Jan. 18


4 Prisoners Hanged on Drug Charges

4 prisoners were reportedly hanged at Mashhad's Vakilabad Prison on drug related charges.

According to the human rights news agency HRANA, the executions were carried out on the morning of Tuesday January 17. 1 of the prisoners has been identified as Ahmad Shekarabi, sentenced to death on the charge of possession and trafficking 5 kilograms of heroin.

"Ahmad's first death sentence was quashed by the Supreme Court, but he was sentenced to death again by branch 8 of Mashhad's Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Mazloom," a source close to Mr. Shekarabi's family tells Iran Human Rights. The source insists that Mr. Shekarabi was innocent.

The source adds: Ahmad was a cab driver who had a customer whom he would pick up packages forn at various addresses. The last time Ahmad did so, he arrived at the pick up location and noticed his customer had been arrested. As soon as Ahmad had arrived, he was also arrested, even though he explained that he's just the cab driver. However, the customer denied this and claimed that Ahmad was aware that the packages contained drugs and was involved in the operation. The customer's testimony had many inconsistensies to the point that Ahmad was first exonerated, but branch 2 of the court sentenced him to death anyway. After the Supreme Court quashed his death sentence [pending a new trial], he was sentenced to death again, and this time the Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence.

Iranian official sources, including the Judiciary and the media, have been silent about these executions.

The names of the other 3 prisoners are not known at this time.


Prisoner Hanged on Drug Charges

A prisoner was reportedly hanged at Bandar Abbas Central Prison on drug related charges. According to close sources, the execution was carried out on the morning of Tuesday Janaury 17. The prisoner has been identified as Ramezan Yousef Heydari, 36 years old.

Mr. Yousef Heydari was arrested on March 2, 2011 on the charges of possession and trafficking 900 grams of crystal meth and 2 kilograms and 200 grams of crack. He was sentenced to death on May 1, 2013 by the Bandar Abbas Revolutionary Court.

"Ramezan drove a Saipa vehicle, and the day they arrested him, they discovered the drugs in the tire of his car - but the drugs weren't his. He never once confessed that the drugs were his," a source close to Mr. Yousef Heydari tells Iran Human Rights.

Iranian official sources, including the Judiciary and the media, have not announced Mr. Yousef Heydari's execution.

(source for both: Iran Human Rights)


Urgent Action


6 men submitted their final appeal to the Supreme Military Court in December 2016. The men were sentenced to death by a military court in May 2016, in a case marred by enforced disappearances and torture. If the court rejects their appeal, the men could be executed at any time.

Write a letter, send an email, call, fax or tweet:

* Calling on the Egyptian authorities to retry all those convicted in the case before an ordinary, civilian court, without recourse to the death penalty, and in proceedings that respect international fair trial standards and exclude "confessions" and other evidence obtained through torture and other ill-treatment;

* Calling upon them to open an effective, independent and impartial investigation into the allegations of enforced disappearance, torture and other ill-treatment;

* Urging them to establish an official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty.

Contact these 2 officials by 1 March, 2017:

Important note: Please do not forward this Urgent Action email directly to these officials. Instead of forwarding this email that you have received, please open up a new email message in which to write your appeals to each official. This will help ensure that your emails are not rejected. Thank you for your deeply valued activism!

Defence Minister

Colonel General Sedqi Sobhi

Ministry of Defence

Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt

Fax: +202 2 414 4248 / +202 2 414 4247
Email: m...@afmic.gov.eg, m...@afmic.gov.eg

Salutation: Your Excellency

Ambassador Yasser Reda, Embassy of Egypt

3521 International Ct NW,

Washington DC 20008

Fax: 202 244 4319 - OR- 202 244 5131

Phone: 202 895 5400

Email: ambassa...@egyptembassy.net

Salutation: Dear Ambassador

(source: Amnesty International USA)

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