On 17.12.2011 20:31, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Hi guys,
> It seems that Mario is very busy and cannot answer. I would like to
> help, however everybody knows that my technical skills are limited, so I
> can't take a decision and test beyond the user point of view.
> So I propose something:
> - Could someone tell me what packages shuld be updated?

It's about updating pyatspi and at-spi2-core to 2.2.x

> - I would update the packages on experimental. Thus, even sid users will
> be able to work using experimental packages, without needing push to
> sid.

Sounds ok to me, if those packages are first uploaded to exp.

> What do you think of all that? If my help is needed, I can give it. If
> no... wait and see

I did notice that the debian git repository already has 2.2 versions for
both at-spi2-core and pyatspi which have been prepared for Ubuntu by
Luke Yelavich (in CC).
Maybe it would make sense to build on top of his work and working more
closely together would benefit both Debian and Ubuntu.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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