After login, hit control-alt-tab.
tab over to system.
Down arrow onto wifi off.
Hit enter.
down arrow to wifi settings.
hit enter.
down arrow to wifi off and hit space to uncheck the box.
hit control-alt-tab to get back to the top bar.
tab over to system.
down arrow onto wifi not connected.
hit enter.
You land on select network so hit enter.
tab and you find the famous panels with network connections.
Now here's what I did on fedora that worked but generated a broken component report in the process.
tab to the correct panel and hit space to select the panel.
tab until you get onto the connect button. Earlier that connect button was grayed but if you got this far it won't be grayed.
Hit enter on the connect button.
Now the rest of this is freaky.
The first few failures I had orca would speak and ask for the password. I would enter the correct password and the connection persistently failed. I even went so far as to clear the password field before each attempt to ensure no extraneous characters were in that field. Later I repeat the process and very shortly after I hit the connect button referenced above orca tries to say something that's cut off and there's silence. If there's any consolation prize here, nmtui also fails. That's run in a terminal. I think at the end of the day we're going to generate some networkmanager bugs that span its interfaces.
Now I got to do a debug.out for this list and get it uploaded.

On Sun, 11 Dec 2016, Alex ARNAUD wrote:

Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2016 13:06:03
From: Alex ARNAUD <>
To: Jude DaShiell <>,
    MENGUAL Jean-Philippe <>,
Subject: Re: orca on debian stretch testing

Dear Jude,

Could you explain step-by-step your problem ? I don't really understand it.

For a debug log of Orca : open a terminal and type "orca --debug". A file will be created on the folder. The filename pattern is "debug*.out".

Best regards.


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