
<xamanu> h01ger, bubulle: There are already some dates on the website: 
http://debconf12.debconf.org/dates.xhtml it says (= the local team has 
proposed) 9th of July. Is this fine for you or should be changed?

The proposed venue is the Centro Cultural de España en Nicaragua (CCEN), which 
IMHO is a very nice place for a C&W party for a group of geeks like us :) 
For some photos see 



Not shown on the fotos is a another rather big room we can also use, 200 
chairs and audio(+video) equipment. The only downside is that its 3km away 
from UCA, so we need to organize some busses, which the CCEN has experience 
with and offered to help us.

So, next step should probably be to tell the CCEN folks that we want to have 
the C&W patry there, on the 9th. Shall we?

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