Dear Business Head of,

I have visited your website and found that you have a very good and
professional website. However, there are some issues which need immediate
attention. As per Google's guidelines, your site should be easily
accessible in mobile phone, Iphone, and tablets etc. However, your website
has issues with some mobile devices. We can help you fix your website. We
integrate your knowledge and experience with our web development and
marketing expertise to build the perfect website for your business.

Why you choose us?

Here are few things we are anticipating while we making your website

* Optimizing images for different devices and connection speeds.
* Changing navigational position to account for how people hold a mobile
* Restyling links and buttons to be more touch friendly.
* Ensuring elements like video or data tables resize properly rather than
just hiding them.
* Dynamically re sizing fonts to work better at different screen
* Providing retina versions of graphics.
The list could go on.

Your business objectives can certainly be presented better with the help of
a good web design service. So, please let me know if we can discuss further
regarding the website issues and its remedies in regards to get the best of
the web results. So, please let me know if we can discuss further regarding
the website Issues and its remedies in regards to get the best of the web

And be assured, we don't charge for Mock Up preparation.
Let me know your views so that we can proceed to the next step.

Jerry Dawson

NOTE: I can send you 10 issues your website has and it won’t cost you.
[image: beacon]

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