Thank you for these emails.

Providing tacit approval for apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and international 
crimes ought to be antithetical with Debconf's - and the entire Debian 
project's - mission. I share Nasir El-Amin's frustration and feeling of 
betrayal over this poor decision, and am also actively organizing a response.

As a minor note also, implying that Poland has taken German land, considering 
the history of World War 2, and equating that to the present-day Israeli 
occupation of Palestinian land, is incorrect, dissimilar, and might be 
construed as being said in bad faith.

- Ghassan Kanafani
(nom de guerre since it's unsafe to criticize zionism due to blacklists by and others)

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, March 21, 2019 12:36 PM, Nasir El-Amin 
<> wrote:

> That’s not even a logical example we’re talking about an ongoing apartheid 
> and continued theft of land by a illegitimate state that’s violating 
> international law and treaties. Your trying to water down what’s going on in 
> Israel. United Nations has described Israel as an apartheid state. When you 
> internationally choose to have a technical conference in a apartheid state 
> you are supporting that regime and supporting its criminal and human rights 
> violations against Palestinians.
> UN Human Rights Report says Israel is an Apartheid State:
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 9:30 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 
> <> wrote:
>> On 3/21/19 5:10 PM, Nasir El-Amin wrote:
>>> Debian having a conference in contested land where military conflict and 
>>> oppressive acts are occurring is unacceptable.
>> According to this logic, you wouldn't be allowed to host a DebConf in almost 
>> any
>> country in the world as almost any stretch of land has changed owners, 
>> deliberately
>> or by force over the time.
>> The farm of my great grand-parents is now owned by Polish people and the 
>> land around
>> it which used to be Germany is now Poland. But that's a historic fact that 
>> cannot be
>> reverted. That doesn't mean I boycott Poland or Polish people in any way. In 
>> fact, one
>> of my best friends is from Poland.
>> Adrian
>> --
>> .''`. John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
>> : :' : Debian Developer -
>> `. `' Freie Universitaet Berlin -
>> `- GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546 0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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