Hi guys
I want to propose you greader, an emacs minor mode who, basically, provides continuous reading through emacs buffers. Greader is still under heavy development, but i think that is ready for testing and using. For installation, simply download it from https://github.com/michelangelo-rodriguez/greader and install it using m-x package-install-file ret <path-of-greader> ret.
activate it:
in you .emacs put:
(load 'greader)
Finally, when you want to read continuously a buffer:
m-x greader
c-r <spc>
while reading, if you want to stop greader, press <spc>
greader is self-documented, and you can use c-h m and search for greader.
Greader offers more features, like timers, a "tired" mode (experimental), automatic de-hyphenation, and more are coming. For bugs, suggestions, patches, please send me an e-mail at michelangelo.rodrig...@gmail.com
Thanks and enjoy.

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