at bottom :-

On 02/06/2016, Bernelle Verster <> wrote:
> hi
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Keerthana Krishnan
> <> wrote:
>> Wow, that sounds like a great idea if done! It showcases the versatility
>> of
>> Debian beautifully, but is it possible to pull it together?
> I would like to try. :) I know nothing of any of this though (I'm a
> Debian and IT noob), so the first step would be to create a list of
> requirements, flesh out what exactly you're thinking (this would
> include support stuff, screens, plugpoints, extention cords, etc etc
> as well as the 'Debian stuff' - hardware, bandwidth etc etc etc). I
> can then take that to the local organisations and see what we can pull
> together (wrt equipment and volunteers). I would need something great
> to show them by ... this weekend? (Not final, but something that would
> sell the idea well)
> Perhaps, in the interest of time, the requirements need to be
> prioritised into 'have to have, this won't happen without it', and
> nice-to-haves. Shirish, could I ask you to make a start at it on a
> wiki page, that you link to from the Debian Day wiki please?
> Maybe ?

Dear Bernelle,

The expert in this area would obviously be Jonas as he has been
working with embedded and is in know of much, much more and he would
be probably more aware of which devices can have debian in a jiffy and
which would require lot more work.

Having said that, have made a crude page at

Most of the contestants are from

Apart form the wired and wireless routers, there have been these
smartwatches and all which probably also could be made to work. There
is also the short-lived debian-mobile mailing list after which <speculate>I think
a decision was made to put more efforts on getting android bits in
Debian main, probably because most upstream may not be active.

Even if we can have a showcase of Android variants like Replicant and
f-droid and conversations around them, that might get some interest
going and I'm sure most DD's would have one or the other device which
has them. The same would be of most GNU/Linux groups as well. If we
are able to get some tablets hands-on even those will be good.

Incidentally, I'm planning to buy a new phone (around $100 - $125)
budget, so any recommendations to look at which is/could be ported to
Debian would be good to know. @Jonas - recommendations ?

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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