
talking with Michael Banck we've had the idea to have a regular Mini-DebConf
in Germany, probably in different locations every year, and probaly roughly
6 months apart from the regular Debian-UK Mini-DebConf in Cambridge.

So, as I'm probably crazy, I think I'd volunteer to be part of an orga team
to organize such an event in April or May in Hamburg in the venue which also 
held the Reproducible Builds Hackathon and will host the Alioth sprint next
weekend. That venue is a big build complex owned by an artist cooperative, of
which the CCC Hamburg is also part of, as well as dock-europe.net, which is
an international education/training center with 3 talk rooms which can be 
into one big rom and which also has 36 beds on site, plus it's in the center
of the city/Altona, so there's plenty of other accomodation as well.

https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/English is an english description with some more
photos of the venue and the CCC hamburg hackerspace which I suppose we could
use as a fourth room for hacking.

http://dock-europe.net has some more infos/pics too.

Currently I'm thinking of something like 4 days of hacking (Monday to Thursday)
and 3 days of hacking and talks.

So, what do you think? I'd think a small team would be sufficient to prepare
the event and I'd be very glad to have an informal BOF over lunch on Friday
and/or informal chats almost anytime.


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