July 4

VIRGINIA----impending execution

Democratic lawmakers ask McAuliffe to commute sentence of convicted killer

Several Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly have joined thousands of petitioners in asking Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) to block the execution of convicted murderer William C. Morva, scheduled for Thursday.

Morva, 35, faces the death penalty for shooting to death a guard and a sheriff's deputy while escaping from jail in 2006. Supporters say the jury that sentenced him was not made aware of the severity of his mental illness.

"The system failed Mr. Morva," Del. Mark H. Levine (D-Alexandria) wrote on Monday. "I do not believe he should die because of a lack of due process."

Levine was adding his name to a group of legislators who wrote McAuliffe on Friday seeking clemency for Morva. The 7 delegates and 5 state senators, all Democrats, said the case intersects with a rising effort by the General Assembly to take steps to "address the overlapping areas of public safety, criminal justice and mental health."

That letter asks McAuliffe to commute Morva's death sentence to a term of life without parole. It was signed by Dels. Jennifer B. Boysko (Fairfax), Patrick A. Hope (Arlington), Sam Rasoul (Roanoke), Marcus B. Simon (Fairfax), Charniele Herring (Alexandria), Alfonso Lopez (Arlington) and Eileen Filler-Corn (Fairfax), as well as Sens. Adam P. Ebbin (Alexandria), Barbara A. Favola (Arlington), Lionell Spruill Sr. (Northern Chesapeake), Mamie E. Locke (Hampton) and Scott Surovell (Eastern Fairfax).

Morva's lawyer argues that he was suffering from severe delusional disorder while being held in jail in the Blacksburg area awaiting trial for several botched robberies and burglaries. Believing that he was going to die, Morva tried to escape and killed the deputy and guard.

During sentencing, supporters say, jurors were told incorrectly that Morva was not delusional. His pending execution, set for 9 p.m. Thursday, highlights a growing national movement to eliminate capital punishment for people with severe mental illness.

Morva ran out of appeals when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up his case in February, leaving the governor as his last hope. McAuliffe has said he is studying the case, and a spokesman said Monday that the governor would make a statement when the review is complete.

(source: Washington Post)

FLORIDA----new execution date

Florida schedules its 1st execution in more than 18 months

Florida is planning to execute its next death row inmate in August - which will be the 1st execution in more than a year and a half amid months of legal limbo over the state's death penalty law.

Gov. Rick Scott on Monday issued a death warrant that reschedules Mark James Asay's execution for 6 p.m. Aug. 24.

Asay was convicted in 1988 of killing 2 men in Jacksonville. If his execution happens as scheduled, Asay will become the 1st white person put to death for murdering a black person in Florida, now-retired Justice James E.C. Perry previously said.

Asay was originally scheduled to be put to death in March 2016, but his execution was halted that month in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling known as Hurst v. Florida that upended Florida's death penalty law by deeming unconstitutional the state's procedures for sentencing prisoners to death.

As part of addressing that decision, the Florida Supreme Court last December cemented death sentences for nearly 200 prisoners - including Asay - whose sentences were finalized before a June 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling referenced in the Hurst decision.

State justices in December also lifted a stay on the execution of Asay, in particular, paving the way for executions to resume in the state.

When asked why Scott waited more than six months to issue the new warrant, his spokesman John Tupps said in a statement: "After consideration of the facts, including the Legislature passing and the governor signing SB 280 earlier this year, our office worked with the Attorney General's office to proceed today."

SB 280 was the Legislature's solution to fix the state's death penalty procedures following the Hurst decision. It requires a unanimous decision by a jury to sentence a defendant to death. The bill was among the first actions lawmakers took in the 2017 session. Scott signed the new procedures into law shortly thereafter in mid-March.

Tupps added: "This is one of the governor's most solemn duties involving decisions that are made only after a full and thorough review. His foremost concerns are the families of the victims and the finality of judgments."

Scott wrote in the warrant that he had received formal guidance on Monday from Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi that the stay on Asay's execution had been lifted and could legally proceed. He added that state law "requires I set a new date for execution of the death sentence within 10 days after such certification."

A spokeswoman for Bondi said her office certifies "upon request from the governor's office."

The last inmate executed in Florida - and the only one of 2016 - was Oscar Ray Bolin Jr., who was put to death Jan. 7 of that year.

Despite the absence of executions, the population on Florida's death row has declined as the Florida Supreme Court vacates some death sentences because they were set using procedures deemed illegal by Hurst.

The U.S. Supreme Court handed down its opinion in Hurst 5 days after Bolin was executed, prompting a need for the Legislature to rewrite the sentencing laws this year.

Last October, the Florida Supreme Court decided that the Hurst ruling required unanimous votes by juries to make a death sentence - which lawmakers codified into state law this spring.

(source: miamiherald.com)


Man who killed 2 in Jacksonville in 1987 set for execution next month----Mark Asay would be 1st put to death in Florida in 18 months

Gov. Rick Scott on Monday ordered Mark James Asay to be executed on August 24 on his conviction for the shooting deaths of 2 men nearly 30 years ago.

His death would end an 18-month hiatus for the state's embattled death penalty.

"I think the execution machine is going to get started again immediately," said Pete Mills, an assistant public defender in the 10th Judicial Circuit who also serves as chairman of the Florida Public Defenders Association Death Penalty Steering Committee.

Early this year, lawyers for Asay asked the Florida Supreme Court for a rehearing after a majority of justices ruled last year that a major U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down Florida's death-penalty sentencing system.

Asay was convicted in 1988 of the murders of Robert Lee Booker and Robert McDowell in downtown Jacksonville. Asay allegedly shot Booker, who was black, after calling him a racial epithet. He then killed McDowell, who was dressed as a woman, after agreeing to pay him for oral sex. According to court documents, Asay later told a friend that McDowell had previously cheated him out of money in a drug deal.

Asay was granted a last year stay after the Florida Supreme Court found that Florida's death penalty was unconstitutional because it did not require unanimous jury recommendations for execution. In 2016, Florida lawmakers rewrote the death sentencing law, requiring jurors to unanimously find that at least one aggravating factor existed before a defendant could be eligible for a death sentence and requiring at least 10 jurors in order for the death sentence can be imposed.

In October, the Florida Supreme Court struck down part of the new law, finding that it was unconstitutional because it did not require unanimous jury recommendations for death sentences, but in December it modified the unanimous rule to only apply to convictions made before 2002. It also lifted the stay on Asay's execution.

Asay's case has also involved a legal tangle over destroyed records and a lawyer who was the subject of an investigation ordered by Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Jorge Labarga.

The high court dropped the inquiry after Mary Catherine Bonner, who repeatedly missed critical deadlines in death penalty cases, resigned from a statewide registry that made her eligible to represent defendants in capital cases.

Marty McClain, a lawyer appointed to represent Asay after Scott signed a death warrant early last year, found that the death row inmate had gone for nearly a decade without representation. Many of the records related to Asay's case provided by Bonner were destroyed by insects or exposure to the elements, according to court records filed by McClain.

(source: news4jax.com)




(source: change.org)


Howard pleads 'not guilty'----East Brewton man faces death penalty in FL girl's murder

The East Brewton man charged with killing a 12-year-old Pensacola, Fla., girl in May has pleaded not guilty - after confessing to causing her death.

The Florida State Attorney's Office is seeking the death penalty against Robert "Skip" Letroy Howard, 38, who was arrested June 7 in connection with Naomi Jones' death.

Howard, a convicted sex offender, is charged with 1st-degree murder and failure to register as a sex offender. His arraignment was scheduled for Friday morning, but his attorney entered a written plea of not guilty and a notice waiving Howard's appearance in court.

Jones was reported missing May 31, and her remains were recovered from a Pensacola creek bed off on June 5. Howard was identified as a person of interest after giving investigators inconsistent statements about his whereabouts during the time of the child's disappearance. Additionally, surveillance cameras recorded Howard's vehicle in the area where Jones was found in the hours after she went missing, law enforcement said.

According to an affidavit, Howard told investigators Jones had been in his girlfriend's Ferry Pass apartment with him the day she was reported missing. The affidavit said he became angry at Jones and committed "a violent act against her" that caused her death. A preliminary death investigation indicated Jones died of asphyxiation.

An Escambia County, Ala., court convicted Howard previously of sexually assaulting 2 juvenile females, ages 14 and 16, and he served 15 years in prison - a fact that prompted the state to seek the death penalty in his current case.

During Howard's arraignment, Judge Joel Boles set the next court date as Aug. 29.

The case is expected to take 18-24 months before going to trial.

(source: brewtonstandard.com)


Murderers leave Florida's death row after Hurst ruling; system 'a mess,' expert says

The full impact of a historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Florida's death penalty system is finally emerging as the state's death row population is smaller than it was more than a decade ago, and will keep shrinking for a long time.

Florida has not executed a death row inmate in 18 months. No inmates haves been sent to death row in more than a year, a sign that prosecutors are not trying as many 1st-degree murder cases because of uncertainties in the sentencing system.

"There is no reason to sign a death warrant if you know it's going to get delayed," said State Attorney Bernie McCabe, the top prosecutor in Pinellas and Pasco counties. "I think judges are reluctant to if they don't know what the rules are."

Florida's death row population now stands at 362, according to the Department of Corrections' website. That's the lowest number since 2004; only a year ago, the population was 389.

Many more cells on death row are certain to be emptied as the Florida Supreme Court continues to vacate death sentences because they violate a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision known as Hurst vs. Florida.

The case struck down the state's death penalty sentencing system because it limited jurors to an advisory role, a violation of the Sixth Amendment right to a trial by jury.

In 4 new cases, the state's high court upheld 1st-degree murder convictions Thursday but ordered that all 4 defendants must be resentenced because of the Hurst decision, a step that could spare any or all of them a trip to the execution chamber.

1 of the 4, John Sexton, was convicted of the brutal 2010 Pasco County slaying of Ann Parlato, a 94-year-old woman who lived alone.

The jury that convicted Sexton recommend his execution by a vote of 10 to 2, a split decision that justices said Thursday is a violation of the Hurst case.

Justices also lifted the death sentence of Tiffany Ann Cole, convicted of burying a couple alive in Jacksonville. She's 1 of 3 women on Florida's death row.

Legal experts say that in all, up to 150 death sentences could be either reversed or be sent back to trial courts for resentencing hearings in other cases in which the jury's recommendation of a death sentence was not unanimous.

Those penalty phase hearings will strain the limited resources of prosecutors and public defenders, who must scramble to find old trial transcripts and witnesses and must empanel new juries.

"I'll use one word: chaos," said retired Supreme Court Justice Gerald Kogan of Miami. "It's just a mess."

Scott Sundby, a law professor at the University of Miami, said the impact on the criminal justice system will be significant.

"It essentially means that every new penalty phase is going to have to be re-investigated and presented in full," he said. "There will not be an ability to simply rely on the prior penalty phase."

For years before the precedent-setting Hurst ruling in January 2016, legal experts warned that Florida would face severe legal difficulties because of its "outlier" status as a state that did not require 12-member juries to be unanimous in recommending a death sentence.

The old law required a simple majority of jurors to recommend death.

The Legislature, with the support of prosecutors and Attorney General Pam Bondi, the state's chief legal officer, initially passed a law requiring at least 10 jurors to vote for death. The law was changed again in the 2017 session to require unanimity.

In applying the Hurst decision to Florida, the state Supreme Court requires that juries must be unanimous in declaring all aggravating factors that were proven beyond a reasonable doubt; unanimously find that aggravating factors are sufficient to impose death; and unanimously find that aggravating factors outweigh factors in the defendant's favor, known as mitigators.

Since Jan. 1, at least 15 condemned Florida inmates have left death row and a 16th has died. They include:

-- Victor Caraballo, one of five men convicted of killing Ana Maria Angel, 18, a recent graduate of South Miami High School in 2002 who was abducted from South Beach, gang-raped and murdered.

-- Emilia Carr, at 32 the youngest woman on death row in America when she was sentenced to die 2 years ago for killing a woman in rural Marion County in what a court described as a "love triangle."

-- Zachary Taylor Wood, sentenced in Chipley in 2015 for the killing of a retired game warden - the 1st person in Florida's modern history to be sentenced to death in rural Washington County in the Panhandle.

Every capital murder case has unique characteristics.

In Wood's case, the Florida Supreme Court, in a 6-1 decision, ordered that his death sentence be reduced to life without parole because "there was a lack of competent, substantial evidence to support the trial court's findings of the CCP and avoid arrest aggravating factors, and his death sentence is disproportionate when these aggravating factors are struck." CCP is judicial jargon for "cold, calculated and premeditated," one of many aggravating factors necessary to warrant a sentence of death.

Justice Ricky Polston, in a stinging dissent in the Wood case, wrote: "Beating the victim senseless with a garden hose, tying him up, and trying to set him on fire after dousing him with a petroleum product constitutes cold, calculated and premeditated (CCP). A unanimous jury recommendation for death is not surprising."

As the Supreme Court continues to review post-Hurst death sentence appeals, Gov. Rick Scott has not indicated when the state will resume executions.

"We're still working with the attorney general on that," Scott told the Times/Herald. "Look, that's a solemn duty, but we're still working with the attorney general's office."

The last person executed in Florida was Oscar Ray Bolin on Jan. 7, 2016, making him the 92nd person to be executed since Florida resumed capital punishment in 1979.

The last inmate to join death row , convicted double-murderer Craig Wall of Pinellas County, arrived more than a year ago, on June 6, 2016.

(source: Tampa Bay Times)


Former death row inmate Gary Tyler starts a new life in Pasadena

Soft-spoken 58-year-old ex-prisoner Gary Tyler is finally at peace. The social activist has adopted the pastoral city of Pasadena as his home - a far cry from the grim, gray walls of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, infamously known as Angola, the worst and bloodiest prison in the nation. When Tyler was first incarcerated there 41 1/2years ago for a crime that he maintains he did not commit, he was the youngest person on death row.

"I feel free here," declares Tyler, who resides in a small, picturesque guesthouse where he frequently invites local doctors, lawyers and other activists - several of his longtime supporters.

"I can wake up in the morning and hear the birds chirping, smell the fresh air and feel the fresh breeze," Tyler says. "People here in Pasadena are really social and friendly. Everyone I encounter is very nice."


Tyler's legal nightmare began at the age of 16, when he was charged with a murder and sentenced to the notorious Angola maximum-security prison in Louisiana, at 17 the youngest inmate to be incarcerated on death row.

It was 1974, when public schools across America were undergoing integration. Racial tensions flared at Destrehan High School in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana - even though the Brown v. Board of Education case desegregating public schools had been decided by the US Supreme Court 20 years earlier.

Tyler was sitting on a bus filled with African-American students when a crowd of approximately 200 white students began yelling racial slurs and throwing rocks and bottles. A shot rang out that wounded 13-year-old white classmate Timothy Weber, who later died at the local hospital.

"I was known for being outspoken," Tyler recalls. During the turmoil, Tyler witnessed his cousin being harassed by sheriff's deputies and spoke up in his defense. Tyler was subsequently arrested for allegedly disturbing the peace and interfering with a police officer's duties.

The bus was searched for several hours, but no weapon was found. Sheriff's investigators transported the students to the substation where they once again searched the bus. This time, they allegedly found the gun - a government-issue 45-caliber Colt automatic.

Police produced the gun as evidence at Tyler's trial. Later, it was discovered that the weapon was identified as having been stolen from the sheriff's firing range in Jefferson Parish 10 miles away. The gun later disappeared from the evidence room.

At the sheriff's substation, Tyler was cursed at and threatened by police. "They kept asking me questions about what happened on the bus," Tyler recalls. "When I said I didn't know anything, 6 or 7 police officers brutally beat me for 2 to 3 hours in the booking room at the substation." Tyler's mother, Juanita, arrived hoping to take her son home, but was horrified when she heard his muffled screams.

Tyler was subsequently tried by an all-white jury. He was sentenced to death by electric chair.

"When they accused me of murder, I told them that I was innocent, but no one listened," Tyler sadly recalls. He was shipped to Angola, the largest maximum security prison in the country.


Tyler still remembers the sense of fear he felt as the steel gate on his prison cell clanged shut. "When the prison gates shut behind me, I felt as if I was shut off from the rest of the world," he remembers. "You knew you would not exit those gates once they were closed."

Tyler languished on death row for nearly 2 years. While there, he constantly wrote letters pleading for help and support. "I sent letters to every news and media outlet I could think of," he recalls. "Eventually my case made its way to the local and international news."

In the case Roberts v. Louisiana, the US Supreme Court in 1976 ruled that the state's death penalty was unconstitutional. Tyler's sentence was commuted to life in prison without parole until after 20 years.

Tyler says that day-to-day life in Angola prison was a test of sheer survival. "Angola was the bloodiest, most infamous prison in the nation," he recalls. "It was a place of turmoil where prisoners were killing each other and committing suicide.

"I saw horrible things in Angola - inmates being set on fire or stabbed with homemade spears. I saw inmates who were doused with acid by other inmates. Some prisoners even got beaten to death by guards," he remembers.

Fortunately, a group of inmates formed a bond to protect the vulnerable, frightened teen. "They saw a little kid who was all alone," Tyler recalls. "Many of them were uncles and fathers - and they stepped up as responsible men to make sure that nothing happened to me."

Despite his dire predicament, Tyler became a model prisoner.

"I got my GED, studied graphic arts and printing, and attended paralegal school," he proudly recalls. He also mentored other inmates and spent 17 years as a volunteer in the prison's hospice care facility.

But it was an invitation to join Angola prison's drama club that radically changed his life. For the next 20 years, Tyler headed the club, which led to him directing the Passion play "The Life of Jesus Christ." Impressed with the production, directors Jonathan Stack and Nicholas Cuellar filmed a documentary about the project titled "Cast the First Stone."


Tyler's case, which was widely publicized off and on for 4 decades, continued to gather a groundswell of support from athletes, left-wing activists and celebrities of the times, such as the British reggae band UB40 and the Neville Brothers. Rallies eventually sprung up across the country and abroad to protest Tyler's wrongful incarceration.

"I received cards and letters on a daily basis from people from all over the world," recalls Tyler. "They told me to keep holding on and to continue to be strong."

On the first appeal of Tyler's conviction in 1981, a federal appeals court admitted that Tyler was "denied a fundamentally fair trial," but refused to order a new one for him.

And despite the Louisiana Board of Pardons recommending that Tyler be released three times based on his positive work in prison, several Louisiana governors refused to act on his case.

When the board recommended a pardon for Tyler in 1989, Republican Gov. Charles "Buddy" Roemer denied Tyler a pardon not once, but twice. Roemer was running against Ku Klux Klansman David Duke for re-election and refused to consider Tyler's case in a racially charged election, feeling that a decision to release Tyler would not be favored by voters.

"In a news release, Roemer said that since I didn't have my GED yet, I wouldn't be able to make it in society," Tyler recalls. "After I obtained my GED, Roemer still denied me a pardon."

"They would not let Gary out," says longtime Los Angeles peace activist Bob Zaugh, a supporter of Tyler for 28 years. "When Gov. Kathleen Blanco was leaving office, we appealed to her, but she ultimately ignored his case."

Undeterred, a battery of impassioned attorneys - Mary Howell, Majeeda Sneed, George Kendall, Pamela Bayer, Corinne Irish and Sam Dalton, among others - worked for decades to prove Tyler's innocence.

"I worked on Gary's case for 39 years, starting in 1977 up until his release in 2016," Howell reflected. "The case itself was a clear miscarriage of justice. The 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled that Gary was denied the presumption of innocence and had a fundamentally unfair trial, yet refused to give him a new trial. The case was permeated with racial issues and was deeply troubling from the beginning."


After enduring over 4 decades of incarceration, the St. Charles Parish District Attorney's Office in Louisiana finally agreed to overturn Tyler's conviction in 2016.

Tyler agreed to enter a guilty plea for manslaughter and received the maximum sentence of 21 years. Since he had already served more than twice that time, his sentence was overturned. Tyler was quietly released from Angola penitentiary on April 29, 2016.

It is reported that Angola Prison Warden Darrell Vannoy wept as he escorted Tyler to the prison gates, saddened to see a man released who had helped to transform the prison and many of its inmates.

Zaugh said he was ecstatic after hearing of Tyler's release. He brought Tyler to California to start a new life.

"I have no doubt that Gary will be a positive force and resource in the Pasadena community," says Zaugh. "He is one of the kindest, most polite, most engaging persons I've ever met."

Due to the plea bargain, Tyler received no monetary compensation after spending four-decades behind bars. He does not qualify for Social Security since he has never been active in the work force.

Fortunately, Tyler now works as an outreach and engagement support worker at Safe Place for Youth in Venice, where three days a week he helps homeless youth get off the streets.

Tyler's supporters have set up a re-entry fund to help Tyler adjust to life after prison. Zaugh arranges speaking engagements for Tyler, who talks to various organizations about his remarkable journey.

"I left prison rich in spirit and eager to embrace life," Tyler declares, adding that despite his 4-decade ordeal he remains unbroken. Remarkably, he harbors no trace of bitterness.

"I am happy to have an opportunity to live a life that had been denied me for 4 decades," he reflected. "I'm taking life day by day. I want to write a book, travel and meet the people all over the world who have supported me for over 41 years."

Contributions for the Gary Tyler fund can be sent to https://www.libertyhill.org/form/back-to-life-re-entry-fund

(source: Pasadena City Paper)


Las Vegas man facing death penalty wears Tony Romo Cowboys jersey to court

A Las Vegas man convicted of not only hiring a hitman to murder his 6th wife but also killing the hitman threw a Hail Mary in terms of courtroom fashion decisions Friday, as Thomas Randolph entered dressed in a Dallas Cowboys jersey.

"The Cowboy shirt is for me," said Randolph, tag still attached to the top celebrating former quarterback Tony Romo. "It's given me comfort."

His choice to wear the all-too-casual apparel to his sentencing hearing was quickly intercepted by prosecutors, who told jurors that it indicated a total lack of remorse for his actions, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

"He doesn't care about that at all. It doesn't bother him a bit," said Chief Deputy District Attorney David Stanton. "Any rational compassionate human being would be appalled at themselves."

The 62-year-old said he was marking the occasion with his XXXL-sized jersey since he'd be directly addressing the jury of 8 women and 4 men before they decide if he should spend anywhere from 20 years to life behind bars or be put to death.

Reflecting on the thought of getting executed versus living in prison among the general population, Randolph suggested the latter scares him more.

Explained the man convicted of having his wife shot in the head, "It's going to be hard on my family more than anything."

(source: New York Daily News)


With Death Sentence in the Balance, OC Sheriff to Testify in Mass Killer Hearing----Sandra Hutchens will testify in a hearing regarding the use of jailhouse informants as part of the death penalty case against Scott Evans Dekraai

Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens will begin testifying Wednesday in an evidentiary hearing regarding the use of jailhouse informants as part of the death penalty case against Scott Evans Dekraai, the worst mass killer in the county's history.

Dekraai, who pleaded guilty in May 2014 to 8 murders and 1 attempted murder for a 2011 massacre at a Seal Beach beauty salon, is awaiting the penalty phase of the legal proceedings, with the state Attorney General's Office still pursuing the death penalty.

The Orange County District Attorney's Office was kicked off the case for outrageous governmental misconduct.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Goethals, who booted Orange County prosecutors from the case, is holding a third round of evidentiary hearings into how the prosecution was handled to determine if it is possible for Dekraai to receive a fair trial in the penalty phase. Before he started the latest round of hearings, Goethals grew more impatient with county attorneys, saying delays in turning over evidence on the use of informants in the jails have spurred him to consider the "unthinkable," which is to remove the death penalty as an option for Dekraai. If the judge makes such a ruling, Dekraai would be sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison without any chance at parole.

In February, Goethals directed a lengthy tongue-lashing at the sheriff and her office regarding the use of informants. Angered by remarks the sheriff made in media interviews that denied any sort of a longstanding, organized informant program in the jails, Goethals cited multiple examples from recently uncovered evidence that he said indicated otherwise.

Particularly troubling to Goethals were remarks Hutchens made denying her deputies would "work cases'' with informants in the jails.

"Those quotes frankly make me wonder," Goethals said at a February hearing. "I respect elected officials and the sheriff has a tough job. ... But I have to wonder whether or not she's aware of the evidence turned over to this court over the years ... and I have to conclude she is not aware of the evidence presented to this court because if she were it would be hard to imagine an experienced law enforcement officer making such categorical statements."

Last month, Goethals, while discussing the sheriff's planned testimony, said he was particularly interested in what she might say about testimony from sheriff's Cmdr. Jon Briggs that the department was so short of deputies that they were left largely unsupervised and fell into inappropriate techniques regarding the cultivation and use of jailhouse snitches.

"I am curious about the sheriff's opinion as to the type of misconduct (Briggs) described,'' Goethals said, adding he wondered if Hutchens' opinion on the level of misconduct has changed given Briggs' testimony.

The legal trouble for prosecutors began when Dekraai's attorney alleged a Massiah violation - which occurs when an inmate is questioned by a government agent while already represented by an attorney. At issue in Dekraai's case was whether prosecutors or sheriff's deputies intentionally placed prolific informant Fernando Perez, a Mexican Mafia shotcaller, in a cell next to Dekraai's.

Investigators denied the allegation, saying a nurse made the call to put Perez and Dekraai next to each other. At some point, Dekraai allegedly made insensitive remarks about the killings, sources say, prompting prosecutors to have his jail cell wired, which elicited more incriminating comments.

Prosecutors said they were concerned about a possible insanity defense and wanted to refute that with the jailhouse comments. They never intended to call Perez as a witness so they fought to keep his identity secret.

Perez, it was later learned, proved helpful to federal prosecutors in taking down Peter Ojeda, the head of the Orange County chapter of the Mexican Mafia.

Ultimately, Goethals punished county prosecutors by prohibiting them from using Dekraai's jailhouse comments about the killings. Now jurors would only be able to consider the actual crimes and the effects the murders had on the families of the victims when determining whether to recommend capital punishment.

Last week, Hutchens announced she would retire and not seek another term next year, but she said the informant scandal played no role in her decision.

The sheriff intends to finish out her term in office.

(source: nbclosangeles.com)

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