Clearly, everybody was frustrated at various times with the decision
making processes from country selection through to budget approval and
venue selection for DebConf13.

Here are my suggestions about how it could be changed:

a) only one-off sponsorship (e.g. local university or government money)
to be handled by local team - ongoing sponsors and industry sponsors to
be managed by Debian global fund-raising - I believe this overlaps with
comments from some other people about how these relationships could be
best managed

b) in lieu of the above, Debian itself would guarantee to contribute EUR
50,000 (or maybe more) to DebConf (currently it is cost-neutral for
Debian) - so the bidders won't feel that they have to start with nothing
each new DebConf year.  Furthermore, they will be able to go to local
authorities, venues, etc and say "we have at least EUR 50,000 to spend
and 300 people will come, will you help our event?" and it sounds a lot
better than saying "we have no budget yet, but we want your help"

c) the bid teams would have to provide more evidence (e.g. final venue
prices and at least one major sponsor, or evidence of government help)
but those things would also be easier to get thanks to (b)

d) the bid decision would then happen slightly later (e.g July instead
of March) - but on the other hand, the decision would give the team an
immediate authorisation to sign a contract, not leaving them in limbo
for 6-8 months

In particular, I don't think it is about blaming the venue, the country
or the people, (is any country perfect?), it's just about optimizing the

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