Hello list,

I own an A8N-SLI board. If I check its status with sensors I get the 

Adapter: ISA adapter
VCore 1:   +1.54 V  (min =  +1.42 V, max =  +1.57 V)
VCore 2:   +0.00 V  (min =  +2.40 V, max =  +2.61 V)   ALARM
+3.3V:     +6.62 V  (min =  +3.14 V, max =  +3.46 V)   ALARM
+5V:       +4.92 V  (min =  +4.76 V, max =  +5.24 V)
+12V:     +11.46 V  (min = +11.39 V, max = +12.61 V)
-12V:      -4.90 V  (min = -12.63 V, max = -11.41 V)   ALARM
-5V:      -13.64 V  (min =  -5.26 V, max =  -4.77 V)   ALARM
Stdby:     +4.78 V  (min =  +4.76 V, max =  +5.24 V)
VBat:      +3.09 V
fan1:     3068 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, div = 8)
fan2:      763 RPM  (min =  664 RPM, div = 8)
fan3:     8881 RPM  (min =  664 RPM, div = 8)
M/B Temp:    +45°C  (low  =   +15°C, high =   +40°C)   sensor = thermistor
CPU Temp:    +40°C  (low  =   +15°C, high =   +45°C)   sensor = thermistor
Temp3:       +28°C  (low  =   +15°C, high =   +45°C)   sensor = thermistor

Do I have to be worried about this. I mean I do not have an second cpu so the 
VCore2 message is not useable. Perhaps with the other wrong values it is the 
same. My system runns stable and in bios every parameter is in range.

Do I have to spend time on this and if yes where to start?

Thank you.
W. Mader
-->"ein neger mit gazelle zagt im regen nie"><--

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