On Tue, 27 Jun 2017, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
> The one-letter symbol is more difficult to read for low-vision and
> blind person than a word tag.

The word tag will always be there; the one letter tags are only for
compressing information in bug status output. For example:

#706902 [n|ⓐ|  ] [bugs.debian.org] bugs.debian.org: Adding an a11y tag?

[You can also expand them by clicking on the information, or clicking
"toggle all extra information" at the bottom.]

> For example my speech synthesis (espeak) doesn't read the one-letter
> tag.

They also all currently use <abbr title="foo">F</abbr>, so in theory, a
speech synthesis program could expand the abbreviation (and they show up
as tool tips).

If there's some better way of making these accessible (while maintaining
the goal of compressing the output), I'm happy to explore it.

> The size of the one-letter tag is smaller than normal english
> letters with Thunderbird on Debian (maybe also in Firefox)

I'm pretty sure that's a font artifact; the size isn't changed

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

Only one creature could have duplicated the expressions on their
faces, and that would be a pigeon who has heard not only that Lord
Nelson has got down off his column but has also been seen buying a
12-bore repeater and a box of cartridges.
 -- Terry Pratchet _Mort_

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