Thanks for the info! Will contact max hotel then.
I think to come friday. I drive an electric car that has
no fast charging feature, so i need some hours to get
there. I'll stay until late saturday night.

Looking forward!

Am 10.01.2015 um 13:39 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
Stefan Niestegge dixit:

after i just checked my work calendar i'd like to attend.

I would like to bring my Falcon 060 with me.
Some diversity in old hardware won't hurt, does it?
Sure! Most definitely welcome!

Is there some space left? What about sleeping, is "partysleeping"
with airmat possible? I couldn't find the mail with that info.
– as this is an office building, sleeping is officially not
   permitted; since we have subrented parts of the building
   recently, we can’t get away with it undetectedly either

– nobody else has offered a couch yet; I fear I can’t at
   the current point in time either

– I get mismatching infos on BaseCamp (closed due to heating
   issues, vs. fully booked) but apparently, it is EAVAIL

– Natureshadow used to frequent the Max Hostel, which is
   right in the city core, only a number of bus stops away
   from tarent:

– We could just hack through the night… and tarent *does*
   still have one larger bathroom with a shower/tub combo,
   for those wanting to freshen themselves up.


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