On 5/31/19, Frank Carmickle <fr...@carmickle.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is why, where ever I can I buy systems that support  out of band
> management, in most cases, ipmi. This way you can choose  to change the boot
> order , boot from the network or disk, without going into the bios or if you
> must get into the bios you can have someone do it remotely for you.. Here’s
> to hoping that coreboot might help us someday too.
> HTH some time in the future

Hi, Frank.. It helped me. It sounds like it might be less intimidating
for newer Users of all kinds, too. I remember the first couple times I
played around in BIOS. I was scared to death I was going to
permanently kill it by accidentally clicking something just wrong.

This is the first time I can remember ever hearing of it, and I've
been using computers for a VERY long time. I'll be checking it out so
I can speak of it on its own terms if and when the chance to share
that information ever comes up again.

This is all about INDEPENDENCE.. and fuller "I CAN DO IT!" INCLUSION
when it comes to knowing about options like that. Thank you for
sharing it. :)

For a split second a few minutes ago, I had the "brilliant" thought to
wonder if maybe a rescue disk could somehow come into play....

And then I basically smacked my head because... the whole point is
about trying to access a feature that you need to change first BEFORE
you can... do something like boot first from a CD, DVD, or USB dealie
before internal hard drives..

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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