On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:29 PM, martin f krafft <madd...@debconf.org> wrote:

> So those morning plenary sessions help to bring people together.
> Consequently, the speakers of the first sessions don't have to fear
> being alone. At LCA, these sessions happen at 9:00, and because of
> the raffle and the inherent sadness of (the slim probability of)
> being chosen while still in bed (which means that there's another
> draw), almost all attendees scrape themselves off the mattress and
> attend.
> We are not proposing to have these plenary sessions at 09:00. Later
> would work. But if we stage a raffle as an incentive for people to
> attend these sessions — which are a benefit to the organisers — then
> we need to require that prize winners must be present.

+1 for the conference overall - wake up, get there, morning announcements,
get the day started.   I suspect the same people will turn up even if there
isn't a raffle.  but raffles are fun,.

+1 to help get more people up and moving for the first talks.

+1 for a well defined start of day for the video team.  (details are in my
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