Wifi Drivers are available in the unofficial Debian iso files.

Unfortunately, a Live CD with just Command Line Installation isn't
available - that would be so nice if it were.

So we have to use the net install CD with firmware.

The CD image itself is 326 MB:

I don't remember if this CD image had a bug in it, but I had to use an
older CD that didn't have the bug in the firmware that I needed for WiFi.

Again, if anyone has the ears of the people who make the Debian CDs, it
would be great to have a CD that installed a command line system, including
sound, networking, and mail and web browsing.

Web:  w3m, lynx, elinks, links2 (works with framebuffer in color) an ftp
client, irssi for IRC, wodim for making CDs and the files for DVDs, alpine,
mutt for mail, and so forth.

It seems like a logical place to start.  Those who have some vision or who
want X Windows can install the Graphical Interface. Those who want keyboard
centered system and don't want visual interface can use command line.

Best wishes,


On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 12:47 PM Keith Barrett <li...@barrettpianos.co.uk>

> I would also like this.
I think having wifi configured during the install would solve most of
the issues here.

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