Hi Gunnar

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> wrote:

> Hi Bernelle,
> > That is correct. People tend to not want to take any form of public
> > transport after dark in South Africa. Students usually drive here or
> share
> > private taxis back.
> This brings another questions: If walking after dark is dangerous, and
> people don't take public transport either after dark, how safe are
> taxis? For context: Many people in my country (Mexico) rely on having
> the phone number of a known taxi base, as they don't trust grabbing a
> random taxi on the street. How is that subject in South Africa?

I'm the wrong person to ask about safety as I don't consider it dangerous -
any more than in any other place, but yes, safety is a hotly contested
issue. For me it is more about poor public transport services - the options
we have stop running, so you can get stuck. As far as I am aware of, taxi's
are safe across the board. Having an idea how far you want to go and
calculating a price that you then discuss with the driver before starting
the journey will prevent over-charging (even with the meters).

> > We did obtain quotes for 'dinner shuttles' - 14 seater buses to be used
> ad
> > hoc, see
> >
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town/Potential_Venues#Transport_jottings
> Right, although that would constrain us to meeting at specific
> times. A good help, of course, but still likely to leave people
> stranded.

I am wondering if we should also consider trying to get a deal with rental
car companies, and doing some sort of 'internal Uber', where the people who
really want to, can rent a car as long as they offer trips to others, and
then we can provide cash for fuel or something like that. Then supplement
with coaches/buses for the trips with larger attendance...
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