Hello people!

I've been quite busy during the last weeks, so here's last meeting
summary with a little (*arhem* big *arhem*) delay.

A more complete summary can be found on the wiki:


*Proposed speakers update*

9 suggestions so far. Content team has started discussing them.


We are at the same point we were last meeting. Tiago will try to get us
a 3rd option before October.

Martin Michlmayr will be the one to sign contracts for us (catering,
venue, etc.) since he's SPI president.


No job was done on the website.

Content -> LeLutin
Styling -> Valessio + Tiago (with help from tumbleweed)


lavamind & tassia visited the Hotel we are looking into. It was nicer
than what we expected. We need to look if putting everyone but 20% of
sponsored people there with triple occupancy is doable.


Still going on.


Pollo had no time to work on this.

*DC16 finances*

No news from UTC.

*How to volunter, what to do?*

A few people came and asked us how they could help. We decided to make
the wiki clearer and to organise another local event to welcome them.

*New meeting time*

The current meeting schedule was not working for quite a few people. A
new poll will be issued.



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