and (who) are in death row or are serving life imprisonment are hereby pardoned."

Among those benefitting from the amnesty are a former army chief of staff convicted of treason in 2010 and 4 army captains convicted of trying to overthrow the autocratic president in 2006.

Gammeh made no mention, however, of those convicted over December's foiled attack on the presidential palace, while he was on a trip to Dubai.

In March, 3 soldiers were sentenced to death and 3 others given life sentences by a military tribunal over the abortive coup, according to military sources and the rights group Amnesty International.

The 6 were overlooked by the president in his speech, with the 50-year-old leader instead announcing pardons for convicted murderers who had spent at least ten years behind bars, with the exception of those jailed for particularly gruesome murders or serious attacks on children.


Jammeh has ruled the thin sliver of a country that straddles the River Gambia in west Africa with an iron fist since seizing power in a bloodless coup in 1994

He is regularly accused of serious rights abuses. Last week, he gave notice of an impending end to the country's three-year unofficial moratorium on executions, in a move he presented as a response to a rising murder rate.

Last month, the government announced it would hold a referendum on expanding the list of offences punishable by death to any crime deemed sufficiently serious by parliament.

A date for the referendum has yet to be set.

In a statement Wednesday Amnesty International said the human rights situation in the nation of 1.7 million people had "deteriorated sharply" over the past year.

"A severe backlash following December's failed coup attempt has seen a spike in the numbers of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances," Sabrina Mahtani, the organization's west Africa researcher, said.

Amnesty linked the situation to the "steep rise" in illegal migrants from Gambia trying to reach Europe and called on the international community and regional Ecowas bloc to "address Gambia's declining human rights record".

(source: Africa Review)


Iranian Authorities Hang 3 Men to Death for Rape

3 prisoners were hanged to death in a compound at Ilam Central Prison on Saturday morning, according to the Public Relations Department of the Province of Ilam quoting Ilam's Chief Justice. The prisoners, announced as A.K., R.A., and N.SH, were reportedly executed for the mutual kidnapping and rape of a woman. Their execution sentences were reportedly confirmed by Branch 22 of Iran's Supreme Court.

(source: Iran Human Rights)


Online panel of experts and politicians Monday discuss human rights abuses in Iran

European lawmakers and U.S. human rights experts as well as official of the Iranian Resistance will on Monday hold a live online conference on the appalling state of human rights in Iran and the steps the international community must take in response. In the 1st half of 2015 alone, the regime in Iran has executed over 700 people, the equivalent of 1 person every 7 hours.

More than 1,800 people have been taken to the gallows during Hassan Rouhani's presidency. European Union Foreign Policy Chief Ms. Federica Mogherini plans to visit Iran on Tuesday to hold talks with officials of the Iranian regime following the nuclear deal earlier this month. Human rights defenders have described her planned trip and the silence of the EU with regards to the dire human rights state in Iran as "shameful."

Monday's online panel will include Ms Julie Ward, a Member of the European Parliament from the United Kingdom; Senator Lucio Malan, Secretary of the presidency of the Italian Senate; Prof. Donna Hughes, leading international researcher on human trafficking from the University of Rhode Island; Mr. Bruce McColm, President of the Institute for Democratic Strategies and Mr. Mohammad Mohadessin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. There will also be a video message from Giulio Terzi, former Foreign Minister of Italy.

The panel will take questions by Twitter.

Send your questions to @4freedominIran unsing #IranFreedom

When: Monday, July 27, at 5:00pm European time (11:00am EDT)

The event will be broadcast live on Iranfeedom.org

(source: NCR-Iran)


Mogherini's Iran trip encourages more executions ---- Mogherini's upcoming trip to Tehran and meetings with those responsible for 120,000 political executions and 700 executions in the past 6 months encourages further executions and violates the values of democracy and human rights, and must be cancelled

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran reiterates that the upcoming trip to Iran by Ms. Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and meetings with leaders of the ruling religious fascism encourage this regime to continue torture and executions. It urges all supporters of human rights, women's rights and democracy to take urgent action for the cancellation of this trip. This and other trips to Iran under the mullahs' rule run counter to the national interest of the Iranian people and their determination to overthrow this regime and establish democracy and popular rule in Iran.

Ms. Mogherini plans to meet with those responsible for 120,000 political executions and the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988. Amnesty International in a press release on July 23 wrote that in the 1st half of 2015 at least 694 prisoners have been executed in Iran, adding: "Iran's staggering execution toll for the 1st half of this year paints a sinister picture of the machinery of the state carrying out premeditated, judicially-sanctioned killings on a mass scale. ... We are likely to see more than 1,000 state-sanctioned deaths by the year's end."

Ms. Mogherini will be meeting in Tehran with those bearing chief responsibility for the export of terrorism and fundamentalism and the massacre of the innocent peoples of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. These officials should be tried for crimes against humanity for their crimes both inside Iran and abroad.

In the nine months that Ms. Mogherini has taken the helm in Schuman Square, some 1,000 prisoners have been executed in Iran, women have faced the most severe pressures, and religious and ethnic minorities have faced extensive repression and discrimination; however, Ms. Mogherini has refrained from uttering even a verbal condemnation of these daily atrocities. This is disgraceful for the European Union whose very foundation is based on countering fascism and supporting democracy and human rights.

While every day hundreds of Iranian women are arrested, fined and flogged by the agents of the regime on the bogus charge of 'mal-veiling', Ms. Mogherini plans to please the mullahs and obey their instructions by wearing a veil in her meetings with human rights criminals such as Hassan Rouhani, Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, Javad Zarif and Ali Larijani. Ms. Mogherini's action is a blatant insult to all Iranian women.

The NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee strongly condemns this trip and urges Ms. Mogherini not to put salt on the Iranian people's wounds, even if she refuses to doing anything to ease their pain and suffering.

The Iranian people, in particular the women, youth, political prisoners, and the families of those who have been executed, expect human rights and women's rights defenders in Europe and particularly in Italy to take action to halt this visit which is considered as a dagger to the heart of democracy and human rights.

(source: Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran)


Duterte: Death to human traffickers----Tough-talking mayor says modern-day slavery as bad as drug peddling

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is pushing for the execution, through the death penalty, of human traffickers, saying their crime is as worse as destroying the lives of people through illegal drugs.

Duterte said while existing laws against human trafficking are "okay," the death penalty should be carried out on traffickers to put emphasis on the gravity of the crime.

He said if he were the President, he would not hesitate to execute human traffickers and have the crime of human trafficking listed down as punishable by death.

A massive crackdown on human trafficking, he said, would be carried out if he were President. He said harshness is the only manner by which he would deal with human traffickers, who had taken victims hundreds of people, many of them children.

He said if he were to decide, he would offer all-out support for victims of trafficking and their families so they won't hesitate to press charges against their predators.

Last year, lawyer Barbara Mae Flores, prosecutor in the Department of Justice in Southern Mindanao, said the low rate of conviction in human trafficking cases was the result of pressures such as being scared, fear of stigma, lack of financial means of the victims, and a tedious process to pursue a case against aggressors.

"Sometimes victims will just have to desist from filing a case," Flores said.

For example, of 63 cases filed in Southern Mindanao since 2003, Flores said 11 had been dismissed because the victims were too scared to press charges. At least 12 other cases had been archived for lack of witnesses.

One good news, though, she said, is that 30 of the cases are still active in court, which means many victims were also willing to help prosecute human traffickers.

Rolando Lopez, a former agent of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, said during an antitrafficking summit here last year that human trafficking is "as bad as drug trafficking."

"The money that is made in illegal drugs is the same in human trafficking," Lopez said.

Amy Muranko-Gahan, founding director of antihuman trafficking group Global Impact, said the number of people being trafficked was "massive" as there are 27 million people "living in some kind of slavery" worldwide today.

"It's more than any time in history that we have slaves," she said.

Exploitation takes place when predators take advantage of the weaknesses of vulnerable individuals for financial gain or turn them into some form of slave, Muranko-Gahan said.

In the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), for example, armed conflicts and natural calamities, which trigger massive displacements, make the 5-province region a lucrative ground for human traffickers, according to ARMM Executive Secretary Laisa Alamia.

Alamia said the economic hardships that come with displacements make people vulnerable to human traffickers.

"Traffickers become creative nowadays as they lure parents on promises of jobs and easy money for their children," Alamia said.

He said in 2014 alone, there were 387 victim-survivors of human traffickers in Maguindanao, Sulu, Lanao del Sur, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.

Duterte admitted that arrests were being made like that of four trafficking suspects, including a Malaysian, in Zamboanga City about 2 weeks ago.

Duterte was referring to the July 8 arrest reported by the Zamboanga City Police and the rescue of 32 women, 11 of them minors.

He also cited the arrest in Northern Mindanao of Australian sex offender Peter Gerard Scully, who now faces rape and human trafficking charges.

But to make the law more "biting," he said offenders should be sent to the death chamber.

Duterte reiterated his belief that hardened criminals should not just be sent to prison.

"Let's not allow them to commit more crime that would make life miserable for law-abiding citizens," he said.

(source: Philippine Inquirer)

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