Hello everyone,

During a chat between me and a few devs of Meilix [1] OS Devs.
We had this idea that we should have a Debian Derivatives BoF Session.
I think this could be done and it would be great session for each of the
As far as I know, there are quite a few people from multiple derivatives
present in DebConf.
And it would be a great opportunity for each of them to
share/collaborate/discuss the issues and opportunities.
Also as part of the Debian derivatives team, it will also give some of
us an opportunity to discuss on how Debian and derivatives collaborate
with each other more inclusively.
From my Interactions with the various distribution teams.
I am making a list here of the distributions which are present in
DebConf at the moment.

1. PureOS
2. Hamara Linux
3. Tails
4. QubesOS
6. Meilix OS
7. AIMS Desktop

There may be more people from more distributions which are not in the
list. This list is just what I made from my interactions with  people
during DebCamp and DebConf.
Please let us know if you are here with a distribution which is not
listed above.
We will decide up on a time and place for the BoF and will announce and
co-ordinate about it on this thread.

Do let us know about your ideas and Suggestions regarding the BoF,
either on this thread or find me at DebConf venue.

[1] http://meilix.fossasia.org/

Raju Devidas
Debian Derivtives Team

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