
Keith Barrett, le sam. 06 avril 2019 19:00:22 +0100, a ecrit:
> The embosser is recognized by cupps which correctly identified it's version.
> The first side of the first page works although the embossing begins at the
> very top edge, ignoring the top margin.

Do you mean the top margin you configured on the embosser or in cups?

> All I can find in the cupps log is lots of the following:-
> Unrecognized control character in .brf file.

How do you feed input to cups exactly?

> If any one has managed to get this combination working, would appreciate
> some pointers.

Jason White, le sam. 06 avril 2019 16:55:28 -0400, a ecrit:
> I don't know how to configure Cups correctly for a braille embosser,

This is documented in /usr/share/doc/cups-filters/README.gz , BRAILLE
EMBOSSING section.


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