On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Moray Allan <mo...@sermisy.org> wrote:
> Though as long as the travel sponsorship is capped for the total of
> both at €500, I suppose it doesn't cause us a huge problem, even if I
> don't understand why we would need two people, who hadn't planned to
> come otherwise, for one short talk....

To rephrase this again:

- The rooms are not a big problem, as the government is paying for them.

- We agreed to give €500 travel sponsorship to this talk, even though
normally we wouldn't sponsor people coming to advertise their company
to us, and wouldn't go round the back of the travel sponsorship team
to do this.  We have *not* agreed to give two people €500 each, so if
two are coming for this talk then they need to split the €500 between

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