Oct. 13

TEXAS----impending executions

Man convicted in Texas prison guard's death to be executed

A Texas death row inmate who sued unsuccessfully to try to halt his execution, arguing that more DNA testing needed to be done, is now trying to convince the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the punishment scheduled for Thursday.

Robert Pruett was already serving 99 years for a neighbor's killing when he was convicted in the death of a prison guard who was stabbed in an attack that prosecutors say stemmed from a dispute over a peanut butter sandwich. Pruett wanted to take the sandwich into a recreation yard against prison rules, they said. An autopsy showed corrections officer Daniel Nagle died of a heart attack brought on by the December 1999 stabbing.

Pruett, 38, has insisted he's innocent of Nagle's death at the McConnell Unit near Beeville, about 85 miles (136 kilometers) southeast of San Antonio. He would become the 6th prisoner executed this year in Texas, which carries out the death penalty more than any other states. Texas executed a total of seven inmates last year.

Pruett avoided execution in April 2015 when a state judge halted his punishment just hours before he could have been taken to the death chamber. His lawyers had convinced the judge that new DNA tests needed to be conducted on the tape-wrapped, 7-inch sharpened steel rod used to repeatedly stab the 37-year-old Nagle. The new tests showed no DNA on the tape but uncovered DNA on the rod from an unknown female who authorities said likely handled the shank during the appeals process after the original tests in 2002. The execution was put on the schedule again.

After seeking even more DNA testing and being rejected by the courts, Pruett's attorneys filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in August in which they argued that the courts denied Pruett due process. The lawyers asked the federal courts to halt the rescheduled execution, allow the additional DNA testing and then check the results for matches in law enforcement databases.Last week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the lawsuit. But Pruett's attorneys appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, arguing that a lower court judge wrongly rejected the case after sitting on it for 2 months.

In a second appeal to the Supreme Court, also filed on Tuesday, the attorneys asked the high court to revisit the question of whether it is constitutional to execute a prisoner who claims actual innocence because of newly discovered evidence. U.S. Supreme Court justices in 1993 ruled 6-3 in a Texas case that it was constitutional to do so.

State attorneys say Pruett's lawyers have long engaged in "a pattern of delay."

No physical evidence tied Pruett to Nagle's death. At his 2002 trial, prisoners testified that they saw Pruett attack Nagle or heard him talk about wanting to kill the guard. According to some of the testimony, he talked about possessing a weapon as well.

Pruett has said he was framed and that Nagle, an officer for more than 3 years, could have been killed by other inmates or corrupt officers at the McConnell Unit.

"I never killed nobody in my life," Pruett testified at his trial. He said he was in a gym when he learned the officer had been stabbed.

Pruett's 99-year murder sentence that he was already serving was for participating at age 15 with his father and a brother in the 1995 stabbing death of a 29-year-old neighbor, Raymond Yarbrough, at the man's trailer home in Channelview, just east of Houston. Pruett's father, 70-year-old Howard Pruett, is serving life in prison. His brother, 47-year-old Howard Pruett Jr., was sentenced to 40 years.

(source: Associated Press)


Houston serial killer loses appeal 1 week before scheduled execution

With just a week to go before his scheduled execution, Houston serial killer Anthony Shore lost a last-ditch appeal claiming decades-old unrealized brain damage left him so impaired he was not morally culpable for his crimes.

The so-called Tourniquet Killer slated for execution Wednesday was convicted of capital murder in 2004 after he confessed to brutally slaying 4 young women in the Houston area.

In the latest appeal, turned down by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Tuesday, Shore's lawyers argued that the extent of his brain damage rendered the execution unconstitutional, likening it to executing an intellectually disabled prisoner.

"Mr. Shore does not claim he is ineligible for the death penalty because he is unintelligent or uncharismatic," his lawyers wrote earlier this month in a court filing.

"Mr. Shore is ineligible for the death penalty because his brain injury decreases his moral culpability for his crimes, in the same way that a juvenile, despite intelligence or charisma, is nonetheless ineligible for the death penalty."

But the state's highest criminal court didn't buy into that argument.

"We find that applicant has failed to make a prima facie showing that a person with brain damage, like an intellectually disabled person, should be categorically exempt from execution," the court wrote in its decision.

"Accordingly, we dismiss this application as an abuse of the writ without reviewing the merits of the claim raised."

The failed appeal follows another courtroom disappointment, when the U.S. Supreme Court denied without comment his petition for writ of certiorari which, if granted, would have required a lower court to reconsider a request for appeal. Even before the court issued its decision, Shore's attorney, K. Knox Nunnally, admitted "the odds are not in our favor."

Now, Shore's hope rests on a clemency application filed with the state's Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Nunnally did not offer comment about Tuesday's decision.

Currently the only Houston killer with a scheduled execution, the 55-year-old was convicted of one killing in 2004, though he confessed to 3 others.

Shore's murderous rampage started in 1986, when he slaughtered 14-year-old Laurie Tremblay. 6 years later, he raped and murdered 21-year-old Maria del Carmen Estrada. In 1994, he killed 9-year-old Diana Rebollar, a year before slaying 16-year-old Dana Sanchez.

The cases went unsolved for nearly 2 decades, until Shore had to register as a sex offender after he was convicted of molesting 2 family members.

Eventually, authorities linked Shore's newly registered DNA to evidence from the cold cases. When they brought the former telephone technician in for questioning, he calmly confessed to a string of rapes and murder in the Harris County area.

Now, he's scheduled to meet his fate in Huntsville on Oct. 18 at 6 p.m.

(source: Houston Chronicle)


Texas attorneys brace for new round of death penalty appeals after intellectual disability ruling

Tomas Gallo smiled and laughed as Harris County jurors decided his fate for the rape and murder of his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter.

Gallo had covered the girl's body with bruises and bite marks before sexually assaulting and bludgeoning her while her mother was at work just a few days before Christmas in 2001. He then cleaned up the blood-spattered bathroom, dressed the child in clean clothes and called her mother to say the girl was not breathing.

Jurors agreed he should be sentenced to death, despite his lawyers' arguments that he was intellectually disabled.

Now, however, Gallo and at least 9 other death row inmates from across Texas - including 5 others from Harris County - are seeking to have their death sentences thrown out in exchange for life in prison under a ruling earlier this year by the U.S. Supreme Court that changed how Texas determines intellectual disability.

Some, including Gallo, could eventually walk free, since life without parole was not an option in Texas when they were convicted.

"When we think about it, it just tears us up again," said Rosa Flores, the child's paternal grandmother. "I don't feel that this young man has any kind of problem. He might have a low IQ but that doesn't mean he's stupid or dumb. He knows what he's doing."

Their fears are echoed among other families awaiting execution of a capital murderer, said Andy Kahan, victim's advocate for the city of Houston.

Life or death?

A March ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court could lead to new sentences for at least 10 death row inmates in Texas. The court, which in 2002 prohibited execution of mentally ill inmates, ruled that the state must rely on professional evaluations in determining intellectually disability. At least five of the cases under review are from Harris County:

Harris County

Joel Escobedo, 55, shot a man during a robbery at a bus stop in 1998.

Tomas Gallo, 42, raped and fatally beat his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter 2003.

Joseph Jean, 45, beat 2 teenage girls to death after breaking into his ex-girlfriend's home in 2010.

Harlem Lewis, 26, shot a police officer and a good samaritan after a police chase in 2012.

Bobby Moore, 57, shot a grocery store clerk during a robbery in 1980.

Bexar County

Obie Weathers, 36, killed a bartender while robbing a bar in 2000 in San Antonio.

North and Central Texas

James Henderson, 44, fatally shot 85-year-old while burglarizing her home in 1993.

Steven Long, 46, raped and killed an 11-year-old girl in 2005.

Naim Rasool Muhammad, 38, drowned his 2 sons in a creek in 2011.

Us Carnell Petetan, 41, murdered his estranged wife in Waco in 2012.

"There's a lull where you're waiting on justice, for maybe a decade, and you're riding that roller coaster and all of a sudden that coaster gets taken down because you're right back in court again," Kahan said. "And you have to re-live all the nightmares of what happened to your family."

The U.S. Supreme Court abolished the death penalty in 2002 for people with intellectual disabilities, but left it up to states to set standards for determining disability. A follow-up ruling by the Supreme Court in March in a different Harris County case overturned Texas' method for determining intellectual disability, saying it was out of date and ineffective.

The March ruling left Texas prosecutors and defense attorneys scrambling to review cases, some dating back decades. Harris County has 82 inmates on death row, though it remains unclear how many cases in Houston or across Texas will be affected by the ruling.

Attorneys on both sides are bracing for what could be a wave of appeals, with some putting the number in the dozens.

"They could be looking at a nightmare," said Tom Moran, a Houston criminal defense and appellate attorney who is representing another inmate, Joel Escobedo, in his attempt to get his death penalty overturned.

District Attorney Kim Ogg said her office is keeping a close eye on the legal developments and she is sympathetic to the families of the victims.

"Taking a person's life is the most serious action a government can take against an individual," Ogg said, "and we are making every effort to ensure that offender's Constitutional rights are respected."

Moore and the law

The March ruling came in the case of Bobby Moore, convicted of capital murder in the death of a Houston store clerk in April 1980.

Moore, now 57, shot and killed 73-year-old James McCarble at Birdsall Super Market near Memorial Park, a store he and 2 accomplices picked because 2 elderly people were running the customer-service booth and the cashier was pregnant. After shooting McCarble with a shotgun, Moore fled and was arrested 10 days later in Louisiana.

He was sentenced to die by lethal injection.

His attorneys appealed the conviction, arguing that the judge and jury should have considered his intellectual disability as outlined in a landmark 2002 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that prohibited execution of the intellectually disabled.

The ruling stemmed from the conviction of Daryl Atkins, a mentally disabled Virginia man who was sentenced to death for the kidnapping, robbery and murder of an air force serviceman in 1996.

The Atkins decision set off waves of appeals by inmates, many of whom had their death sentences changed to life in prison. At least 15 Texas inmates were removed from death row for being mentally disabled in the wake of the decision, according to the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

To qualify for the Atkins exemption, inmates must have a low IQ, typically under 70, and significant problems adapting to their surroundings that were evident even in childhood. Figuring out how to determine that fell to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which adopted a seven-pronged test to determine intellectual disability in the state.

The test, named after plaintiff Jose Briseno, referenced Lennie, the fictional character from John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," as someone most Texans would agree should be exempt from the death penalty.

The "Briseno factors," as they came to be known, consisted of 7 questions to help courts decide whether someone shows "adaptive behavior" that suggests they are not intellectually disabled. The questions ranged from whether someone can lie effectively to whether his conduct shows leadership.

In Moore's case, however, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote in a 5-3 majority opinion that the Texas courts relied too heavily on IQ scores and non-clinical evaluations by judges. She said the state should have used evaluations by mental health professionals to determine intellectual disability.

Moore's precedent-setting case was sent back to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which has yet to issue a ruling on how the state's courts will determine intellectual disability.

In the meantime, other death row inmates are asking for reconsideration of their sentences.

Joshua Reiss, head of the post-conviction writs division at the Harris County District Attorney's office, has been notified that at least three inmates, including Gallo, are appealing under the March ruling. He said he expects 6 to 10 death row inmates from Harris County to appeal over the next few years. Even though they are being appealed under the same decision, he said each one would be different.

"They're very fact-intensive, they're going to be expert-intensive," he said. "We're going to take each one individually."

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court sent the San Antonio case of convicted killer Obie Weathers back to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to be reevaluated under the new law.

Local cases affected

The 1st Houston case reconsidered under the Moore ruling was Robert James Campbell.

Mental health professionals on both sides agreed that he was mentally disabled. In a plea deal designed to make sure he never leaves prison despite being eligible for parole, he ended up with a life sentence earlier this year.

The new sentence was accepted bitterly by the family of his victim, Alexandra Rendon, a 20-year-old bank teller who was abducted from a gas station, raped and killed.

"To me, it's an extremely borderline case of whether Robert James Campbell is mentally well for execution," Israel Santana, Rendon's cousin, said at the time. "Me and my family, we strongly believe that he is. But in no way do we want to be a part of executing someone who is questionable."

Santana, an attorney, said he and his family have a duty to follow the law.

"As much as it hurts, we accept the State of Texas and the Supreme Court's ruling taking Robert James Campbell off death row," he said with tears in his eyes. "There are laws left and right that we may not agree with, but we have to abide by."

Gallo and two other condemned men, Harlem Lewis and Joseph Jean, have notified the Harris County District Attorney's Office they will also seek to have their death penalty sentences overturned.

Lawyers for Gallo argued during trial that someone else in the family killed the young girl. After he was convicted of capital murder, they argued that he was too mentally disabled to execute.

"It's not an act," said A. Richard Ellis, Gallo's appellate attorney. "Someone can't just rig up an (intellectual disability) claim after the fact and make it fit the law. He had abysmal school performance, was in special education and on and on. This is an ongoing disability."

The prosecutors who put Gallo on death row, who no longer work at the Harris County DA's office, did not return calls and emails. At trial, prosecutors and the jury relied on the Briseno test to determine that Gallo was not disabled.

In a more recent case, Lewis, now 26, landed on death row for gunning down Bellaire Police Officer Jimmie Norman and good Samaritan Terry Taylor after a police chase in 2012.

Lewis testified in his own defense that he was scared after a police chase and shot both men after a struggle to get him out of his car. His attorneys did not raise his intellectual capacity at trial but the issue is allowed in his appeal.

"A lot of us have the idea that if someone's not drooling in the corner, they can't have intellectual disability," said Gretchen Sween, an appellate attorney for Lewis. "Harlem Lewis's case shows that somebody can successfully mask all kinds of things, and it takes an expert to go in and investigate and understand what adaptive deficits mean."

In another case that is being appealed, Joseph Francois Jean, 45, landed on death row in 2011. He broke in to the home of an ex-girlfriend he was stalking and, finding just her teenage daughter and niece having a sleepover, beat the teens to death with a baseball bat on April 11, 2010. He then set the townhouse on fire using gasoline and fled. He was convicted of killing Chelsey Lang, 17, and her cousin, 16-year-old Ashley Johnson.

Those cases could be just the beginning. Attorneys who work on death penalty appeals agree there could be 8 to 12 more Harris County cases in which the new rule applies.

"If there's one case that would be affected by this, I'd be thrilled," said defense attorney Pat McCann. "And I'm pretty sure there's a dozen."

Other cases

Other cases are also working their way through the state and federal courts.

Attorney Moran has filed an appeal in federal court for Escobedo, who was convicted in 1999 of robbing and killing a 65-year-old man for drug money at an East End bus stop. Guadalupe Garcia was pistol-whipped, robbed, then shot.

In his pleadings, Moran cited 2 other death row inmates whose cases involved claims of intellectual disability: Raymond Martinez and James Henderson.

Martinez's case was closed in August when the 71-year-old died of natural causes after three decades on death row. A diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic with an IQ of 65, he was convicted of a 1983 crime spree that left 5 people dead. He died with claims still pending that he was mentally disabled.

Henderson, 44, was convicted in 1994 of shooting 85-year-old Martha Lennox while burglarizing her Clarksville home in East Texas. He was convicted in Bowie County.

Sween, an attorney for the state's Office of Capital and Forensic Writs, said the agency is handling at least 5 cases stemming from the Moore ruling.

"We shouldn't let unscientific biases come into play in this really important question," she said. "We should listen to what the scientists tell us about how you diagnose somebody."

Looking ahead

Death penalty opponents have cheered the Moore decision, saying courts have a tendency to look at a defendant's strengths and rule that they are not mentally disabled, rather than look at the disability.

"Based on Justice Ginsberg's opinion, you have to use the best medical standards available and focus on the disabilities to determine whether someone meets the standard," said McCann, Moore's attorney. "That's a game-changer because the courts have tended to put their thumb on the scale towards any showing of strength or some competency in some field as negating retardation, and that's just not how one determines that."

But critics argue that reducing old capital murder convictions obtained before the state's "life without parole" law was passed in 2005 means killers who have been behind bars for decades are eligible almost immediately for parole.

In most death penalty cases that have been changed to life sentences, defense attorneys work with prosecutors to craft elaborate sentencing arrangements to ensure that the former death row inmate never walks free. The common goal, both sides agree, is making sure killers never get out of prison, even if they get off death row.

But it's still possible.

In Campbell's case, District Attorney Ogg has promised to protest any possible parole. Similar arrangements are likely to materialize as other cases are considered in light of the new ruling.

In Gallo's case, the victim's family remains unconvinced that he is so mentally disabled that he should not be executed.

He has apparently been able to make jailhouse wine and give himself a jailhouse tattoo with a makeshift tattoo gun, said Flores, the child's grandmother.

"I don't think his IQ is all that low because he's got common sense," she said. "If you've got common sense, you've got a lot going for you."

(source: Houston Chronicle)


Death Watch: Next Up, the Tourniquet Killer----Convicted strangler set for execution on Oct. 18

Time is running out for convicted serial killer Anthony Shore. Dubbed the "Tourniquet Killer" due to his predilection for strangling victims between 1986 and 1995, Shore's most recent appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied on Oct. 2. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied a motion for a last minute stay on Wednesday, and the Houston killer will face execution next Wednesday, Oct. 18. Though Shore was only convicted on one count of capital murder in 2004, he confessed to the killing and rape of several other girls, ranging in age from 9 to 21. On Sept. 12, Shore filed an appeal with the CCA that claimed he suffers from brain injuries incurred in a 1981 car accident. The state followed with a motion to dismiss his appeal and stay the request on the grounds that Shore has been diagnosed as a psychopath: That is "what someone is, not what someone becomes," read the motion. The state also referenced Shore's childhood history of sexual violence.

Shore was caught nearly a decade after what investigators believe was his last kill; he was arrested in the late 90s for sexually assaulting his 2 daughters. But because of Houston's notoriously dysfunctional crime lab, there wasn't a CODIS hit on his DNA until 2003, after a sample of one of his victim's DNA was outsourced to a different crime lab for testing. If Robert Pruett is indeed executed today, Thursday, Oct. 12 (see "Death Watch," Oct. 6), Shore is in line to be the 7th Texan to be killed this year.

(source: Austin Chronicle)


Former Austin officer accused of murder may face death penalty, experts say----VonTrey Clark is charged with murder in the death of Crime Victims Counselor Samantha Dean outside of Bastrop.

A Bastrop county judge has set a trial date in one of the region's most high-profile murder cases in recent years.

Opening statements in the trial of former Austin police officer VonTrey Clark will start March 19, according to a judge's order, in the death of crime victims counselor Samantha Dean. Jury selection will begin Feb. 6 and will include individual interviews with prospective jurors, which legal experts said is an indication that prosecutors may seek the death penalty.

Clark is charged with capital murder in the death of Dean, who worked for the Kyle Police Department.

Clark is accused of killing Dean, who was 7 months pregnant, because she would not terminate her pregnancy.

He then fled to Indonesia, where federal officials captured him and returned him to Bastrop County.

A trial date for a co-defendant, Kevin Watson, has not been set.

(source: KVUE TV news)


Florida Could Become the First State to Execute Drug Dealers----Selling fentanyl to someone who dies is now 1st-degree murder. But how do you prove it? That's a life-or-death question for Tamas Harris.

Sonny Priest's friend found him dead in his home in Altamonte Springs, Florida, the week before Christmas 2016. Priest had overdosed on alprazolam, cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl, a medical examiner ruled.

6 months after Priest's death, Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a law expanding the state's 1st-degree murder code to include selling a lethal dose of fentanyl. The law, which only applies to adults, took effect Oct. 1. Priest's alleged dealer, Tamas Harris, was 8 days into adulthood when Priest died. This month, 18-year-old Harris will go to court an accused murderer. If convicted, he faces the death penalty.

Florida law already allowed dealers of drugs like cocaine or heroin to be charged with 1st-degree murder when their drugs led to fatal overdose. But overdose rates have skyrocketed in the state with the proliferation of fentanyl, a drug up to 50 times more powerful than heroin. Fentanyl and heroin are sometimes combined without the buyer or distributor's knowledge, creating a cocktail of indeterminate strength.

"Most deaths we've seen since the rise of fentanyl in Florida have been a mixture of heroin and fentanyl," said Greg Newburn, Florida's state policy director for Families Against Mandatory Minimums, a sentencing reform group.

Florida's new law doesn't care whether or not dealers know their drugs are laced with fentanyl. As long as a fatal mixture contained any amount of fentanyl, the dealer can be charged with 1st-degree murder, a charge for which "the only 2 sentences available are life without parole and the death penalty," Newburn said.

In text messages before Priest's death, he and Harris only discussed heroin. Priest ordered 7 bags of heroin the morning of his death, according to texts included in a warrant for Harris' arrest.

Late that evening when a friend went to check on Priest, he found him dead in his bedroom. A medical examiner ruled that Priest had died from a combination of alprazolam, cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl - a dangerous combination. The mixture of heroin with a tranquilizer like alprazolam is a common recipe for overdose, with the 2 sedative drugs combining to shut down the respiratory system.

Harris has entered a plea of not guilty in Priest's death. His lawyer argues that prosecutors cannot prove Harris sold the drugs that ultimately led to Priest's overdose.

In an attempt to prove Harris sold the drugs that killed Priest, police convinced Priest's friend to text Harris under the guise of buying drugs. "Is this new? I don't want that fire Sonny [Priest] last got from you," the friend texted Harris.

Harris confirmed that he was selling a different batch. After the deal was completed, police arrested Harris and tested his drugs. They tested positive for heroin, not fentanyl, according to an arrest report.

"Alleged dealers like Harris could be charged with murder regardless of their intent to sell fentanyl"

Like many street-level dealers, Harris might not have known the exact composition of his drugs, which appeared to vary between alleged sales. But under the new law, alleged dealers like Harris could be charged with murder regardless of their intent or lack of intent to sell fentanyl.

"One of the problems with the bill is there's no intent requirement for any of it," Newburn said. "The way the statute reads, it's unlawful distribution of this substance or any mixture of this substance."

One possible saving grace in Harris' case is the date of his alleged sale. He allegedly sold drugs to Priest in December, nearly a year before Florida's new sentencing law for fentanyl overdoses went into effect.

"If the cause of death is the fentanyl, I'm not sure he can be charged with murder because fentanyl was not in the list of drugs that could be listed as a predicate for murder until Oct. 1," Newburn said. "If it was heroin, or another drug that was already listed, then they could charge it as 1st-degree murder."

A medical examiner ruled the proximate cause of death in Priest's case to be heroin and fentanyl, claiming that the alprazolam and cocaine in Priest's system would not have killed him on their own.

If Harris is convicted of selling a fatal dose of heroin, he could still face the death penalty. But if the prosecution's case relies on Harris' alleged fentanyl sale, he could be the last alleged fentanyl dealer in Florida to avoid life in jail or the death penalty in a fatal overdose case.

Harris' family has already lost a teenage son. In January 2016, his 15-year-old brother Tamar died when a person fired into his car in broad daylight. In a press conference, Harris' mother pleaded for the shooter to come forward, while another boy who looked like Tamas Harris cried in a relative's arms behind her.

Nearly 2 years later, police have made no arrest in Tamar's murder, but Tamas Harris could get the death penalty for his alleged role in a death for which he was not present.

(source: The Daily Beast)


Ian Howard indicted, faces death penalty; speaks in court Wednesday

A grand jury has indicted Ian Paul Howard on a 1st-degree murder charge in connection with the Oct. 1 shooting death of Cpl. Michael Middlebrook, a Lafayette police officer.

District Attorney Keith Stutes said he will seek a "capital verdict" against Howard, and later confirmed his office plans to seek the death penalty.

Howard, 27, is accused of killing Cpl. Middlebrook when he responded to an assault call at a Moss Street convenience store.

The grand jury also indicted Howard of three counts of attempted 1st degree murder. 2 of the reported victims are civilians, and the 3rd is a police officer.

A bond has not yet been set on the 1st-degree murder charge. A bond hearing will not be held until after Howard's arraignment, which is set for Oct. 24.

Lafayette police shooting suspect 'under the care of medical personnel'

Stephen Singer, an attorney for Howard, asked for the later bond hearing because he said he was not aware of the indictment until Stutes presented it during a Wednesday hearing.

Howard appeared in court Wednesday for what was originally slated to be a hearing on several motions filed by Singer last week.

He was escorted into Judge Jules Edwards' courtroom with heavy shackles and a protective vest. Multiple deputies were positioned inside the courtroom and outside the courthouse before, during and after the proceedings.

Howard no longer wore the head bandages he had on in his booking photo, but there were still small cuts and bruises on his face and under his eyes.

There did not appear to be any relatives of Howard in the courtroom.

Howard directly addressed Edwards several times, first saying he did not want Singer and Elliott Brown, both of the Louisiana Capital Assistance Center, to represent him.

"I've never hired him as a lawyer, no," Howard said of Singer.

Howard said he had spoken briefly to someone from the local public defender's office shortly after his arrest, and indicated he wanted that person to represent him.

However, he also said he was not indigent and had the money to hire his own attorney. When Edwards asked how much money Howard had available, he said he could not remember. Howard said he had one or two friends who are attorneys who would represent him for free, but could not immediately provide their names or phone numbers.

"I haven't gotten to make any phone calls," Howard told Edwards, who offered to let Howard call an attorney Wednesday.

Details emerge about man charged with killing police officer

Edwards ultimately allowed Howard time to consult with Singer, Brown and Chad Ikerd, an attorney with the 15th Judicial District Public Defender's Office. Following that consultation, Ikerd said Howard had agreed to let Singer and Brown represent him, at least for the time being, and had signed a document to that effect.

Edwards granted a motion from Singer asking the state to preserve all physical and scientific evidence in the case. Stutes had no objection.

(source: Daily Advertiser)


Accused killer's grim past influences death penalty decision----Rape victim says accused killer held her hostage years ago

A man charged with a Price Hill murder is now facing the death penalty, in part because of his past.

Gary Box, 41, is accused of murdering Tanisha Huff on Elberon Avenue Friday, but an unrelated rape case from 2001 is playing a role in why he will face capital punishment.

"11th grade high school, I was at the bus stop and he basically approached me and asked me for the time," said Caseya Brown, who talked without shielding her identity.

Remembering the incident from 16 years ago, Brown said Box's demeanor suddenly changed and he told her he had a gun.

"He told me to come with him and he ended up wrapping his hand around my neck," Brown said.

She was forced to a nearby vacant apartment where Box had apparently been staying illegally.

Brown said Box didn't have a gun, but pulled a knife.

"He just kept (me) at knifepoint 7 to 8 hours, the whole school day," Brown said.

Throughout the time she was there, she was raped "about a dozen times," Brown said.

Box made sure she couldn't escape.

"He tied me up. He cut off the extension cords to the TV and the fans and tied me up, tied my hands and my feet up," Brown said.

She only escaped when someone knocked on the door and Box ran out the back.

That was the last time Brown saw Box for another 3 or 4 years, until one day when she was at a park and heard a familiar question from a man.

"The man came from behind and asked me the same question, 'Do you know the time?'" Brown said. "I didn't recognize the voice, but when I turned around, my friend must have recognized the shock in my face."

It was Box.

Brown called police and Box was arrested. Faced with the DNA evidence, Box pleaded guilty.

He was still on parole for rape and kidnapping convictions when he allegedly shot Huff.

(source: WLWT news)


Hundley back in court bickering with judge in death penalty case

A man who wants the right to represent himself in his death penalty case bickered Wednesday with a judge in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court.

Lance Hundley, 47, accused of the November 2015 beating death of Erika Huff and the attempted murder of her mother, complained to Judge Maureen Sweeney in a pretrial hearing that his former attorneys, who are now on stand by, have failed to perform several duties for him, such as sending letters or acquiring documents.

Judge Sweeney curtly told Hundley that now that he is own attorney, those are his responsibilities.

Hundley is set to go on trial in January for Huff's death.

(source: vindy.indicator)


Killer claims he's too ill to be executed

Death-row inmate Alva Campbell, once dubbed "the poster child for the death penalty" for a deadly carjacking outside the Franklin County Courthouse 20 years ago, is now too sick to be put to death, his attorneys and advocates say.

The convicted killer is slated for execution Nov. 15, but Campbell has so much fluid in his lungs that he can't lie flat on the execution table for a lethal injection, one of his attorneys, David Stebbins, said Tuesday.

"He'll start gasping and choking," Stebbins said.

Stebbins said that for Campbell to sleep in prison, "he has to prop himself up on his side. It's not very good."

Stebbins said he has communicated his concerns to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, which didn't immediately respond to questions about how to deal with Campbell's condition.

Campbell, 69, has twice been convicted of murder, most recently in the 1997 execution-style slaying of 18-year-old Charles Dials behind a K-Mart store on South High Street.

Long before that, Campbell had cardiopulmonary issues that in the past few years have become debilitating, his attorneys say. Most of his right lung has been removed, and he has emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and possibly cancer in much of his remaining lung tissue, Campbell's application for executive clemency says. In addition, his prostate gland has been removed, as has a gangrenous colon. A broken hip last year has confined him to a walker.

"The severity of these combined illnesses have left Alva debilitated and fragile," Campbell's clemency application says. "Alva's deteriorating physical condition further militates in favor of clemency."

The health claims are only one reason why Campbell and his attorneys are asking that his sentence be commuted to life in prison without parole. They also cite the "nightmare" childhood that Campbell suffered at the hands of an alcoholic father who was both physically and sexually abusive.

If Gov. John Kasich doesn't want to commute Campbell's sentence, delaying his sentence would have the same effect because the inmate will die soon, advocates said.

"He's probably in the poorest health of any living death-row inmate in the country," said Kevin Werner of Ohioans to Stop Executions.

A spokesman for Kasich couldn't be reached Tuesday.

Campbell is scheduled for a clemency hearing Thursday. A spokesman for Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said that, in advance of the hearing, his office will file a response rebutting the claims made in Campbell's application.

Campbell argues that poor health is one reason he shouldn't be put to death, but he used an earlier, false health claim to commit the crime that put him on death row.

Campbell feigned paralysis from a glancing bullet wound suffered during a robbery arrest. As Campbell was being taken to the Franklin County Courthouse for a hearing on April 2, 1997, he sprang from his wheelchair, overpowered a deputy sheriff, took her gun and fled.

He then carjacked Dials, who was at the courthouse to pay a traffic ticket. After driving Dials around for hours, Campbell ordered him onto the floor of his truck and shot him twice.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien, who at the time of Campbell's trial called him "the poster child for the death penalty," couldn't be reached Tuesday for comment.

Campbell is not the first condemned man in Ohio to use ill health to argue that he should be spared from execution. In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Richard Cooey's claim that he was too obese to be executed. Cooey said his obesity could make it difficult for executioners to find a vein for a lethal injection. He was executed that year.

(source: The Columbus Dispatch)


Indiana lawmakers consider changes to death penalty law

In just a couple months, lawmakers could make recommendations to change the state's death penalty law.

It goes back to a bill that failed last year that would have put new restrictions on when prosecutors could seek the death penalty if the defendant suffered from mental health issues.

Indiana has executed nearly 100 Hoosiers since 1897. The last one was nearly a decade ago. Right now, 13 inmates sit on death row.

"The death penalty should be reserved for the worst of the worst, not people acting on false stimuli," said Barbara Moser, the executive director at NAMI Indiana, a part of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Last year, a bill failed that would have exempted defendants from the death penalty if they suffered from mental illnesses including post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia.

Lawmakers got a science lesson Wednesday on why to possibly reconsider. Neuro-anatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor said the brains of people suffering from schizophrenia or PTSD will not necessarily process right from wrong easily.

"If I'm hearing the voice of God that's telling me 'I'm Jesus' or 'I'm Michael,' then I am going to hold myself to the standard of that delusional system over what I'm going to hold as far as mankind is concerned," she said.

Several mental health experts testified the state could save millions in legal costs if the cases were tried with a maximum penalty of life without parole.

There are a couple prosecutors seeking capital punishment right now.

In Marion County, Jason Brown is accused of murdering Southport Police Lt. Aaron Allan.

In Boone County, Zachariah Wright could face the death penalty for reportedly murdering a 73-year-old man and trying to rape and set his wife on fire.

"As Indiana prosecutors, we do view the death penalty as a measure that should only be imposed on the worst of the worst," said Boone County Prosecutor Todd Meyer.

Meyer said the state's legal system allows defendants to challenge the decision, with the courts sometimes ruling in their favor.

"I think our system works very well in this state," he said.

Lawmakers have their opinions, too. State Rep. Thomas Washburne, a Republican from Inglefield, said to be exempt from the death penalty, the defendant should be diagnosed with psychotic features or losing contact with reality in addition to the mental illness.

State Rep. Ed DeLaney, a Democrat from Indianapolis, said the death penalty should be abolished because it is so expensive.

(source: WISH TV news)


Former Arkansas death row inmate freed after 16 years in custody; charges dropped in mutilation case

After more than 16 years in custody, including as many as 12 on death row, Rickey Dale Newman walked out of the Crawford County jail Wednesday a free man.

Crawford County Circuit Judge Gary Cottrell signed an order approving a motion by special prosecutor Ron Fields to dismiss the 1st-degree murder charge against Newman in the Feb. 7, 2001, mutilation slaying of fellow transient Marie Cholette, 46, at a camp on the western edge of Van Buren.

Standing outside the county jail Wednesday afternoon wearing a dark gray sweatsuit and slippers and sporting a scruffy gray beard and glasses, Newman said it felt good to be free again.

"I'm a little nervous," he said. "I mean, I've been locked up for 16 years, 7 months and 9 days. I have no idea what this world is all about."

Asked what it was like on death row, Newman said it was something he had to "deal with" every day.

"You have no feelings," Newman said. "You're dead."

Newman was waiting with court-appointed attorney Julie Brain for his brother to arrive and said he was heading to the Veterans Affairs hospital. He suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, and the sheriff's office has provided his medication since the summer of 2015.

Newman indicated he didn't know where he would go from there, but he said he was not going to remain in the area.

In a letter dated Tuesday to Cottrell explaining his reasons for requesting dismissal of the charge, Fields wrote that the Sept. 21 opinion by the Arkansas Supreme Court barred the state from introducing at Newman's retrial confessions he made to police after his arrest in 2001.

The state had presented Newman's confession to a jury during his 1-day capital-murder trial June 10, 2002. Also during the trial, Newman, acting as his own attorney, told jurors he killed Cholette and wanted to be sentenced to death.

According to court records, Newman testified before the jury that he killed Cholette because she falsely represented herself as a member of a transient rail riding group he called the FTRA and had hurt one of its members during an altercation.

The jury convicted Newman and, on the basis of the jury's recommendation, Circuit Judge Floyd "Pete" Rogers sentenced him to death.

Newman was in the state prison system from June 11, 2002, to Feb. 14, 2014, according to the state Department of Correction, but it could not be determined whether he spent all that time on death row.

In January 2014, the Arkansas Supreme Court threw out his conviction and death sentence, ruling that Newman suffered from mental disease and defects. The court ordered Newman back to Crawford County, where he was to be rendered competent and retried.

It was that 2014 ruling that Cottrell relied on in January to bar Fields from using Newman's confession in his retrial. Fields appealed Cottrell's decision to the state Supreme Court, and it denied the appeal in the Sept. 21 opinion.

The mandate for the opinion was filed Wednesday, returning jurisdiction for the case back to Crawford County and opening the door for Fields to file the motion to dismiss the murder charge.

"The Supreme Court's opinion will prevent all these incriminating statements from being introduced into evidence at any new trial," Fields wrote in his letter to Cottrell. "Without this evidence, it is my belief that sufficient evidence does not exist at this time to retry the case."

Fields said in a telephone interview Wednesday that while he did not have enough evidence to retry Newman, he didn't think police investigators made a mistake in arresting Newman in 2001.

"I found no need to look for other suspects, as I believe they had found the correct one at the time," he said.

Fields wrote to Cottrell that he did not make the decision to dismiss the case lightly. "Lengthy and strenuous investigation" was undertaken by the Van Buren Police Department, the Arkansas State Police and the state Crime Laboratory, Fields wrote.

Fields said in his letter that in preparing for trial, he had asked the state police to search the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, a large repository of major violent crime cases, to try to determine if other crimes of the type Newman was accused of had been committed around the country.

Court records showed that Cholette was killed Feb. 7, 2001. Her body was found in a tent at a transient camp known as the Benny Billy camp. Billy found her body Feb. 15, 2001. Cholette was wearing only a shirt and wrapped in several blankets.

According to the records, Cholette's sexual organs and anus had been severely mutilated and her nipples were cut off. Foreign material had been placed inside her pelvic area. Her jawbone was broken, and her dental plate was lodged in her throat. Her throat was cut, and there were several stab wounds in her chest.

Her sternum had been cut open and there was a large, gaping wound from her chest to her pelvic bone. Her pelvic bone had been cut through. There also was evidence of defensive wounds that indicated Cholette put up a struggle before she died, the records said.

"Based on my experience, it was clear that whoever perpetrated this crime would have committed other crimes of a similar nature if they were still at large in the public," Fields wrote. "The results of the search were that no other crimes matched the type of violence displayed in this case."

Fields wrote that he asked investigators to inventory the case evidence in the Police Department's evidence locker and to determine whether any other DNA testing was needed on any items. Several items were tested, he wrote, but results showed they "were not of evidentiary value at this time."

DNA testing on hair samples showed they did not connect Newman to Cholette as was presented to jurors in the original trial, Fields' letter said.

Fields noted that he found no indication police in the initial investigation made any mistakes or errors and that the investigation was conducted with "professional and competent performance."

Cholette's sister, Denise Cholette of Utica, Mich., said Wednesday that she was sad there was not enough evidence to try Newman, especially given that he was the last person to be seen with her sister.

Police had recovered video from a Fort Smith liquor store just across the Arkansas River from Van Buren that showed Newman and Cholette together on Feb. 7, 2001.

Denise Cholette said she didn't plan to tell Marie Cholette's 2 daughters, Angela Robinson and Danielle Soule, about the dismissal of Newman's charges because of the effect it would have on them.

"It was a difficult time in my life to lose my childhood playmate," Denise Cholette said of her sister's death.

She said she also believed that her sister's death caused the death of their mother. She said her mother, Ruth, grieved deeply after learning of Marie Cholette's death and died of a heart attack about a year later.

Even though they didn't have a body, Marie Cholette's family gathered in a Michigan church after her death for a service, Denise Cholette said. She said her sister's ashes were sent to her about a year after her death, and she keeps the urn in her basement.

The family never knew why Marie Cholette became a transient, Denise Cholette said. She once worked for Lockheed Missile and Space Co., in Bremerton, Wash., but lost it when violence in her marriage caused her to lose her security clearance.

The family lost track of her as she wandered the country with a succession of boyfriends, Denise Cholette said.

The last time she saw her sister was in the late 1990s when Marie Cholette and a boyfriend named Tom arrived at her home. Denise Cholette said she offered her sister a condo to live in as long as she would get a job to support herself. Marie Cholette chose to go off with her boyfriend, Denise Cholette said.

Records show she arrived in Van Buren in late January 2001 with another boyfriend, John Evans. They were arrested Jan. 23, 2001, for public intoxication. Cholette got out of jail the next day, but Evans remained locked up after hitting a jailer. Cholette stayed in Van Buren to wait for his release.

After his conviction, Newman sought to forgo his appeals and be executed. Murder convictions are automatically appealed to the state Supreme Court. After the court affirmed his conviction in September 2003, the justices determined Newman was mentally competent at his 2002 trial and granted his request to drop further appeals and dissolve his execution stay.

His execution was set for July 26, 2005, but four days before it was to be carried out, he allowed federal public defenders Bruce Eddy and Brain to file a request in federal court on his behalf to stay his execution.

In a hearing for that stay before U.S.District Judge Robert Dawson in November 2007, a neuropsychologist and a psychiatrist testified that Newman suffered from mental illnesses and cognitive deficits that made it impossible for him to rationally waive his appeals.

Court records show a psychological report on Newman that included a lengthy description of his early life.

From interviews with Newman's family, the report said, Newman had been
physically and psychologically abused as a child. Newman and several of his siblings were beaten seriously and often by a man who lived with their mother.

A sister of Newman recalled the man would hold the children, including Newman, upside down with one hand and beat them with the other.

Newman also was tied up outside for hours. He and other siblings were left for long periods without food, and the man sometimes would taunt them with food but not give them any.

His mother, Ruby Inez Ross, regarded her children as a nuisance, the report said, and was quick to anger and lashed out physically at them. She died of cancer in 1969, with Newman and his siblings listening to her screams of pain that morphine could not ease, the report said.

Mentally impaired, Newman could not grasp his lessons in school. At 16 he began to run away, ride around the country in train box cars, do simple manual labor, panhandle, search dumpsters and get charitable and government assistance.

He joined the Marines for one year and received an honorable discharge.

In the effort to restore Newman to competence after his conviction and death sentence were reversed, Cottrell ordered Newman to be sent to the State Hospital for treatment and evaluation.

After 3 stays at the State Hospital over nearly 2 years, during which Newman refused to cooperate at his attorney's instruction, Cottrell declared Newman fit to proceed in November 2015 to be retried.

Progress on the case was further slowed when it took more than a year to reach a resolution of Newman's motion to bar his confession from trial.

(source: arkansasonline.com)


Racial disparity led to ban of death penalty in territorial Alaska

A man accused of murdering his wife aboard a cruise ship in Southeast Alaska waters could face the death penalty. But it's a long process and it may be unlikely to end in the defendant's death.

In July, Kristy Manzanares was found dead in the couple's cabin aboard the Emerald Princess. They were on an Alaska cruise celebrating their wedding anniversary.

According to court records, her blood was everywhere, including on her husband. The cruise ship diverted to Juneau, docked, and federal authorities investigated the scene and interviewed more than 100 witness.

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Kenneth Ray Manzanares is awaiting federal trial on 1st-degree murder charges, and the prosecution is considering whether it will seek the death penalty.

Federal Public Defender Rich Curtner has been with the District of Alaska office since 1992.

"Somebody can be charged with murder in the 1st degree, but before the government could seek a death penalty at sentencing, they'd have to go through this process where the Department of Justice would have to authorize it," he said.

Curtner, who is also the board president of Alaskans Against the Death Penalty, said that process can take 2 to 3 months. The U.S. Attorney's office investigates and makes the final decision.

Curtner's office is representing Manzanares, so he couldn't speak about that case specifically, but he said the death penalty has been authorized in just a few Alaska cases since he became a federal public defender here. But they were all resolved without the death penalty.

As a state, Alaska has never had capital punishment available at criminal sentencing. You have to go back to the end of the territorial days under federal jurisdiction to find the last person executed.

In the early 1990s, some lawmakers tried unsuccessfully to establish a state death penalty. Averil Lerman, then a civil attorney, was inspired to research the history of executions in the territory. An interest in the case of the last man put to death in territorial Alaska prompted her to find out more.

She later became a criminal defense attorney and specialized in examining convictions and writing appeals.

"I learned many things that helped inform my feeling about what had happened to the last man. I did an oral history of the death penalty in Juneau," she said. "There were 3 executions in Juneau in 1939, 1948 and 1950."

When Lerman retired after practicing law in Alaska for more than 30 years, she devoted more time to researching. The racial demographics of those executed troubled her.

"The fact is that after 1902, all of the people who were executed in Alaska were either racial minorities or ethnic minorities."

The last 3 men executed in the territory were an Alaska Native and 2 black men.

Lerman said prejudice and poor legal training on the part of the defense lawyers were mostly to blame. She said the lawyers just weren't very good at writing appeals.

3 men were hung in Fairbanks in the 1920s. But after that, the 4th Judicial District didn't put anyone else to death. The last man executed in the territory was in Juneau in 1950

7 years later, the territorial Legislature banned capital punishment.

"I think that one of the things that suggests is that in small communities there's a learning curve about the death penalty and what it feels like to have it, and implement it and to have it live in your town," Lerman said.

Fast forward to today, and the death penalty is again being considered for a case in Alaska.

It would be good to note that Alaska does not have a death penalty.

But if Alaska doesn't have the penalty, how can the Manzanares case be eligible?

The alleged murder happened in territorial waters, so it's under federal jurisdiction. And while Alaska doesn't have the death penalty, federal capital punishment is legal.

If the alleged crime had happened while the ship was docked, the death penalty wouldn't be an issue, because the state would have jurisdiction.

Since 1963, only 3 men have been executed under federal jurisdiction in the entire country. Timothy McVeigh, for example, was one of them. He was convicted and sentenced for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

As of January 2017, there were 63 inmates on federal death row. They include convicted Charleston church shooter and white supremacist Dylann Roof and convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Kenneth Manzanares is being held at Lemon Creek Correctional Center in Juneau. His next hearing is scheduled for Nov. 29.

(source: KTOO news)


The death penalty's ugly, racist roots----Law professor and author Brandon Garrett explains the entrenched racial bias around the death penalty

"There's a long, ugly history of racial bias in the American death penalty," Brandon Garrett, professor of law at the University of Virginia and author of the new book,"End of Its Rope: How Killing the Death Penalty Can Revive Criminal Justice," told me in a video interview for Salon.

"The death penalty in the South has roots in lynching," Garrett said.

Garrett's book explains the steps that led to the decline in the death penalty in the United States and how specific reforms can lead to its total extinction.

While Garrett is hopeful that these reforms will translate into lasting changes within the criminal justice system, there are real concerns with the way black and brown defendants are discriminated against within the criminal justice system.

Will sweeping reforms be enough to address the specific disparities people of color face?

For example, Garrett says, there is a "white lives matter more effect" that is commonplace in death sentences. When the victim is white, a defendant is 4.3 times more likely to be sentenced to death than if the victim was black. Garrett and many other researchers have found that the race of the victim is a defining factor in death sentences.

The ongoing racial bias in death sentences can be traced to the county-level, where the sentencing is imposed, Garrett points out.

"People think of death penalty states, you really just have death penalty counties," Garrett explained. "There's 31 states that have death penalty on the books," and just a few counties that order them.

In "End of Its Rope" Garrett writes that its the "counties with large black populations that engage in far more death sentencing." He cites Riverside County, California, where from 2010-2015, people of color made up 80 % of those sentenced to death.

"Despite the entrenched racial patterns," Garrett said, "death sentences are disappearing across the country." He added that it "is a phenomenon of a few counties, mostly wealthy counties that feel like they can afford it."

The demise of state-sanctioned death sentences give Garrett hope that racial bias can be addressed and tackled in criminal justice. And at the very least, he sees the national dialogue increasing around the discrimination and persecution faced by people of color.

"There are lots of conversations to have about how to improve the way race plays into our criminal justice system, but you do see it talked more about now," Garrett said. "I think that???s a really positive thing."

(source: salon.com)
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