On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Richard Hartmann
<richih.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> - The team developing gstreamer and voctomix is larger than "just
>>   Sesse". We've just moved away from dvswitch that suffered from the
>>   "not enough developers" problem; we shouldn't move to another tool
>>   which might have or develop a similar problem down the road. Granted,
> That is a valid argument, but code velocity still seems higher within
> Nageru

You actually had me wondering there and I just went back to look at
both projects, just now; Nageru has

* sustained commits year-round, independent of events and conferences
* frequent releases
* frequent feature addition
* no stale issues / PRs (admittedly, those would be harder to find)
* really only one dev

So by all common health metrics except bus factor, Nageru actually
seems more alive.

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