at bottom :-

On 01/12/2016, Jose M Calhariz <> wrote:
> Hi, I started talks in my job about attending DebCamp and DebConf.
> There are dates about sponsor accomodation?  I think it should be from
> 31 of July until 13 of August, but I hould like a confirmation before
> booking the aeroplane tickets.
> Kind regards
> Jose M Calhariz
> --
> --
>       Aprendamos a viver juntos como irmãos; caso contrário, vamos
>       morrer juntos como idiotas.
>               -- MARTIN LUTHER KING

Dear Jose,
Let me see if I understand your question correctly, please correct me
if I'm wrong -

a. You are looking for sponsored accommodation for Debcamp and Debconf both?

b. You are looking for confirmation now.

While I cannot comment on behalf of the debconf-team, from what little
I experienced, I *think* you have jumped the gun a little too early.
I was a participant both in Debcamp and Debconf 16.  I had a brief
look at the archives and registration for the conference opened on
19th March 2016  which was 3 months and couple of days before debcamp

I don't think they would be able to open registrations until and
unless they have talked to all the potential sponsors, have a budget,
talked to caterers with budgets, talked  for rooms around campus and
hotel etc. all of which can be done by the Canadian team only. Only
after doing all that and getting the numbers checked twice, thrice
would they be in a position to know how many people they would be able
to sponsor in various ways.

So I would urge you to hold on to a bit, let them do their thing, they
will announce registration on the mailing list with a link to a
webform which you can fill and apply. And then wait for them to take a
call and get back to you.

Hopefully the above has clarified the process/procedure. Good luck for
your  application.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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