Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> To possibly avoid printing problems, convert the .txt files to utf-8 by
> running the commands below.
> iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 < ksp-dc14.txt > ksp-dc14.utf8.txt
> iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 < ksp-dc14.condensed.txt > 
> ksp-dc14.condensed.utf8.txt
> I used libreoffice with ksp-dc14.condensed.txt as input to create a four
> pages landscape document with two columns. Maybe you could do something
> similar with other tools.
> If you have other ideas, post them to the list.

Here's a program that will generate a html file with a form containing
a bunch of checkboxes, formatted so they fit all on one screen on my

runhaskell convert.hs < ksp-dc14.utf8.txt > ksp-dc14.html

(html improvements appreciated)

(saving consists of generating a url, which I have not bothered to write
a consumer for yet)

see shy jo
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>))

numcols :: Int
numcols = 12

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ either (error . show) format . parse keys "input"

data Key = Key
	{ knum :: Int
	, kname :: String
	, kdetails :: [String]

keys :: Parser [Key]
keys = do
	ls <- instructionlines
	many $ Key <$> getnum <*> getname <*> getdetails

instructionlines :: Parser [String]
instructionlines = restOfLine `manyTill` try (string "\n\n\n")

restOfLine :: Parser String
restOfLine = anyChar `manyTill` try newline

getnum :: Parser Int
getnum = read <$> between (char '#') (many1 space) (many1 digit)

getname :: Parser String
getname = manyTill anyChar
	(try (void (string "(rank:" >> restOfLine) <|> void newline))

getdetails :: Parser [String]
getdetails = restOfLine `manyTill` try (void (string "\n\n") <|> eof)

void :: Parser a -> Parser ()
void p = p >> return ()

format :: [Key] -> String
format l = unlines $ concat
	[ header
	, intercalate chunksep (map (map formatkey) (segment l))
	, footer
	header= [ "<html>"
		, "SHA256 Checksum: _"
		, "<form method=get action=http://localhost/saveme>"
		, "<table>"
		, "<tr>"
	footer = 
		[ "</tr>"
		, "</table>"
		, "<input type=submit value=Save>"
		, "</form>"
		, "</html>"
	chunksep = ["</tr>", "<tr>"]

	formatkey k = concat
		[ "<td>"
		, '#' : show (knum k)
		, "<label><input type=checkbox name=" ++ show (knum k) ++ ">"
		, kname k
		-- TODO: allow expanding to see kdetails k
		, "</input></label></td>"
	segment [] = []
	segment l = 
		let (chunk, rest) = splitAt numcols l
		in chunk : segment rest

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