Hey you all, happy and merry DebConf people!

We are having a good time and doing a ton of work. I have seen several
ongoing sprints, and the technical advance of our project is
warrranted during this conference. That makes me very happy!

But DebConf is not just about hard, cold work. You know, we have
time-tested social rituals that bring us all together as a group, that
create friendship -no, family!- bonds among us all. Repeated successes
leading to...

Ok, I'll cut the blabbering.

You all know I am talking about the Great and Mighty DebConf Cheese
and Wine Party.

We have to organize for a _great_ party. An important part of it is
planning - We want to know what you are bringing, in order to prepare
the labels, in order to know how much $foo we have and how much $bar
we have to put to make it work best.

So, please go to our Wiki page!


Fill out what you are bringing. Join the Cheese Team.

VERY important - Did you bring some interesting cheeses? Are you
already in Taiwan? DO YOU NEED A FRIDGE? We have a fridge in the video
room (MIRC, 7th floor, room 705). 

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