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On 10/05/2018, Yao Wei <> wrote:
> Hi,


> (I would like to give a recap of previous email, since that information
> is not complete.)
> Some of our funds (MEET TAIWAN, NCTU and probably NCHC) requires us to
> give them a list of attendees.
> According to the information from MEET TAIWAN, this includes their
> nationality, phone number, email address, company and occupations to
> give them the proof that our conference meets their funding requirements
> (at least 30 foreign people in a conference) and is close to the number
> of expected attendees during application.
> NCTU also needs that list to apply funds to cover their own venue cost.
> However, we do care about the privacy of attendees, and would like to
> take opt-in approach.  During the global team meeting this week we
> discussed to ask attendees on the website if they are willing to give
> such information to the government and the university for us to gather
> more funds to cover the expense.
> If we agree on this, we have to implement this opt-in page in our
> registration system (or confirmation page), also tells attendees what
> data we are gathering, and to whom we are giving to.

As a potential attendee, I do see minefields here as there isn't
clarity on few topics -

a. How are attendees to know if the data shared would be limited to -

1. One government organization - in this case meet taiwan
2. The University - in this case NCTU

and is/would be there any privacy agreements between these parties and debconf
to make sure that the information shared isn't spread (at the very
least). This would
make at least some of the attendees sleep better at night if they
need/want to share
the info.

b. Some of the information asked is and would be pretty invasive for
e.g. asking
people's mobile numbers, passport number, e-mail address etc. till we
don't have
any clear idea many people would be hesitant as this data could be
easily put to
nefarious uses e.g. 'identity theft' .

c. There is also no clarity about how much funds can be expected per person
from 'Meet Taiwan' in exchange of this info. and how that works with
the budget.

d. On the University side, I can understand at least the part of the
name and the
passport number as I would have to part with that info. if I were
staying either
at a hotel/hostel or even a guest house for that matter but that's my opinion.

e. There were some other governmental organizations which are/were also
interested to share some of our expenses, do they similar requirements ?

> This is partially influenced by GDPR requirements because we have many
> people coming from EU and Taiwan is not protected by the privacy shield.
> Best regards,
> Yao Wei

Looking forward for some clarity.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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