also sprach Martín Ferrari <> [2015-07-16 14:45 +0200]:
> I already feel pretty disappointed that this is happening in such
> proximity to DebConf (and specially DebCamp), and therefore being
> implicitly associated with the conference. We can't stop you from
> doing it, but DebConf has nothing to do with it, nor wants to.

Oh? I wasn't aware of this opinion of "DebConf", and I've received
two private replies so far from orga team members who thought the
idea was great and who offered their support.

When Michael and I discussed this, we didn't pick DebConf proximity
for wider media reach or ease of organisation. We picked DebConf
proximity because we felt there was demand and interest in Germany,
and people who'd attend the workshop on the Friday would then also
consider extending their stay throughout the Open Weekend. We
thought it'd be a good way to get people interested in DebConf and
Debian, which was our only motivation.

The two list replies I've received are enough for me to just bury
the plans.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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